2025-02-03 兰陵笑笑生 9068
Will Vietnam benefit from the U.S tariffs?


Some say that by increasing tarrifs on China, Chinese and American companies will relocate to Vietnam, benefiting our economy and making us a local superpower. What do you think?


likes: 170
If USA doesn't target VN, then yes.
Otherwise, VN would be negatively affected, as VN's export to USA is like 25% of total VN's GDP.
Given high trade's deficit between USA and VN, I doubt that Trump wouldn't target VN.

否则,越南将受到负面影响,因为越南对美国的出口约占越南 GDP 总量的 25%。

likes: 64
Even if he did, it's hard to imagine it'd be higher than China, EU, Mexico and Canada. If everyone's getting fucked, the winner is the one getting the least fucked.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 45
Even China he is only planning 10% rn, way fucking lower than he promised and fucking lower than Canada and Mexico at 25%.
What a president eh?
Edit: Forgot there was already a 25% before so 35% in total now. But he promised 60% so my point about it being lower still mostly stands.

即使是中国,他现在也只计划 10%,比他承诺的低得多,比加拿大和墨西哥的 25%也低得多。
编辑:忘了之前已经有 25%了,所以现在总共是 35%。但他承诺的是 60%,所以我关于更低的观点基本上还是站得住脚的。

likes: 16
He’s basically holding it over their heads so they would get scared and give into his demands lol. China has bargaining power.


likes: 29
Looks like Canada and Mexico ain't gonna back down that easily. And we're just two *weeks* in.
Hope the price of egg has gone down over there lMao.


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My friend in California told me it's about $12 for a dozen eggs now, going up under Trump due to Bird Flu.


likes: 11
He should be more worried about his country own pricing first before imposing any tariffs because if implemented prices for Americans are going to shoot up drastically lol. Esp considering Mexico and Canada are among US's top 3 trading partners and about 30% of American woods supply comes from Canada.
Good thing Canada and Mexico look like they aren't going to give up without a fight first. Good for them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 15
Trump knows that the production chain cannot be reversed, but he does not dare to increase taxes on rich Americans, so he taxes other countries to cover the budget deficit. But this is essentially raising taxes on the middle class and poor Americans, the gap between rich and poor will become bigger and bigger.


likes: 3
Trump already gave China 25% tariff since his last term, and it was kept until now. So now it becomes 25% + 10% = 35%.

特朗普自上任以来已经对中国征收了 25% 的关税,并且一直维持到现在。所以现在变成了 25% + 10% = 35%。

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Still much lower than the 60% he promised so my point still stands.

还是比他承诺的 60% 低得多,所以我的观点仍然成立。

likes: 2
Canada kinda deserves it. The liberal gov has been trying to undermine canada's best partner and Canadians voted those people in. That will change when the conservatives are back in control and harmony is restored.


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He usually starts with some crazy starting point that is completely unreasonable, then negotiates to what he really wants somewhere in the middle so the other side can say they were able to get him to back off somewhat. He has successfully used this haggling tactic several times already.


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But VN is more dependent on US exports at this point. US stands only for less than 15% of total exports for China and much less for overall GDP. For Vietnam it’s one fourth of GDP.


likes: 6
Trump's tariffs are more political then economic. Notice the countries Trump hit with tariffs are all countries he has issues with on a political basis. China and the US are geo political rivals Trump did a trade war in his first term. Trump detests Canada so it was always going to go that way. And the US and Mexico have numerous issues with each other. Trump wants them to comply to his demands by using tarriffs as a way to strong arm them. Vietnam is so under the radar in American politics most Americans don't even realize how much of their textile based products actually come from there.


likes: 7
This yea, Trump just mostly wants countries he has beefs/problems with to bow down to his will. He doesn't want to negotiate, he wants them to "pay".
Notice how he's pretty much kinda alright or even on decent terms with Russia and China despite them mostly being considered enemy of the West. It's pretty much because those guys don't actively try to meddle in American politics *directly* and are ready to go along Trump's favors since they are already a pretty self sustainable economy on their own. Meanwhile Trump prob sees Canada and Mexico as these lesser countries yet the US is depending so much on them so he just imposes tariffs on them to curb their supply line.
It's hilarious that many of his supporters fail to see that most of his policies are more political than trying to actually solve any social or economical problems within his country. I just saw a post about how him imposing a 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada is to stop fentanyl and illegals immirgrants.
I was like: "What does tariff have to do with stopping fentanyl or illegal immigrants". Well because they dont, it's just a dumb excuse because the main reason is him wanting Canada and Mexico to bow down to his demands. Well now that he picked a fight with Canada, can't wait to see them retaliate by imposing tariffs or place restrictions on exporting to US lol.
And it has only been 2 weeks and it's alr this much of a circus. Wonder what would happen in the next 4 years.


likes: 2
Small correction he is infact not ok with China and hit them with a 10% tariff while not as big as Canada and Mexico's whopping 25% is still significant and if his last term is indication most likely trade war 2 is going to hit soon. But you are right that there's a huge personal egotystical angle to all of this. It's not even national security or some Machevillian level realist scheme as Russia wants to destroy the US and sieze their position on the global stage as the new big bad. Trump's leniency towards them is actually bad for the US economically, politically, and even on regards to their security. Yet he's lenient towards them and so are his brain dead followers not realizing that there making the exact same mistake the Brits made with the Prussian except dumber because at least the Prussians while haboring their own ambitions that became imperial Germany were useful against France, where as Russia is blatantly anti US it's so stupid it's almost painful to watch it happen like a bad sitcom when the character is doing something that's so obviously going to blow up in their face in the next scene.

小小地更正一下,他其实对中国并不友好,并对中国征收了 10%的关税,虽然没有加拿大和墨西哥高达 25% 的关税那么大,但也是很重要的,如果他的上一任期是个征兆的话,很可能很快就会爆发第二次贸易战。但你说得对,这一切都有巨大的个人利己主义因素。这甚至不是国家安全问题,或某种马基雅维利式的现实主义计划,因为俄罗斯想要摧毁美国并夺取其在全球舞台上的地位,成为新的“大坏蛋”。特朗普对他们的宽容实际上对美国在经济、政治甚至安全方面都是不利的。然而,他对他们宽容,他的脑残追随者们也对他们宽容,没有意识到他们正在犯与英国人对普鲁士所犯的完全相同的错误,而且更加愚蠢,因为至少普鲁士怀有自己的雄心壮志,在成为德意志帝国时,是有利于英国对抗法国的,而俄罗斯则公然反美,这种情况愚蠢得几乎让人痛苦。就像一部糟糕的情景喜剧,角色在做一些显然会在下一幕中自食其果的事情。

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Canada already imposed 25% tariif over 150bil$ US goods, Mexico will have tariff for US too, so trade war can consider begin. Cant wait to see next 4/2 with new tariff effective what will happens


likes: 3
Trump has an upcoming 1.5B golf course investment in VN.

特朗普即将在越南投资 15 亿美元建设高尔夫球场。

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If the tariff levels are distributed relatively evenly among trading partners, the main people getting hurt first will be the American consumers.
Secondary impacts will be on trading partners with tariffs at 10% or above, and again it depends on what that partner exports to the US. Oil producers for one example may feel no impact as its possible that industry may be exempt.
Ultimately, the cost of living as a result of this within the US could cause a revolt among Trumps main voter base (working class & middle class outside the cities).
As a result, I think these tariffs will be temporary and will be wound back within 6 months to a year.
If that doesn't happen, Trump's ineptitude & hubris will put him at risk. Two nutcases have already taken shots at him.


likes: 8
It's not that simple.
The majority of US imports from Vietnam come from independant dealers and traders importing stuffs such as fruits, materials and overseas companies exporting their products made in Vietnam to US.
Meanwhile american goods are simply too expensive to turn a profit from importing in Vietnam unless you are targeting technical stuffs like technologies, cameras, etc... It's going to be extremely hard hence why US even had so many trade deficits with so many countries lol


likes: 60
Vietnam may become the next target once Trump realizes that China has already shifted production there to evade tariffs. This strategic relocation, which has already occurred, allows Chinese firms to bypass trade restrictions, but it could prompt the U.S. to impose tariffs on Vietnam as well.


likes: 7
Very possible, the US already did this for Mexico but I’m suspecting it’s mostly because they already have underlying beef from immigration issues, while Trump haven’t even mentioned VN yet. If he did, Trump would probably make some demands before threatening tariffs tho so that gives us options.


likes: 25
You think he knows? Come on


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I mean he hasn't mentioned us yet so... Mayve he just doesn't care? The EU seems like the next target.


likes: 34
Majority of VNese who support Trump applaud his anti-Chinese rhetoric. Having more Chinese businesses move to Vietnam is ironic, no?


likes: 14
Anti-Chinese rhetoric is just one of the reasons that Vietnamese is supporting Trump.
Majority of Vietnamese are just seeing him as an alpha male billionaire with supermodel wife's that fit their imagination of success. Recently I have heard someone praised Trump for being a very good father his sons and daughters.


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Most of Vietnamese have no clue of what Trump represent. They are very uneducated at least on politics


likes: 33
Hard to say, seems like any connection to China could lead to tariffs.


likes: 43
Any country that exists is currently at risk of Trump’s tariffs


likes: 15
Can he put a tariff on the US? lol jokes

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 24
Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to put tariffs on California or something


likes: 4
Technically he can, if you tariff a county and they tariff back as a trade war, he would be tariffing himself by proxy.


likes: 34
This is all such a knee jerk shitshow that the markets will crash before Vietnam has any time to react or adjust.
So don't count on it.


likes: 21
This is the right answer. We are heading towards a global economic and societal collapse that even Vietnam is going to feel to varying degrees. There are few winners here if any at the end of the day, especially if we head into WW3.


likes: 1
Fully agree. And ww3 probably means we're going to join China, voluntary or not.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 41
trump is unpredictable with his braindead policies, you can never know if he will hit VN with tariffs next. but as always, when china gets hit with tariff, they usually outsource the backend production to vietnam, let vietnamese workers do the last 1% of the products and slap "made in Vietnam" on them to avoid tariff. in the short term, this means more jobs for workers, but at the same time vietnamese economy can become more reliant on china


likes: 6
The thing is that he’s not just hitting China with tariffs, he’s planning on hitting the EU, Mexico, Canada, etc… so multiple foreign companies in general is gonna flock to Vietnam. So I don’t think it would give China a “monopoly” persay


likes: 7
The problem with your thesis is that:
1. Vietnam is already a major beneficiary of China+1. So a lot of growth has already been realized.
2. Vietnam does not have the infrastructure or workforce to serve as an immediate replacement for goods in all the markets affected.
3. Trump is unpredictable and could do anything at any time. He particularly likes to pick on countries that have large trade surpluses with the US, and countries that would have limited options for retaliation. Vietnam has both.
4. Trump [has already made statements about Vietnam](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-threatens-vietnam-which-has-been-benefiting-from-us-tariffs-on-china-2019-06-26), including "Well, a lot of companies are moving to Vietnam, but Vietnam takes advantage of us even worse than China" and "Vietnam is almost the single worst – much smaller than China, much, but it’s almost the single worst abuser of everybody."

1. 越南已经是“中国+1”的主要受益者。因此,很多增长已经实现了。
2. 越南没有基础设施或劳动力来立即取代所有受影响市场的商品。
3. 特朗普难以预测,随时可能做出任何事情。他尤其喜欢找那些与美国有巨额贸易顺差的国家和报复手段有限的国家下手。越南两个特点都有。
3. 特朗普已经发表过关于越南的言论,包括“好吧,很多公司都在向越南转移,但越南占我们的便宜比中国还厉害”和“越南几乎是唯一最糟糕的——比中国小得多得多,但它几乎是唯一最糟糕的虐待者”。

likes: 4
China will shift more productions to VN to evade tariff and also fucking up local pricing as the same time, they’ve been doing this for years


likes: 6
Trump team has already commented on this, they said tariff on Vietnam will depend on whether Vietnam is on "US team or China team", loosely quoted.
So far Vietnam has given very strong signals like sending Vietjet's CEO to meet Trump and Musk with an agreement to buy 200 Boeings and building two more LNG power plant slated to join the national grid in February 4th. The Foreign minister has also said that transparency in trades going in and out the country will be a very high priority from now on.
Vietnam knows tariff will wreak havoc on its economy that's why it has taken many preemptive steps like the above and many more to come in the next 4 years.

特朗普团队已经对此发表了评论,他们说,对越南征收关税将取决于越南是站在 "美国队还是中国队 "一边。
到目前为止,越南已经发出了非常强烈的信号,比如派 Vietjet 的首席执行官与特朗普和马斯克会面,并达成了购买 200 架波音飞机的协议以及建设两座计划于2月4日并入国家电网的液化天然气发电厂。越南外长还表示,从现在起,进出越南的贸易透明度将成为重中之重。
越南深知关税将对其经济造成严重破坏,因此采取了许多预防措施,如上述措施,并将在未来 4 年内采取更多措施。

likes: 4
Lel. If Trump pushes VN into a corner, VN will fall into China's side. Let's hope he won't go that far.
China is still a neighbour, and the US has a tendency to leave when they get bored.


likes: 2
Every country will eventually get a turn, unless trump gets a personal benefit.
Best thing vietnam can do is tell trump it’s on his side, and discretely give him some benefit, like a piece of land for a golf course development. Small price to pay.


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Don't worry, our PM Pham Minh Chinh already said that he will play golf with Trump like Abe did, we are safe thanks to golf diplomacy


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No. Trump wants to reindustrialise, can't do it if Chinese factories move to VN and keep sending stuff to the US.
He has targeted VN in the past as a "currency manipulator" specifically, no reason to believe he won't now.
Trump will find a reason to put tariffs on Vietnam (not using USD with China and Russia, trade surplus, currency, the works) and we won't be able to do much about it because he ultimately wants protectionism.

他过去曾专门把越南作为 "汇率操纵国",没有理由相信他现在不会这样做。

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Vietnam has huge problems because of extremely high shipping costs and logistics. Shipping costs from Vietnam to the USA are beyond crazy compared to shipping from China.


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Those factories are not going to America, not just because of the costs but also the fact that most Americans hate factory jobs, you know, working on an assembling line.


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Yup I 100% agree. This will not work.

是的,我 100% 同意。这行不通。

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More like factory owners hate paying workers a living wage.


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Vietnam economy already rock bottom. If this tariff hits it’s gonna be a bad time.


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What do you mean rock bottom? Vietnam had a 7.09% GDP growth for 2024 and already hit over $500 billion nominal GDP.


likes: 1
Rock bottom is a bit too much, I would say the economy is not doing well.


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