2025-02-05 JOJOyu 12001

Why Indian Cities Are So Dirty and Polluted than CHINA? Honest Report


I am Chinese. Our ancestors told us that poverty does not mean we can be dirty.


Vietnamese here, our ancestors said the same


Colombian here, out ancestors says the same! My mom repeats it all the time!


China 33%+ population follow a indian men name:- Buddha
And the real reason
India population density:-488 per Km2
China population density:-149 per Km2
India is the only country in the world with total population of more than 1 billion and population density of 488 people per km2
China land area is three time of india with same population
In natural resources china rank 6 with Value (23 trillion USD) India is not even in top10 list
That's why china is rich
And Rich country=clean
Poor country=dirt
Go and see videos of Africa, Bangladesh, pakistan
And also see video of china in 2000 when china was not rich
Sept 2000 - Shanghai - Arrival


People in India society is molecularized, while Chinese has strong sense of group belongings.
It is very to make a moleculariized Indians to work in a group with efficiency, and it is very difficult to make an individual Chinese to work productively without joining in a group.


its great that your ancestors taught these
Our ancestors taught us to “lyadh” which basically is the “art of doing nothing”
So as an Indian I think I am too lazy in the cleanliness part
Just joking but we certainly need to improve,this cleanliness is not taught well from childhood like implementation
Everyone knows that it has to be clean and its not to throw thrash outside dustbin,but no one takes initiatives and responsibility
Also disposal mechanisms are quite bad ngl


@Asdssvjn Here comes the excuses. Only that China's population distribution is highly uneven and is mostly concentrated in the relatively narrow corridor along the eastern coast line. Considering population density, there are many mega cities in China with very high population density and high industrial output. Yet, the cleanliness is still evident to whoever care to pay a visit. Enough saying, just do it or it will never get any better.


...I salute u Chinese people for the progress that u have made over the years, India has no chance or hope of this type of development ever, I am an Indian, hats off and take a bow my friend.


@Asdssvjn you don't know that 90% Chinese are living in the eastern part of china, 1/2 of Chinese land, and actuly 70% are in the central plain maybe is the same size as india.. and dirty or not has nothing to do with density, jappan is much more in density. and dirty has nothing to do with poverty, north korea is poorer but not dirty.


@Mystikik That's why there is no real "slum" in China. Even the so-called "urban villages" in China, which are often compared to slums, show much better living conditions than any slum you can find elsewhere. The ancient Chinese wisdom is priceless.

@Mystikik 这就是为什么中国没有真正的“贫民窟”的原因,即使是经常被比作贫民窟的所谓的“城中村”,其居住条件也比其他地方的贫民窟要好得多。中国古人的智慧是无价的。

@FreddieWu my point still stands, poor people can't afford cleanliness, it is a luxury. Their main goal is basic survival & making sure their kids are fed at least 3 meals be it healthy or unhealthy. That applies to poor ppl all around the world

@FreddieWu 我的观点仍然有效,穷人负担不起清洁,那是奢侈品。他们的主要目标是基本的生存和确保孩子们至少吃上三餐,无论健康与否。这适用于世界各地的穷人。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Asdssvjn You can see that North Korea is also very poor, but they are still very emotional. Paying attention to hygiene has nothing to do with the rich and the poor. I have seen some very rich people, and then they are also very unhygienic.


@Mystikik dirty is lack of leadership, not lack of money. India has money to bought fight jet, carrier ship, space ship. just hire 0.1% of your population to clean the country, you won't get a dirty one. and that is what other countries did.


I have never seen a clean Chinese restaurant.


@1EQUALS-INFINITY you must have been going to the cheapest of the cheapest restaurants your entire life. But even cheap restaurants have to meet regulations standards. Where have you been going��


The sad part is, India is so polluted for nothing.
China was polluted because of rapid industrialization. But then successfully improved her waste management to reduce pollution.


India no 1 in everything according to their egos


We Indians are resilient people. We can tolerate AQI 1000 and dive into sewerage with our bare skin. That's why the British had us wherever they went.


It's even more incredible when you take into account that India is so polluted even though it is not industrialized.


Most of humanity lives in undeveloped megaslums, with no electricity or clean water.


很赞 18