2025-01-31 雪夜逆流 7380
Bodies are lining the streets of Goma, and hospitals are overwhelmed after an escalation in the long-simmering conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The Rwandan-backed M23 group claims it took control of the city, and the DRC has called it a declaration of war by Rwanda. But why is Rwanda involved and what are its interests?


Jan 30 (Reuters) - The United Nations expressed deep concern at reports of M23 rebels and Rwandan troops advancing south towards the Congolese city of Bukavu on Thursday, as the militants sought also to assert their control over east Congo's largest city Goma.
The Rwandan-backed insurgents' seizure of Goma this week and ongoing offensive southwards are the biggest escalation since 2012 of a decades-old conflict the U.N. says risks spiralling into another major regional war.
A sustained and successful push by M23 into the neighbouring province of South Kivu would see them control territory previous rebellions have not taken since the end of two major wars that ran from 1996 to 2003, in which millions of civilians died, mostly from malnutrition and disease.
The absence of U.N. peacekeepers in South Kivu heightens the humanitarian and security risks of an escalation in fighting there, U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
He added that there were reports of Rwandan forces crossing the border in the direction of South Kivu's capital Bukavu. The Rwandan authorities did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Rwanda says it is defending itself, accusing Congo's military of joining forces with ethnic Hutu-led militias bent on slaughtering Tutsis in Congo and threatening Rwanda, where Hutus targeted Tutsis in a 1994 GENOCIDE and some later fled to Congo.
Congo denies this and accuses Rwanda of using M23, which it describes as a "terrorist proxy of Rwanda", to pillage valuable minerals from Congolese territory. U.N. experts have documented the export of large quantities of looted minerals via Rwanda.
An international backlash against Rwanda, which has included Germany cancelling aid talks and Britain threatening to withhold 32 million pounds ($40 million) of annual bilateral assistance, was having no apparent effect on the ground.
Advancing along Lake Kivu, M23 fighters were pushed back on Wednesday from the town of Nyabibwe, some 50 km (30 miles) from Bukavu, and were clashing on Thursday with Congolese troops in the nearby location of Kahalala, according to two local sources.
"The Congolese army seems to be putting up fierce resistance there," said one of the sources, from a civil society organisation in Bukavu.
In Goma itself, M23 were presenting themselves as the city's new administrators.
"We are asking all Goma residents to go back to normal activities," Corneille Nangaa, leader of the Congo River Alliance rebel coalition that includes M23, told reporters.
The situation in the city was far from normal, however. The streets, strewn with debris and discarded military fatigues, were mostly deserted as heavily armed M23 fighters in pick-up trucks patrolled them.
The World Health Organization said over 2,000 people had been wounded by recent fighting in and around Goma with at least 45 deaths registered so far, citing reports.
"The security situation seems to be stabilising, although there are still reports of skirmishes in some parts of town," said Doctors Without Borders (MSF) programme manager Natalia Torrent.
Rebel leader Nangaa said the M23 was not going anywhere. "We are here in Goma to stay. "We are going to continue the march until Kinshasa," he said, referring to Congo's capital more than 1,600 km away.
The violence has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee multiple times. Displacement camps around Goma that were hosting around 800,000 people are emptying out, World Food Programme official Cynthia Jones said.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday described the crisis as a "very serious problem," but declined to say whether the United States had a peace plan.
Thursday saw a flurry of diplomatic activity, including a meeting of East African heads of state and a visit to Kinshasa and Kigali by France's foreign minister.
Nevertheless, both Tshisekedi and his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame made uncompromising statements.
Tshisekedi said in an address to the nation that Congo's army would "reconquer every inch of our territory" and accused Rwanda and its "M23 puppets" of "a terrorist enterprise on our soil, sowing terror and desolation among our population".
Kagame has long lambasted Tshisekedi for what he describes as Congo's harbouring of Hutu "genocidaires".
He also lashed out at South African leader Cyril Ramaphosa for saying in a post on X that the fighting in Congo, in which 13 South African soldiers have died since last week, was due to an escalation by the M23 and the Rwandan army.
Kagame accused South African forces of working alongside a militia in Congo with ties to perpetrators of the 1994 GENOCIDE and "threatening to take the war to Rwanda itself".
"If South Africa prefers confrontation, Rwanda will deal with the matter in that context any day," Kagame wrote.
Since the fall of Goma, Rwanda has also reacted angrily to calls for restraint from Western nations, accusing its critics of "victim-blaming" and turning a blind eye to what it says is Congo's complicity in the slaughter of Tutsis.


I don’t know why I see this Army called M23 is more professional in everything they’re doing


This man is stating so much facts, it’s just unfortunate that most people don’t accept truth easily hence why some people are dismissive to his comments

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Where is our army (DRC), and why are they not capable of pushing back the M23 rebels? Corrupted government and lack of self governance in the DRC that's the problem. Once we solve this issue and then we can deal with other issues.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We have leaders who they don't care about her people, instate of solving the problems of her people they blame their neigbours. PEACE


Congo is for Africa first, all African countries should support Congo.


M23 are Congolese fighting for their rights


Discuss the real cause of the conflict and not about mines and minerals and who is supporting who. Congolese Authorities need to tell themselves the truth and solve the ethic problems in Eastern Congo.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This guy is not telling the truth. Most people you invite, why can't you ask them a question like this: M23 is composed by young people from East DRC who have been living in refugees camps for 30 years across the region, why congo doesn't resolve a problem of those refugees and those who are being killed, burned and eaten because of their tribes? They can't give you an answer. What they bring on table is: Rwanda is supporting m23, why they can't tell the root cause of the conflict.


So Al Jazeera invites sb from Congo and not someone else from Rwanda to balance the conversation? And you all expect an impartial narrative?


But Goma wasn't secure before the arrival of M23


It is really sad that this whole interview was void of substance. Historical, current, and future. He never (1) Acknowledge the fact that M23 (Banyamulenge) are Congolese, (2) That the very Congolese govt had brought in mercenaries and arm twisted (bribed) couple of African Govt forces (Burundi & SouthAfrica) recruited well known genocidaires (FDLR) to basically exterminate their fellow country men and women based on ethnicity. Rwanda has over 200k Banyamulenge refugees because of this never ending conflict. All over Western media they bring in a Congolese sympathiser to beat on the drum of 'Blame Rwanda,’ with no rebuttal from the Rwandan side. All these discussions are premised with 'blaming Rwanda' and in the process loosing the core basis of the problem. What about the butchery of the Congolese of Tutsi tribal affiliation? The discussions always circumvent this catastrophic humanitarian issue. Yet when M23 choose to say enough is enough, all of a sudden it is Rwanda that is causing destabilisation in the Great Lakes. This issue will never be solved unless the DRC govt agrees to have M23 on the table to have serious discussion, (instead of through the barrel of a gun), about assimilating it's own country men/women. We know how and why the western media through the 'drum beat' of their govts play these Machiavelli machinations. As Africans, proud Africans, we need to search ourselves very deeply about how we learn to respect, trust and engage each other. I respect and trust the Rwandan govt. They have consistently displayed, by words and definitely by deeds, actions that warrant my utmost respect and trust

这段访谈实在令人遗憾,通篇充斥着空洞的言辞——无论是历史维度、现实观察还是未来展望。受访者始终回避三个核心事实:(1) M23成员(班亚穆伦格人)本身就是刚果公民;(2) 刚果政府不仅引入外国雇佣军,更通过威逼利诱拉拢布隆迪、南非等非洲国家部队,甚至与臭名昭著的卢旺达大屠杀凶手(FDLR武装)联手,系统性地对本国图西族同胞实施种族清洗;(3) 卢旺达境内已收容超过20万因这场无尽冲突逃亡的班亚穆伦格难民。而西方媒体却不断邀请亲刚果政府的"专家"单方面敲打"指责卢旺达"的战鼓,从未给予卢方平等申辩的机会。

Minerals deal with a country that doesn't have minerals...Cry me a river.


M23 are Congolese not Rwandaness stop confusing people
It's crazy how you focus on stating that Rwanda support M23 but you don't focus on the reason why M23 are fighting in the first place??? M23 are congolese that speaks kinyarwanda and they are congolese according to the border that we inheritated from colonization cause they lived there for generations and they have been hunt for like 30 years now. so they are fighting for their freedom and all right to their country and it's the responsibility of Government of DRC to give them that or otherwise the war won't stop


U miss the point that M23 are congolese fighting for their rights, don't be biased

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This guy is biased...what about Rwanda....what about their experience and what about their nightmare. Rwanda has the right to protect itself against another GENOCIDE.


EU buddy with Rwanda has gone too far!! Then again, DRC fails to share the spoils with Tutsi which they had promised.


Rwanda was the only country in the world to sound the alarm on the recruitment and use of European mercenaries, by President Félix Tshisekedi of DRC, in total violation of a 1977 OAU Convention and a 1989 UN Convention. Neither the UN Security Council nor the European unx, let alone the countries of origin of these mercenaries, ever condemned the outsourcing of this war, by the Government of Kinshasa, to these "barbouzes". Following their defeat and the fall of Goma, the mercenaries fled to a MONUSCO compound, where the UN peacekeepers protected them. And their governments requested Rwanda to facilitate in their evacuation, through Kigali, which was accepted.


Why don't you ask about the inhuman traitement of Congolese Tutsis by the Kinshasa government? A good journalist asks questions on both sides in the conflict


The people are not stupid they can not run to their attackers , something is off here


And Why did the DRC president refuse to attend the emergency meeting to end this killing ?


Dear Kambale Musavuli you are from the Nande tribe! Are you sure you are impartial in your analysis of this problem?

尊敬的Kambale Musavuli,你来自南德部落!确定你的分析没私心吗。

Rwandan agents under this post are pathetic,since 1997 several rwandan back militias did commit alot of crimes , millions of Congolese lost their life,rape , displacement, looting of congo minerals ahave been rampant. Congolese tusti are recognize as full congolese by our constitution, despite being less than 1 % of the population they had prominent role in our government, army and police force, unfortunately some of them behave as rwandan proxies and spies,this situation one day it will backfire


rwanda at it again good lord.


The issue in Congo is complex but the media is obsessed at reducing it to M23 and Rwanda. It is much broader than that and dates back to many dozens of years ago. I advise people now hearing about this conflict for the first time to find Youtube videos explaining the root causes of this conflict and draw their own conclusions.


They're not Rwandas they are tutsi Congolese


This time ~ the international community can understand why Rwanda had to put in place strong defensive measures to safeguard its territory! A cocktail of blood-thirst militias combined with European mercenaries and rented armies from SADC & Burundi—all pointing guns in one direction…! Any serious government would have no other alternative but to defend itself!


the fact that kagame supports zionism tells you everything you need to know... being the victim of GENOCIDE should never be weaponized to commit GENOCIDE


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