2025-01-21 Natsuo 8729
Hajo Mueller
Dozens of countries are in this very process. The very process continues for decades. It is not something which can be done in a short period like 3– 5 years. Many central and South American countries and carrebean Island are pretty developed already. Even the so called developed countries are still developing. The process is never ending.


Fant Astica
Trying to become a developed country is like chasing after the wind.
Apart from the Western countries, and maybe Japan (that has been a developed country for quite a long time), no more members will be accepted by the so called developed world into this club.


The reason I say this is because the developed countries keep changing the ‘goal post’ as to what constitutes a developed country. Sometimes they will say it is when a country’s per capita income reaches $12,000. Other times they say it is $15,000, and I have also read somewhere that it is within the range of $25,000 to $$30,000.


Now you will agree with me that defining what constitutes a developed country is not rocket science, so why are Western economists playing this game of “cat and mouse”, and not being specific?
Well, the reason is simple. They do not want to commit themselves by defining it, else some countries that they really do not want to see as developed countries will one day reach the figure and demand to be recognized as developed.


You see, the table above shows the IMF’s GDP per capita figures of some well known countries like Hong Kong (GDP=429), Spain (GDP=396), Turkey (GDP=497), Italy (GDP=804), Ireland (GDP=684) and Portugal (GDP=358) in the year 1960.
Now on the right side of the table, you will realize that when these figures are adjusted to 2018 prices, the GDP per capita ranged between $2990 and $6700


Now compare those figures to some African countries with their current GDP per capita just below the European countries. You will notice that the African countries have GDP per capita ranging between $3500 and $16,300.
You will see that the African countries are currently similar and in some cases even at a higher GDP per capita than the European countries shown above were around 1960.


With the same level of GDP (adjusted to inflation), no one referred to those European countries at that time as countries that were in poverty or underdeveloped, but today people refer to African countries that have even higher GDP per capita than the European countries were around 1960, as underdeveloped.


So personally I think there is a mix of politics, economics and geography at play in which countries can be recognized as developed.
Even if a country achieves the set amount of $12,000, $15,000 or $25,000 gdp, unless you are on the good side of the developed Western countries, they will never accept you as developed. They will employ another criteria like “lack of proper democracy”, to deny the new entrant the status of a developed country.


Vincent Maldia
Probably not china since it probably already is developed depending on what metrics you use. But in some things like in postal rates and CO2 emissions limits it claims that it is still developing. A little dishonest IMHO but it works and they get an advantage
Probably one of the ASEAN countries.


Andrew Roberts
Both Russia and Kazakhstan have the potential, and would require little more than a bit of political change, along with the arrest and incarnation of a few thousand gangster / croni-Capatalist​s, followed by a few years of the rule of law, to allow the territories to step over the OECD line. Then again the necessary political change isn't likely for decades.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Orlando Barrios
Please don't answer with how HDI is a degrading statistic, that people's happiness matters more than economic development, or the sort. That can be true, but that isn't the question. Thank you.
Argentina would be already classified as a developed country if its mortality and birth rates were lower. The day it improves these indicators, it will be (finally!) considered a developed.
Chile is another strong candidate for the title.


Culum Pugh
This is a good question.
Off the top of my head, I am going to say China, as there's is the government that, despite not following universal democratic principles, is actually playing an effective role in its economic development thanks to the power and control it has over the country.
The rest of Northeast Asia is already developed in my opinion. South Asia is so far behind that it is out of contention, and Southeast Asia is plagued by corrupt and incompetent governments.


Martin Andrews
China and Malaysia come to mind straight away, China has a HDI of 0.752 and a PPP Per Capita of $19,000+ while Malaysia has a HDI of 0.802 and a PPP Per Capita of $32,501.
The minimum threshold for a developed country is a PPP Per Capita of $25,000 and a HDI above 0.800 with strong industrial capacity, China fulfils one of the criteria and is close to achieving the other two while Malaysia fulfils two of the criteria and is close to achieving the last one being a strong industrial capacity.
The Gulf nations especially UAE should be considered as well and India and Vietnam hold a lot of potential as well.

中国和马来西亚立刻浮现在脑海中,中国的人类发展指数(HDI)为0.752,购买力平价人均收入(PPP Per Capita)超过19,000美元,而马来西亚的人类发展指数为0.802,购买力平价人均收入为32,501美元。

Guillermo Roman Velasco
Malaysia and Vietnam are the best candidates in Southeast Asia. Malaysia is almost a developed country but with some parts very poor compared with Brunei and Singapore and Vietnam is starting the trip to be the next developed country in Southeast Asia and in West Asia Jordan and Turkey ad in Central Asia Kazakhstan and in a future if the country become less corrupt Turkmenistan (Gas and Oil few population and the Broker between Iran and Russia
I go for Malaysia ,Turkey and Kazakhstan


Haiyan Chen
I think China will be the next developed country.
China still has a lot of potential to be played out. If you have been to the western part of China, you will find that it is sparsely populated and relatively backward.


of course, the problem is more serious in India.
However,Infrastructure, public security, e-commerce, shared economy, China has in many ways not worse than the developed countries, but there are many deficiencies, such as pollution and average income.
So, I don't think China is doing well in all aspects, but at least in the developing countries of Asia, it is the most promising to become a developed country.


Ron Paul
Probably Malaysia. Thailand is going backwards at the moment. In my opinion there are 2 things that might turn this around. 1. If next Feb. the military junta doesn’t delay the election again and Thanathorn gets elected it might get better. 2. If China goes from covertly to overtly taking over Thailand and they can help it develop.

可能是马来西亚。目前泰国在倒退。我认为有两件事可能会扭转这种局面。1. 如果明年2月军政府没有再次推迟选举,并且塔纳通当选,情况可能会变得更好。2. 如果中国从隐性地转为显性地接管泰国,并且能够帮助泰国发展。

Yang Song Freddy How
There are quite a number of countries in Asia that are already developed countries, Singapore is one of them. Malaysia will be the country that has the greatest potential to become a developed country in Asia outside those countries. India also has the potential, but the path they took currently are not close enough to become developed.


Christopher Tan
I would say Chile.
According to the latest Human Development Index, which measures the state of development of a country based on education, health, and income per capita of its citizens, Chile ranked 35th, better than some developed countries in the EU such as Portugal and Slovakia.
Based on GDP per capita, they have also done quite well, where they successfully attained a similar level to several EU countries such as Croatia.


They are also relatively clean from corruption. In the latest Corruption Perception Index, they are ranked 26th, significantly better than some established European countries such as Spain and Italy.
The combination of relatively excellent educational attainment and health, moderately high income per capita, and good governance makes Chile just one step more from becoming a developed country.


Jonathan Xu Guangtai
I don’t know but I expect that China, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to become the newly developed nations, although it depends heavily on how these governments will go through.


China has followed the same structure of reforms since 1978, however recent crackdowns on celebrities, giant companies and other private industries leave it questionable. Still, the Chinese economy is too gigantic and too important, so I can’t see why China not going to become the new developed nation.


Turkey is a bit unfortunate as the nation is ruled by a despot who thought that lowering interest rates will create economic boom. Yet as of 2021, Turkey’s economy has been suffering from high inflation rate of nearly 60%. Erdogan has recently fired his Central Bank chief but has refused to increase the interest, so Turkey is unlikely to recover unless Erdogan suffered a sheer heart attack.


South Korea has the brightest prospect because of the country’s high-tech industry and a relatively skilled workforce. Moreover, the Koreans appear serious about their jobs.
Malaysia also has huge potential but it will need to break away from the middle-income trap. Thailand is also the same in this issue. These nations have largely exposed their weaknesses on managing microeconomies.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Saudi Arabia is oil-rich enough to become a major economic powerhouse, but Saudi Arabia’s problem is the lack of a skilled workforce and its economy is the least diversified after Kuwait in the Gulf. Moreover, Saudi Arabia’s totalitarianism and widespread crackdowns have left business people to be filled with confusion. Saudi Arabia has tried to host major international sporting events to whitewash image, but this fails to attract further investors since Saudis are not interested in learning how to work and the fear of the regime’s interference. Al Saud family is not known for being tolerant toward business affairs.


Other countries with potential rise to become the next tigers are Sri Lanka, Oman, Jordan, India, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Bangladesh, but it will take time.


Fabian Mok
My guess?
Not being biased here. Only two candidates. Malaysia and China.
Both are industrialized countries. Both have the human and natural resources to make it happen in the next 10 years. They have internal problems that need to be addressed but barring war and economic collapse, i see it happening.


Countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are very strong candidates as well. But their trajectorie has been curtailed in recent years. Political stability us important (notice i said stability,not accountability?)


But here is my two cents worth. Asia as a whole is going to go through an economic boom the next 10 years. Everyone is pretty much going to be uplifted. Not much wars ( a few bombings wont deter people), relatively predictable internal political scenes, business friendly ecobomic climate, regional logistical and transportation integration, streamlining of regulations.
Asia is a pretty exciting place to be right now


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