Mark Smith
America, the United States, England and any who is allowing migrants to take over A white majority country. White people make up about 8% of the worlds population. If you flood white countries with other races, we will disappear eventually if we don’t change our game And stop letting people in globalist people decide what’s best for us
美国、英国和任何允许移民接管白人占多数的国家。白人约占世界人口的 8%。如果你让其他种族的人涌入白人国家,如果我们不改变我们的游戏规则,不再让全球主义者决定什么对我们最好,我们终将消失。
America, the United States, England and any who is allowing migrants to take over A white majority country. White people make up about 8% of the worlds population. If you flood white countries with other races, we will disappear eventually if we don’t change our game And stop letting people in globalist people decide what’s best for us
美国、英国和任何允许移民接管白人占多数的国家。白人约占世界人口的 8%。如果你让其他种族的人涌入白人国家,如果我们不改变我们的游戏规则,不再让全球主义者决定什么对我们最好,我们终将消失。
Chrysaor Jordan
Zimbabwe. The country was once called Rhodesia, and was once ruled by white racists. After Robert Mugabe won a guerilla war and gained the power, he was conciliatory at first ... and then turned on the remaining white Zimbabweans.
Zimbabwe is the most blatant example I can think of.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Zimbabwe. The country was once called Rhodesia, and was once ruled by white racists. After Robert Mugabe won a guerilla war and gained the power, he was conciliatory at first ... and then turned on the remaining white Zimbabweans.
Zimbabwe is the most blatant example I can think of.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Nowhere, white people control & influence global eugenics, & they do a darn good job of it too. They are at the top.
If a POC is not attractive to white people? Whites are allowed to reject that POC but never the other way around & there is nothing that that person can ever do about it, if they desire the white person other than to self-segregate. It will always have to do with their facial structure first & then height comes second & nobody can tell me otherwise.
Nowhere, white people control & influence global eugenics, & they do a darn good job of it too. They are at the top.
If a POC is not attractive to white people? Whites are allowed to reject that POC but never the other way around & there is nothing that that person can ever do about it, if they desire the white person other than to self-segregate. It will always have to do with their facial structure first & then height comes second & nobody can tell me otherwise.
If somebody, like say an individual or an ethnicity doesn’t like white people? They are not racist to white people because the feeling is either mutual for the most part, or refer to my first point above.
It’s easy to see that white people divide POC & their ethnic groups. It’s not deliberate for POC of course but it’s obvious. It may be deliberate on the part of the whites, however. (For their own personal survival as well as benefit). But it always hurts the POC the most.
Actually, disliking white people is a survival mechanism for some & white people cannot tell me or anyone else otherwise because it’s the truth. Because remember white people are the global standard of what is considered as beautiful or attractive, nobody else is. And that is because of “white privilege” that is caused from “white supremacy”, & white people forever refusing to relinquish their privilege because of it. For this reason, of course? White people will always be refused the least sexually & POC need to push back or many POC will be eliminated vs. White people & their game of global eugenics.
Sinajuavi Hechi
There is not institutional racism against whites anywhere that I know of. You will find individuals who are racist against whites, but not institutionally.
I’ve been in a country, and out in rural areas, where everyone was black, no whites for miles, and nobody treated me badly. They either ignored me or were polite.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There is not institutional racism against whites anywhere that I know of. You will find individuals who are racist against whites, but not institutionally.
I’ve been in a country, and out in rural areas, where everyone was black, no whites for miles, and nobody treated me badly. They either ignored me or were polite.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Kevin Picton
every single one of them…. your white and european? ok, your government hates you and thinks you have too much advantage so they punish you and put you at the bottom of the que for anything, this gives you negative in your homeland… ok so you go to any other country, you get put at the bottom of the que for anything because you are a foreigner with no rights there…. unfair right when your native homeland discriminates against you, as your native homeland is the only place you have rights in, but yet due to claiming white people are privileged we have no rights in our own lands anymore and thus we have no rights on the entire planet. we may aswell all just be put into gas chambers at this point….
every single one of them…. your white and european? ok, your government hates you and thinks you have too much advantage so they punish you and put you at the bottom of the que for anything, this gives you negative in your homeland… ok so you go to any other country, you get put at the bottom of the que for anything because you are a foreigner with no rights there…. unfair right when your native homeland discriminates against you, as your native homeland is the only place you have rights in, but yet due to claiming white people are privileged we have no rights in our own lands anymore and thus we have no rights on the entire planet. we may aswell all just be put into gas chambers at this point….
A Human Harassed Everywhere
Some white countries are xenophobic as well as Jamaican men (once upon a time governed white countries). The mindset is the same. The least are african-americans, italo-americans and middle Eastern from exp Swiss and germans. Animals. People who discriminate animals will discriminate against you too as they view things strangely.
Some white countries are xenophobic as well as Jamaican men (once upon a time governed white countries). The mindset is the same. The least are african-americans, italo-americans and middle Eastern from exp Swiss and germans. Animals. People who discriminate animals will discriminate against you too as they view things strangely.
The whole world that is controlled by the US/European global business elite. The world champions in this are - Zimbabwe,silver medal - South Africa, I can’t really determine which of the next are more disgusting so I give the bronze medal to all of them- Sweden, UK, Canada, USA. I really don’t understand why the white people are tolerating their politicians and keep voting for them.
But I know this - the people who do this to the white people are well known and will remain in history and will be hated by many generations in the future.
The whole world that is controlled by the US/European global business elite. The world champions in this are - Zimbabwe,silver medal - South Africa, I can’t really determine which of the next are more disgusting so I give the bronze medal to all of them- Sweden, UK, Canada, USA. I really don’t understand why the white people are tolerating their politicians and keep voting for them.
But I know this - the people who do this to the white people are well known and will remain in history and will be hated by many generations in the future.
Tom Pierce
So, “racist” is a word that has a very specific meaning, primarily in a sociological context. It requires that (1) you believe there is such a thing as race (there is not, but we’ll not argue with your belief system); (2) you believe that your imagined race is superior to other imagined races; and, (3) you have sufficient power to exert that imagined superiority. No countries meet these criteria for white people.
You may be thinking of prejudice, bias, or simple dislike. Use the correct word for your situation.
So, “racist” is a word that has a very specific meaning, primarily in a sociological context. It requires that (1) you believe there is such a thing as race (there is not, but we’ll not argue with your belief system); (2) you believe that your imagined race is superior to other imagined races; and, (3) you have sufficient power to exert that imagined superiority. No countries meet these criteria for white people.
You may be thinking of prejudice, bias, or simple dislike. Use the correct word for your situation.
Scott Bird
I’m not the most traveled person in the world, but I have been to countries on every continent, and have been to many ‘majority non white’ countries. I can tell for sure that the countries that are the most racist towards white people all have one thing in common: They are all countries with a white majority population.
I’m not the most traveled person in the world, but I have been to countries on every continent, and have been to many ‘majority non white’ countries. I can tell for sure that the countries that are the most racist towards white people all have one thing in common: They are all countries with a white majority population.
The places with the most negative media imagery of whites, the most negative views of western ideologies (western as code for white), and the most openly hateful view of white people, are all white majority countries. And it’s the white people actively promoting this anti-white sentiment, not the minority groups in these countries.
Racism is everywhere to some degree for everyone, but this is my experience when it comes to racism towards white people in particular.
Racism is everywhere to some degree for everyone, but this is my experience when it comes to racism towards white people in particular.
Mario Biermann
South Africa! This country went from been anti black in the ‘50s to ’80s to been anti white from the '90s onwards. This is so sad because one would think that South Africa would have learned the lesson… Racism did not work in the past for them. It definitely does not work today and I predict that it will not work in future! Racism is so open, it is even written down in their constitution! Businesses are forced to employ people according to their skin colour and not skill. They have a “quota system” in place which dictates how many white people a business is allowed to have.
South Africa! This country went from been anti black in the ‘50s to ’80s to been anti white from the '90s onwards. This is so sad because one would think that South Africa would have learned the lesson… Racism did not work in the past for them. It definitely does not work today and I predict that it will not work in future! Racism is so open, it is even written down in their constitution! Businesses are forced to employ people according to their skin colour and not skill. They have a “quota system” in place which dictates how many white people a business is allowed to have.
Over the last decades this system has ravaged the South African economy but they still keep it in place. Big, state owned enterprises, have gone almost bankrupt. State owned enterprises have been hit the hardest because the state has the most control over them and could implement the controversial, racist laws at will. South African Airways is on the brink of bankruptcy. And the giant ESKOM is battling just as bad. ESKOM is the state owned, electricity producer in South Africa. There are other examples too. Racism is such a hideous crime. I wished people learn to live side by side and accept each other’s differences. Perhaps one day in future, my wish will come true…
Wildling Number One Four Seven
I, a white man, have lived for extended periods of time in China, Japan and Thailand, and I have travelled to many other East and Southeast Asian countries and I would say all of them have some racial discrimination towards white people. However it might not be what you initially think of when you think of racism. As by in large it is very positive treatment. It is more closely described as white privilege (something that I think does exist, but I don't really like that term for it as it suggests the basic treatment white people receive should be seen as special when really the goal should be to make it standard). People in East Asia will be very friendly towards you because of the colour of your skin. Having a white friend or a white paramour can be seen as an increase in social standing.
I, a white man, have lived for extended periods of time in China, Japan and Thailand, and I have travelled to many other East and Southeast Asian countries and I would say all of them have some racial discrimination towards white people. However it might not be what you initially think of when you think of racism. As by in large it is very positive treatment. It is more closely described as white privilege (something that I think does exist, but I don't really like that term for it as it suggests the basic treatment white people receive should be seen as special when really the goal should be to make it standard). People in East Asia will be very friendly towards you because of the colour of your skin. Having a white friend or a white paramour can be seen as an increase in social standing.
I’ve been to clubs where I can get free alcohol purely from the colour of my skin. Make no doubt however while this sounds positive, is positive even, it is still very much racism. It is dividing lines between race and treating people differently, and this will produce negative effects (and I'm sure there are locals who get sick of how white people received enanced treatment and go the opposite extreme, though I've never personally encountered such). These are some wonderful places to travel and visit, and the treatment can be flattering, but for a lot of people (though of course not all) I will always be seen as an 'other' and even if I settle down and have kids with a native, my children will be seen as an other for being half white. These countries are, to some extent, racist towards Caucasians. It's just doesn't manifest in the way you might expect.
Patrick Edwin Moran
I don't know of any. I have travelled in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, a few of the major cities of India, Nepal, Kashmir, Iran, Greece, France, England, and Ireland. The only negative comments and behavior I heard were, ironically, from [white people.] I knew quite a few Koreans when I was in Taiwan, and I didn't sense any animosity from them either. People in a Muslim fishing community were perfectly welcoming.
I don't know of any. I have travelled in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, a few of the major cities of India, Nepal, Kashmir, Iran, Greece, France, England, and Ireland. The only negative comments and behavior I heard were, ironically, from [white people.] I knew quite a few Koreans when I was in Taiwan, and I didn't sense any animosity from them either. People in a Muslim fishing community were perfectly welcoming.
Living in what I guess I would have to call a "southern" city in the USA, I've only had trouble with other [white people]. I am firmly convinced that this is a cultural issue, or perhaps a "lack of culture" issue.
I think that sometimes people look at my white skin and say to themselves, "Here comes another one, probably going to be just like the last one. Let me out of here." If twelve people with red baseball caps came up to me and hit me with a bat, I don't think I would expect civil behavior from the thirteenth.
I think that sometimes people look at my white skin and say to themselves, "Here comes another one, probably going to be just like the last one. Let me out of here." If twelve people with red baseball caps came up to me and hit me with a bat, I don't think I would expect civil behavior from the thirteenth.
Lynn Fredricks
Any country that incorporates a race component in its legal system is racist. Conversely, a lack of race components makes the country itself not racist, but there is no guarantee that a portion of its inhabitants are not racist.
Any country that incorporates a race component in its legal system is racist. Conversely, a lack of race components makes the country itself not racist, but there is no guarantee that a portion of its inhabitants are not racist.
However, application of law can have consequences for people of a certain race disproportionately to others based on non-race components such as economic class or nationality. For example, have you ever lived in a country where gaining access to necessary resources (a place to live, telephone service, credit, etc) depends on having a ‘guarantor’? They are not racist in themselves, however if it is not possible to find someone you know who can act as a guarantor, you have severely limited options in life.
These issues can be reduced if you have enforced laws against discriminating against people based on religion, creed, national origin and the like. White people can be caught up in that just as anyone else, especially when they are a minority. There are many places in the world where you’ll see openly posted “we don’t serve or rent to foreigners” - and any place that allows that, and whites are typically foreigners, then what do you have?
So yes, you’ll find racism towards whites in many countries where whites are a minority. But you can find racism towards whites other places as well.
David Harding
Probably the main one now is still Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe was very staunchly anti white to the extent that he happily destroyed the economy of the whole country (and made himself incredibly rich) by many years of anti white racism, theft, and murder.
Probably the main one now is still Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe was very staunchly anti white to the extent that he happily destroyed the economy of the whole country (and made himself incredibly rich) by many years of anti white racism, theft, and murder.
Mika Timonen
All countries are more or racist against those who are not in the majority, it can even be white racist to other white and blacks against other blacks. Some deny they have racism, Chinese and Russians seem extra good on denying all kinds of things, but in reality racism exist in all countries.
All countries are more or racist against those who are not in the majority, it can even be white racist to other white and blacks against other blacks. Some deny they have racism, Chinese and Russians seem extra good on denying all kinds of things, but in reality racism exist in all countries.
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