2025-02-06 碧波荡漾恒河水 9256

India to develop AI chip from scratch


New Delhi has embarked on a mission to develop its own artificial intelligence ecosystem in order to reduce reliance on Western tech giants


India has taken a key first step towards developing its own artificial intelligence chip from scratch, the newspaper Mint reported on Wednesday, citing officials. The initiative is aimed at lessening New Delhi’s dependence on Western tech giants, whose powerful processors have dominated the country’s AI landscape.


The country’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) has partnered with state-owned IT and advanced computing centers, including the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), to design the chip from the ground up. The chip will leverage C-DAC’s expertise in building processors based on open-source ‘Risc-V’ core architecture that will have a set of openly accessible standards that can be used by others – akin to the Android architecture used by many smartphone makers.

该国电子和信息技术部(Meity)与包括先进计算发展中心(C-DAC)在内的国有信息技术和先进计算中心合作,从头开始设计这款芯片。该芯片将利用 C-DAC 在构建基于开源 "Risc-V "内核架构的处理器方面的专业技术,该架构将拥有一套可供他人使用的公开标准--类似于许多智能手机制造商使用的安卓架构。

The US has long been at the forefront of AI technology. Chips made by the company Nvidia power the AI behind popular tools such as ChatGPT. However, India is now looking to change this by developing its own AI chip, with work on the frxwork already underway, according to government officials quoted by the publication. They added that New Delhi has set a tentative timeline of 2027 for the production of these chips in India. Experts from Big Tech firms in the US and executives from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Committee (TSMC) are also reportedly consulting with Meity to help develop the chip.

长期以来,美国一直走在人工智能技术的前沿。Nvidia 公司生产的芯片为 ChatGPT 等流行工具背后的人工智能提供了动力。然而,印度现在正寻求通过开发自己的人工智能芯片来改变这种状况,据该刊物援引政府官员的话说,有关框架的工作已经开始。他们补充说,新德里已将在印度生产这些芯片的时间暂定为 2027 年。据报道,美国大型科技公司的专家和台湾(地区)半导体制造委员会(TSMC)的高管也正在与 Meity 协商,以帮助开发芯片。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India’s quest to develop its own proprietary AI chip reflects a growing trend globally towards indigenous AI technologies. This is particularly significant given the US’s dominance of the semiconductor segment, where it has raked in 70% of global semiconductor revenues, according to the research firm Gartner. The US has recently introduced new regulations limiting the export of AI chips, tightening rules for companies such as Nvidia, in an effort to curb China’s technological advancements.

印度寻求开发自己的专有人工智能芯片,这反映了全球日益倾向于采用本土人工智能技术的趋势。根据研究公司 Gartner 的数据,美国在半导体领域占据主导地位,其收入占全球半导体收入的 70%,因此这一点尤为重要。美国最近出台了限制人工智能芯片出口的新法规,收紧了对 Nvidia 等公司的规定,以遏制中国的技术进步。

In response to these regulations, both India and China have recently made announcements regarding AI. The Indian government in January approved 18 proposals aimed at accelerating AI solutions in key sectors such as agriculture and climate change. This initiative is a key component of the $1.2 billion IndiaAI mission that seeks to develop both large and small language models.

针对这些规定,印度和中国最近都发布了有关人工智能的公告。印度政府在 1 月份批准了 18 项提案,旨在加快农业和气候变化等关键领域的人工智能解决方案。这一举措是耗资 12 亿美元的 IndiaAI 计划的重要组成部分,该计划旨在开发大型和小型语言模型。

China, meanwhile, recently unveiled DeepSeek, a new AI assistant that caused ripples in the industry when it was released and elicited favorable comparisons to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It has already surpassed ChatGPT as the most popular AI assistant on Apple’s App Store.

与此同时,中国最近推出了一款新的人工智能助手 DeepSeek,一经发布就在业界引起了轩然大波,并引起了人们的好评——相对于 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 。它已经超越 ChatGPT,成为苹果应用商店中最受欢迎的人工智能助手。



History says west stole from India for centuries.


max camela II
If they are simply reusing other initiatives it will never be «their own» AI chip. it’s based on open source.

如果他们只是简单地重复使用其他项目,那就永远不会是 "自己的 "人工智能芯片。

India can’t produce anything of their own, it’s on their culture, they like to slack off and talk a lot.


Mudhar Hadi
They’ll do it, just after perfecting outdoor toilets.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A Law “A Law Trader” Trader
Dude you are savage! :–)

老兄,你真野蛮! :-)

Waste of Money. India is destined to be service provider and not a innovator. The Elites have no interest in developing any technologies as that will affect their commissions. The Indian masses are dumb to throw out corrupt Elites.


First one of a kind and Moon landing now AI chip . Good job Latika.


Oh no please no. There are a million OTHER things India NEED, like proper sanitation and chemical castration. Their samosas are oily and so will their chips be. You’ll receive a oily CPU which means made in India.

哦,不,请不要。印度还需要很多其他东西,比如适当的卫生设施和化学阉割。他们的咖喱角油太多,他们的芯片也会是这样。你收到的会是油汪汪的 CPU,这意味着是印度制造。

RISC-V is still American invention and China has taken over the lead position with ESP32 chips with companies like

RISC-V 仍然是美国人的发明,而中国的 ESP32 芯片已经占据了领先地位。

Espressif. Heck China has its own fabs like PST, Semitools, SMIC etc, they have one of the modern fabs, compared to India.

尤其是中国也有自己的晶圆厂,如 PST、Semitools、中芯国际等,与印度相比,他们的晶圆厂是最现代化的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I bet the risc-V was either sent to Taiwan or Mostly china. Its just like companies building Arm chips but without royalty factor.

我敢打赌,Risc-V 要么被送到了台湾(地区),要么被送到了中国。这就像制造 Arm 芯片的公司,但没有专利费因素。

Indians are super smart. They will get to the level of China, Russia and US in no time.


jojje ja
No way, India will be the worlds problem child for 200 years to come only focusing on GDP refusing to tackle overpopulation , pollution, destruction of biological habitat, the sickening cast system and woman rights. Al the rivers running out of this country are super pouting the Indian ocean, the Pacific and the Atlantic going to the Arctic Ocean, they just don’t give a fuck living in dirt polluting our common oceans destroying habitat for see creatures. What concise people can do such a thing? China will be a technological miracle and India will be stuck in the twentieth century addicted to import having a currency nobody wants and exporting their problem whit over population to the rest of the world, just dumping down in foran countries they have not contributed in building, using infrastructure they haven’t lifted a finger building and bringing their bad habits whit them, please stay home we don’t want more of you people running around harassing our girls.

不可能,在未来 200 年里,印度都将是世界上的问题儿童,只关注 GDP,拒绝解决人口过剩、污染、生物栖息地破坏、令人作呕的种姓制度和妇女权利等问题。从这个国家流出的所有河流,都在严重污染印度洋、太平洋和大西洋,乃至于北冰洋,他们根本不在乎,住在脏兮兮的地方,污染我们共同的海洋,破坏生物的栖息地。哪个正常人能干出这种事?中国将是一个技术奇迹,而印度将停留在二十世纪,沉迷于进口,他们的货币没人要,向世界其他国家出口他们的问题,人口过剩,只是涌入他们没有参与建设的国家,使用他们没有动过一根手指头参与建设的基础设施,把他们的坏习惯带到那里,请留在家里,我们不希望你们这些人到处跑,骚扰我们的女孩。

Alpha Beta
A lot of employees at Intel are Indian anyways


jojje ja
Sure, right after Deep Seek this fake article comes out of India, this is nothing more then made in India plans on paper, you guys are so obvious and obsessed about the Chines miracle, you are not Chines so you will never ever be able to copy ore catch up whit them, you are lazy and you are not a homogenous society able to agree on a goal and working HARD succeeding in your development marching in lockstep. You have you religious holidays worshipping your gods while the Chines work for the next generation, can’t be but impressed whit the Chines and what they have managed to do in this short time.

当然,就在Deep Seek发布之后,印度就发表了这篇假冒的文章,这不过是纸面上的印度制造计划而已,你们对中国奇迹的痴迷是如此显而易见,你们不是中国人,所以你们永远也无法复制和赶上他们,你们很懒惰,你们不是一个能够就目标达成一致并努力工作的同质社会,你们的发展步调不一致。当中国人为下一代努力工作时,你们却在过宗教节日,崇拜你们的神灵,不能不对中国人和他们在这么短的时间内所取得的成就印象深刻。

IThought IToldYou
India will COPY Produce AI chips NOT INVENT JUST LIKE CHINA DID . Hilariously FAKE >


fair enough.


Felix T Cat
Must be trying to automate their scam call centers to cut down on overhead.


Олег Х.
That’s just AWESOME .

真是太棒了 。

What’s Donny gonna do about that?!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Send all Indian PHD workers back home to India?!


Олег Х.
Last time I went to visit a Professor at ASU in a PHD program, there was about 60 people in his class.

上次我去参加美国亚利桑那州立大学一位教授的博士课程时,他的班上大约有 60 人。

1-white American.





原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s when I realized, US is SCREWED ..


Noel Falk
They travel to the moon. Maybe Mars. Ve will travel to the Sun; by night!


If India is able to keep all of its new and highly skilled electronics engineers in India rather than having them be lured to the U.S. by moneyed high tech industries India should be able easily to develop its own AI chip – and more.


It’s about time! Using graphics cards for AI is expensive and power hungry.


很赞 16