2025-01-23 碧波荡漾恒河水 8680

Why Russia is here to stay, making India’s military stronger


Moscow and New Delhi are deepening defense ties, with a focus on technology transfer across aviation, naval, and missile platforms


By Air Marshal Anil Chopra (Retired), an Indian Air Force veteran fighter test pilot and is the former Director-General of the Center for Air Power Studies in New Delhi.


The relationship between India and the Soviet unx – and later Russia – has been a cornerstone of India’s foreign policy since its independence in 1947. Rooted in mutual respect and shared interests, this partnership has evolved into one of the most enduring bilateral ties in modern history.

自 1947 年独立以来,印度与苏联(以及后来的俄罗斯)之间的关系一直是印度外交政策的基石。这种伙伴关系植根于相互尊重和共同利益,现已发展成为现代历史上最持久的双边关系之一。

A pivotal moment in this relationship occurred in 1951 when the USSR exercised its veto power at the United Nations Security Council to support India in the Kashmir dispute. This set the tone for a consistent pattern of Soviet support. In 1959, during the border dispute between India and China and later the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the Soviet unx maintained a policy of neutrality, despite strong obxtions from China.

两国关系的关键时刻发生在1951年,当时苏联在联合国安理会行使否决权,在克什米尔争端中支持印度。这为苏联一贯的支持模式定下了基调。 1959年,在印度和中国之间的边界争端以及后来的1962年中印战争期间,苏联不顾中国的强烈反对,保持中立政策。

The economic and military cooperation between the USSR and India in the early days of its independence was particularly robust. By 1960, India had received more Soviet assistance than China, reflecting the depth of their partnership.

苏联在印度独立初期与之的经济和军事合作尤其强劲。到 1960 年,印度获得的苏联援助比中国还多,这反映了两国伙伴关系的深度。

A landmark development in this collaboration came in 1962 when the Soviet unx agreed to transfer technology for the production of the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 fighter jet. This agreement not only marked a major step in India’s defense modernization but also underscored the Soviet unx’s trust in India as a strategic partner – a privilege it had previously denied to China. This helped India set up robust manufacturing base for vital defense platforms, including aircraft, aero-engines and avionics, laying the groundwork for India’s indigenous capabilities in advanced technology.

1962 年,这一合作取得了里程碑式的进展,当时苏联同意转让米高扬-古列维奇 MiG-21 战斗机的生产技术。该协议不仅标志着印度国防现代化迈出了重要一步,也凸显了苏联对印度作为战略伙伴的信任 — — 而此前苏联曾拒绝给予中国这种特权。这帮助印度为飞机、航空发动机和航空电子设备等重要国防平台建立了强大的制造基地,为印度先进技术的本土能力奠定了基础。

Russian jets built in India


In December last year, just ahead of Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to Moscow, the Defense Ministry and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), India’s state-owned Aerospace and Defense Company, signed a $1.5 billion contract for the procurement of 12 Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft along with associated equipment. The jet would have an indigenous content of 62.6% – a significant increase from earlier levels, achieved through a persistent policy to procure components locally.

去年12月,就在印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格访问莫斯科之前,印度国防部与印度国有航空航天与防务公司印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)签署了一份价值15亿美元的合同,采购12架苏霍伊苏- 30MKI 飞机以及相关设备。该喷气式飞机的本土化含量将达到 62.6%,这比之前的水平显着增加,这是通过坚持在当地采购零部件的政策实现的。

The Su-30MKI is the India-specific variant of the Russian Su-30, which was inducted into the Indian Air Force in 2002. The twin-engine, air-superiority, multi-role, heavy, all-weather, long-range fighter aircraft has a take-off weight of 38,800kg and a payload capacity of over 8 tons, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, and anti-ship missiles. The aircraft can carry ten indigenous Astra Mk1 class missiles.

Su-30MKI 是俄罗斯 Su-30 的印度专用改型,于 2002 年进入印度空军。双引擎、空优、多用途、重型、全天候、远程战斗机起飞重量38800公斤,有效载荷超过8吨,包括空空导弹、空地导弹、反舰导弹。该机可携带十枚本土阿斯特拉 Mk1 级导弹。

The Su-30MKI has a range of 3,000km with internal fuel, which ensures a 3.75-hour combat mission. Also, it has an in-flight refueling (IFR) probe that retracts. The air refueling system increases the flight duration by up to 10 hours with a combat radius of 3,000km. Su-30MKIs can also use the Cobham 754 buddy refueling pods.

Su-30MKI使用内置燃料时的航程为3000公里,可确保执行3.75小时的作战任务。此外,它还有一个可缩回的空中加油 (IFR) 探头。空中加油系统使飞行时间延长长达10小时,作战半径增加3000公里。 Su-30MKI 还可以使用 Cobham 754 伙伴加油舱。

The aircraft features state-of-the-art avionics developed by Russia, India, and Israel for display, navigation, targeting, and electronic warfare. France and South Africa provided other avionics. It has abilities similar to the Sukhoi Su-35, which shares many features and components. Russia’s Defense Ministry was impressed with the type’s performance envelope and ordered 30 Su-30SMs, a localized Su-30MKI, for the Russian Air Force.

该飞机配备了俄罗斯、印度和以色列开发的最先进的航空电子设备,用于显示、导航、瞄准和电子战。法国和南非提供了其他航空电子设备。它具有与苏霍伊 Su-35 类似的能力,并具有许多相同的功能和组件。俄罗斯国防部对该型号的性能包线印象深刻,并为俄罗斯空军订购了 30 架 Su-30SM,即本地化的 Su-30MKI。

Make in India back in 1960s

20 世纪 60 年代的印度制造
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India has been manufacturing the Su-30MKI since 2004 under a Russian license. As many as 222 aircraft have been produced at HAL’s Nashik factor up to now, and these jets will be the backbone of the IAF’s fighter fleet for some years to come (the force today operates a fleet of total 260 Su-30MKIs, and the 12 additional fighters ordered in December will make up for planes lost in accidents).

印度自 2004 年以来一直在俄罗斯许可下生产 Su-30MKI。迄今为止,HAL 的纳西克工厂已生产了多达 222 架飞机,这些喷气式飞机将在未来几年成为印度空军战斗机机队的骨干力量(目前该部队拥有总共 260 架 Su-30MKI 机队。 12 月订购的另外12架战斗机将弥补事故损失的飞机。)

Indigenization was progressively increased with Indian content. HAL produced aircraft from scratch from 2013 onwards, and this includes the Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FP turbofan engines that power the aircraft.

随着印度内容的增加,本土化程度逐渐提高。 HAL 从 2013 年起开始生产飞机,其中包括为飞机提供动力的 Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FP 涡轮风扇发动机。

An estimated 920 AL-31FP turbofans were manufactured at HAL’s Koraput Division. Notably, in September last year, India’s MOD signed a $3.05 billion contract with HAL for 240 AL-31FP aero-engines for the IAF’s Su-30 fleet. HAL will supply 30 engines annually from the Koraput factory with deliveries expected to be completed in eight years.

HAL 的科拉普特分部估计生产了 920 台 AL-31FP 涡扇发动机。值得注意的是,去年9月,印度国防部与HAL签署了价值30.5亿美元的合同,为印度空军的Su-30机队购买240台AL-31FP航空发动机。 HAL 每年将从 Koraput 工厂供应 30 台发动机,预计在八年内完成交付。

What often remain obscured is that the Nasik aircraft manufacturing division, where Su-30 MKIs are built, was set up in 1964 – with the support of the Soviet unx, as part of the MiG Complex.

经常被忽视的是,生产 Su-30 MKI 的纳西克飞机制造部门是1964 年在苏联的支持下,作为米格联合体的一部分成立的。

It has previously built the MiG-21s, MiG-27s, and upgraded the MiG-21 ‘Bison’. It also carries out repairs and overhauls of many Russian fighter aircraft, and what is important in the context of “self-reliance” – it now has a production line for LCA Tejas Mk1A, India’s own multirole combat jet.

此前它曾制造过 MiG-21、MiG-27,并升级了 MiG-21 Bison。它还对许多俄罗斯战斗机进行维修和大修,而在“自力更生”的背景下重要的是——它现在拥有印度自己的多用途战斗机LCA Tejas Mk1A的生产线。

This is why today, when India is rapidly expanding its defense capabilities with a focus on self-reliance under the Narendra Modi-led government’s “Make in India” strategy, Russia remains a key player – despite India expanding the list of its strategic partners to include the US and European countries.


Approximately 60% of the Indian military’s hardware today remains of Russian origin, and military hardware supplies and more recently production joint ventures have been a key pillar of the defense ties going forward.

如今,印度军队约 60% 的硬件仍源自俄罗斯,军事硬件供应和最近的生产合资企业一直是未来防务关系的关键支柱。

Tanks, guns, frigates


In 1965, Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) was set up at Avadi, Chennai, with Soviet assistance. HVF products included the Russian-designed T-72 Ajeya, and T-90 Bhishma tanks. In September 1965, the Soviet unx and India signed the first contract for the delivery of naval equipment that included four Project I641 diesel-electric submarines, five Project 159E corvettes and five Project 368P motorboats. The agreement also envisaged rendering Soviet technical assistance for the construction of a submarine naval base in Vishakhapatnam.

1965 年,在苏联的援助下,重型车辆工厂 (HVF) 在钦奈的阿瓦迪成立。 HVF 产品包括俄罗斯设计的 T-72 Ajeya 和 T-90 Bhishma 坦克。 1965年9月,苏联和印度签署了第一份海军装备交付合同,其中包括四艘I641型柴电潜艇、五艘159E型护卫舰和五艘368P型摩托艇。该协议还设想为在维沙卡帕特南建造潜艇海军基地提供苏联技术援助。

In December 2024, Russia handed over the INS Tushil frigate to India, and another similar warship, INS Tamala, built at the Yantar Shipyard in Russia’s Kaliningrad is going through sea trials. Two more frigates are being constructed at the Goa Shipyard Ltd in India through technology transfer.


Russia is reportedly expanding its shipbuilding cooperation with India, with two Indian shipyards being considered for construction of four non-nuclear icebreakers. Russian shipbuilding officials have offered New Delhi their nuclear-powered design for an Indian Navy aircraft carrier, according to India media.


Russian officials in 2023 announced that Goa Shipyard will also construct 24 river-sea class cargo ships for operation in the Caspian Sea by 2027. Cooperation with India in shipbuilding has its benefits for Moscow as the unit cost per vessel is projected to be half of what it would cost Russian shipbuilders.

俄罗斯官员于 2023 年宣布,果阿造船厂还将在 2027 年之前建造 24 艘河海级货船,在里海运营。与印度在造船方面的合作对莫斯科来说有好处,因为每艘船的单位成本预计将是俄罗斯造船厂的一半。

India and Russia have good success stories for Joint Ventures (JV). The BrahMos is a medium-range ramjet supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, and fighter aircraft. BrahMos Aerospace is a joint venture between the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya. The missiles are already being exported.

印度和俄罗斯在合资企业方面有很好的成功案例。布拉莫斯是一种中程冲压发动机超音速巡航导弹,可以从潜艇、舰艇和战斗机上发射。布拉莫斯航空航天公司是印度国防研究与发展组织 (DRDO) 和俄罗斯 NPO Mashinostroyeniya 的合资企业。这些导弹已经开始出口。

Under an estimated $680 million deal signed in July 2021, over 610,000 AK-203 assault rifles are to be manufactured in India with technology transfer from Russia, by the joint venture company Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited. In May 2024, the first batch of 27,000 rifles was delivered while another batch of 8,000 was delivered in July 2024. The level of indigenous content achieved is already 25%, and going up rapidly.

根据 2021 年 7 月签署的估计价值 6.8 亿美元的协议,合资公司印俄步枪私人有限公司将通过俄罗斯技术转让在印度生产超过 61 万支 AK-203 突击步枪。 2024年5月,第一批27,000支步枪交付,2024年7月又交付8,000支步枪。国产化率已经达到25%,并且正在迅速上升。

Notwithstanding the above, some JVs did not take off. India had withdrawn from the joint Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) due to technical reasons. Finally, Russia continued the project and today has a successful Sukhoi Su-57 ‘Felon’ fifth generation fighter. Russia is once again suggesting that India return to the project.

尽管存在上述情况,一些合资企业并没有起飞。由于技术原因,印度退出了联合第五代战斗机(FGFA)项目。最后,俄罗斯继续了该项目,今天拥有成功的苏霍伊 Su-57“重刑犯”(北约代号)第五代战斗机。俄罗斯再次建议印度重返该项目。

Following sextion of the Ka-226T to meet an India requirement for 197 helicopters, an agreement was signed in December 2015 for the creation of a JV between Rostec, Russian Helicopters and HAL to build the helicopters at a new factory to be constructed at Tumakuru in India. The project did not take off, and later India decided to make its own Light Utility Helicopter based on the indigenous ‘Dhruv’ model.

在选择 Ka-226T 以满足印度对 197 架直升机的需求后,Rostec、俄罗斯直升机公司和 HAL 于 2015 年 12 月签署了一项协议,成立一家合资企业,在位于图马库鲁的新工厂建造直升机。印度。该项目没有启动,后来印度决定在本土“Dhruv”机型的基础上制造自己的轻型通用直升机。

Similarly the Indo-Russian program to develop a new Multi-role Transport Aircraft (MTA) for both the countries through a JV between Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation and India’s HAL was canceled by India.

同样,旨在通过俄罗斯联合飞机公司和印度 HAL 之间的合资企业为两国开发新型多用途运输机(MTA)的印俄联合项目也被印度取消了。

Aiming for more


In the last two decades India did look for alternative military hardware sourcing from the US, France and Israel, among other countries. But invariably India went back to its time-tested strategic partner, Russia. India bought five batteries of the formidable S-400 air defense systems in 2017, ignoring an American threat to impose CAATSA sanctions.

在过去的二十年里,印度确实从美国、法国和以色列等国家寻找替代的军事硬件采购。但印度总是回到了久经考验的战略伙伴俄罗斯身边。印度在 2017 年无视美国实施 CAATSA 制裁的威胁,购买了 5 个连的强大的 S-400 防空系统。

Most of the platforms bought from Western nations were also through government-to-government deals, as has been the case of all Soviet and later Russian deals. Despite promises, there has been very little technology in most deals with Western suppliers, while with Russia India did manage to get better technology transfer.


Going forward, India plans to begin upgrading its Su-30 MKI in India. Initially it will involve 84 aircraft, but subsequently the entire fleet will get upgraded. Sukhoi will also be involved in the project for the upgrade of fly-by-wire system. The jets will also be modified to fire BrahMos-ER missiles.

展望未来,印度计划开始在印度升级其 Su-30 MKI。最初将涉及 84 架飞机,但随后整个机队都将进行升级。苏霍伊公司还将参与电传操纵系统升级项目。这些喷气式飞机还将进行改装以发射布拉莫斯-ER导弹。

There have been reports that negotiations are on between HAL and Russia for exporting Indian-produced Russia-supported Su-30MKIs to global customers. All this will require major Russian support.

有报道称,HAL 和俄罗斯正在就向全球客户出口印度生产、俄罗斯支持的 Su-30MKI 进行谈判。所有这一切都需要俄罗斯的大力支持。

India is also in the process of procuring 21 additional MiG-29s from Russia, which would enable the replacement of earlier losses and raise another squadron. India earlier upgraded its MiG-29 and MiG-21 fleets with Russian support.

印度还正在从俄罗斯额外采购 21 架 MiG-29,这将能够弥补之前损失的飞机并组建另一个中队。印度早些时候在俄罗斯的支持下升级了其 MiG-29 和 MiG-21 机队。

As Russia seeks to circumvent US economic sanctions, more Russian companies are keen to establish production facilities in India.


Defense cooperation will remain an important pillar of the India-Russia strategic partnership guided by the IRIGC Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC), set up in 2000. The Agreement for 2021-2031 was signed during the inaugural meeting of the India-Russia 2+2 Dialogue which was held in Delhi in December 2021. This agreement guides further cooperation in the sphere of research and development, production and after sales support of armament systems and various military equipment. Uninterrupted supply of spare parts to the Soviet/Russian-origin equipment is a critical issue being discussed between the two countries.

防务合作仍将是印俄战略伙伴关系的重要支柱,以 2000 年成立的 IRIGC 军事技术合作组织(IRIGC-MTC)为指导。《2021-2031 年协议》是在印俄 2+2 对话的成立大会期间签署的。该对话于2021年12月在德里举行。该协议指导在武器系统和各种技术的研发、生产和售后支持领域进一步合作军事装备。为苏联/俄罗斯原产设备不间断供应备件是两国正在讨论的一个关键问题。

Russia last year approved the long-delayed draft logistics agreement Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS) that will facilitate military logistic exchanges for exercises, training, port calls, disaster relief, and ease access to Russian military facilities, especially in the Arctic. The agreement is expected to be signed soon. New Delhi has already entered into similar agreements with many countries, including all Quad partners.


Two Russian aircraft, the MiG-35 and Su-35S are competitors for India’s Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) contract, the tender for which is yet to be formally announced.

MiG-35 和 Su-35S 这两款俄罗斯飞机是印度多用途战斗机 (MRFA) 合同的竞争对手,该合同的招标尚未正式公布。

Russia’s Su-57 ‘Felon’ stealth fighter made its debut at the 2024 Zhuhai Airshow in China. Its appearance at Aero India 2025 next month would mark a significant diplomatic and strategic signal from Moscow.

俄罗斯Su-57“重刑犯”隐形战斗机在2024年中国珠海航展上首次亮相。它下个月在 2025 年印度航空展亮相,将标志着莫斯科发出的重要外交和战略信号。

Russia can then pitch for it as an interim option, as the Indian project for the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), a twin-engine, all-weather fifth-generation stealth jet, seems to be delayed. Russia could also bring the Tu-160M strategic bomber to the airshow if it wants to make a marketing push. For this time-tested partnership, the sky is the only limit.


Giridhar Vijay
Why isn’t more russian industries, culture, language and companies in India. There needs to be a full cooperation and nato like agreement between both.


NATO like and Western means, you are under control by rich kids. Pure slavery and confusing agreements which only twats can accept.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But there is a need for something, I see your point.


What does Russia get out of this relationship?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Cox
India was one of the best Russian customers in the past. Recently they started to build up their own defense industry. The outcome is what one can read in the following sentence:» Moscow and New Delhi are deepening defense ties, with a focus on technology transfer across aviation, naval, and missile platforms»


In other words: India is buying from Russia the know-how for the military technology. The outcome will be that India will become more and more independent of the weapons production of other countries. Thus, Russia might make a good deal now but might lose a good customer in the future.


India has moved away from Russia, the author lives in his own confined imaginary realm.


India looks West for cutting-edge weapons to reduce reliance on Russia – Business Standard [ Dec 2024 ]

印度向西方寻求尖端武器以减少对俄罗斯的依赖 – Business Standard [ 2024 年 12 月 ]

Indian Prime minister is very weak and bends to Drumpf easily.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robin Hood
Another mis-informed loony tune. Keep dreaming. Wake up call is on it’s way.


Buddha On English Hill
Adding Africa to G20 takes balls, bro.

兄弟,让非洲加入 G20 是一件很值得的事情。

Putin likes Modi’s India.


Good stuff, lots of advancements. Just don’t neglect the importance of clean water. It is far more important than any warplanes, warships, guns.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

lndia should allow for a rusian base in dehli, chenia, and mumbai


Jay Singh


很赞 7