2025-01-28 JOJOyu 8476

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


I worked in Bangladesh for seven years. I tried several times to setup a non-trash environment for a facility I was staying in that housed over 100 people at any given time. It served as an experiment for a cross section of the population. My results were that no matter how hard I tried to educate and keep the place clean by example, most of the people just continued to not care by throwing their trAsh Directly on the ground. We would setup cleanup walkthroughs on the grounds at the end of the week and within 3 or 4 days the trash would be back on the ground. It’s unfortunately a cultural thing passed on from generation to generation.
All the hard work these volunteers are exhibiting are to be commended, but sadly it’s just not sustainable until a major culture change occurs. It’s a shame because the country could be so beautiful

我在孟加拉国工作了七年。我曾多次尝试为我所在的一个设施建立一个无垃圾的环境,这个设施在任何时候都能容纳 100 多人。这是对不同人群的一次实验,结果是无论我如何以身作则,努力进行教育并保持场所清洁,大多数人还是毫不在意,直接把垃圾扔在地上。每到周末,我们都会在院子里进行清理巡查,但三四天之内,垃圾又会回到地面上。不幸的是这是一种代代相传的文化。

There needs to be laws enacted that if a person litters or dumped they must be on clean up duty for at least a year. Making them part of the solution will cause them to stop littering and to reach out to others who do.


Thanks for sharing.
I have heard about a similar thing in India, where people just throw their garbage on streets.
It's a type of culture that is very difficult to comprehend since I live in very different culture (japan)


The Sad Truth about this:
Their Efforts are useless "IF" The people will Remain undisciplined. ����
i salute these individuals.


I find that in most locations where the garbage scaled like this it was because the industrial revolution is still insanely recent. A lot of cultures were suddenly having to deal with their resources being produced in certain ways without systems in place to deal with it. If those system are implemented, I'd put a hefty wager it'd stay clean.


Shame on their leaders for allowing what was once a beautiful place to be ruined by greed. And shame on the residents as well.


Kami di Jakarta melakukan hal ini setiap hari. Selama tidak ada kesadaran warga maka walaupun di bersihkan setiap hari maka sungai akan tetap kotor. Semoga pemerintah daerah dapat melakukan pendekatan kepada warga agar timbul kesadaran akibat dampak buruk membuang sampah sembarangan, salam dari Indonesia


I'm afraid all of this hard work is useless if the people themselves don't change but nevertheless a move in the right direction from Bangladesh


It’s unbelievable how people can create such a mess and continue to live in it. Thankfully there are people like these who bring the environment back to life.
Question is… how long will it last?


I am a BD clean member, I am proud to work for my country, our goal is to build a clean Bangladesh, in this way the whole world should be kept clean from everything.


I'm a Canadian and this just came past my feed and I got to say I am so impressed with all of you and the change that you are making in the world. I'm sure all of you are very humble, but you should all be very proud of yourselves and the contribution you are making as well as the example to others around the world. May you all be blessed for the rest of your days


Your country is your home , your cities are your home as well. To keep them clean will improve health , education, tourism, environmental conservation and quality of life.
Good job guys !!!


I hope all the volunteers are registered in some way because 5 to ten years down the road, they may need significant healthcare for their exposure to nastiness. Thank you again for your valiant, heroic, and backbreaking efforts!

我希望所有的志愿者都能以某种方式进行登记,因为 5 到 10 年后,他们可能会因为接触到恶心的东西而需要大量的医疗服务。再次感谢你们英勇无畏的努力!

Did anyone stay to watch the whole video like me? If yes, I would like to highlight BD cleaners determination to clean as well as beautify the land of its pollution�� I've personally never been so drawn into an environmental cleaning video, especially one lasting 33:33, but I guess seeing this new way of cleaning and ensuring sustainability drew me in.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am not even from Bangladesh but I feel so proud to see these people making such a huge change. Even thinking that this can be done by volunteering people just blows my mind. I hope enough awareness is raised to the population to make sure the efforts of these people do go in waste (pun indented).


My God, what is the matter with people? What really needs cleaning is the attitude of people who are willing to live in filth or it will look like this again in no time. And there the locals stand without even pitching in. God bless these workers.


Although I am not a citizen of Bangladesh, I feel immensely proud to see the dedication of its people in striving to clean and develop their country. At the same time, educate the citizens to love the environment, care for the rivers, and refrain from littering. Believe me, with continuous education and campaigns, Bangladesh can make great strides, attract many tourists, and draw investors to the country. Well done, people of Bangladesh!


Там привыкли жить на мусорной свалке! Не сомневаюсь, что через какое то время, все будет так же, как и до уборки! Если б, за грязь наказывали, но это уже в их сознании с рождения, и это не искоренить!


The whole of India's rivers need this cleaning. Why isn't the governments of these over polluted countries taking action on a regular basis. It's not Climate Change but Climate Pollution.


It's a shock to see very few women participating in that dirty, hard work.


I'm also in tears �� to see how people put so much effort and care to clean up all their mess and also keep the environment clean. This will bring eco-friendly system back to life and disease free for their people. Bravo.


It's not easy doing that work. I am in tears as I see how bad the situation is which should be no surprise to me. I have lived in India and also have been involved in clean up efforts. Sadly it never lasted. I worry about the people in the water, it can cause so many health issues. True heroes of our planet.


I'm in shock to see all this dirt and the mess. Unbelievable. It's amazing what all the volunteers did together! Thanks to them. ❤
We all must our earth keep clean and more importantly we all have to support peace in our world! ��️


unfortunately no amount of cleaning is going to fix their corrupt government and spawn a trash/recycling centre. it'll end up exactly the same next month. however this unseen cleanliness in their own city could spark the community to actually change. amazing work from all volunteers.


What baffles me is that BD has some of the most intelligent people in the world, why haven't they engineered a sewerage system? These people have become used to living in their own filth. Poverty is NO EXCUSE for being lazy, especially when society is at a high risk of hygiene diseases. I applaud all those volunteers and helpers who risked their own safety to clear these rivers and creeks and get them cleaned. The government must step in to support this effort!


I don't think their government gives a crap... It's the very rich and the very poor. So sad


Well done to the people of Bangladesh, especially the youth, for making the city clean. I urge you to continue this journey by educating the public about waste management. I hope the nation will acknowledge the importance of cleanliness and continue to uphold it..��


Overwhelming video, I unfortunately doubt pretty much the locals will change their habits of throwing rubbish in those places, this is a matter of cultural mentality. I still dream the project works : )

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't think it's a cultural problem only. You need a certain amount of wealth to start thinking why are we living in this filth.


It is cultural. I worked in poor rural central America as a peace Corps volunteer. I organized many town and beach clean ups. The issue is no basic gov capacity to supply citizens with trash service. The People have no choice but to throw it out their windows.


All countries should have an organization like this. We ought to take care of our planet! People who are throwing trash everywhere is no different than those politicians waging wars, they're all destroying the planet!


Swimming neck deep into other people's shit to clean it up. I don't think there is anything more heroic and angelic than that. My utmost respect for these people. I salute them!


What a massive undertaking! Bravo to all who are working on it. Mother earth is mother to all of us. Pollution in any place affects us all. I hope people see the efforts and learn to do better and hope the government does its part in providing the resources to keep it clean.


After all that cleaning up, the politicians and volunteers should educate the locals, otherwise the place will be filthy again in a matter of few months. The garbage doesn't accumulate by itself, somebody has to dump it, so to keep the places clean is also a cultural thing.


Not polluting is a more practical way than cleaning. It is a matter of clean culture and character. Even if the people of this region go to other countries, they pollute those places too. I recently watched a video about Arabia. The neighborhood where these people who came to Arabia as workers lived was very dirty. However, other neighborhoods of the city were cleaner. So being dirty has become a part of your culture now.


All these cleasning people are heroes. Sadly other people will mess and liter so this works will be only temporary. Extreme fines for litering and education is the long -term source of success - so simple and so freeking hard same time.


Was diese vielen tollen Menschen hier leisten, berührt mich außerordertlich. Ich bin in Deutschland gebohren und aufgewachsen, dort gibt es im ganzen Land nicht so eine vermüllte Landschaft, wir haben eine gut funktionierende Müllabfuhr und die Menschen heben Abfall von der Straße auf. Insofern hoffe ich sehr, dass die gesäuberten Gebiete auch in 10 und 50 Jahren noch sauber sein werden, in einer sauberen Welt lebt es sich so viel besser.


Germany is not so clean. Maybe comparing with Bangladesh, but comparing with Switzerland is, sorry to say, dirty. I live near Switzerland and the difference is big.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Where are they putting all the garbage? It is essentially just being moved to some other location that will end up looking exactly like that.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I salute you all for making the environment clean. One of the best strategies aside from cleaning the environment , is to educate the people how to recycle the garbage, understanding the effects of improper waste disposal to our rivers and land , make a proper campaign thru social media on environmental issues like this in Bangladesh. I hope this country will soon be a model to the world.


People in comments don't realize that our country is not that rich. Also we are one of the, if not the most densely populated country in the world.And we haven't seen an uncorrupted government in 50+ years. So this was bound to happen.
But seeing people gather up to clean voluntarily is greatly refreshing!


rich = clean, poor = dirty
understand now.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ittisjartam8913 corruption = dirty, they need a stron central government and infringe on some freedoms.


很赞 4