2025-02-08 熊猫永不为奴 4696

I’m 21 and have been struggling from pay check to pay check since I was 15 I’ve been on my own with all my bills and moving from house to house to have a place to sleep my bills are over 1,000 a month.. I work in labor work making $16 while McDonalds makes $15 I can’t even afford to feed myself most days life isn’t worth living it’s so stressful


Chelby Davis
The dishwasher that lives in California is definitely what I can relate to as far as it being hard work is concerned. I used to wAsh Dishes and I can tell you it is hard work that I don’t miss at all. It paid 15.00 an hour but more work besides the dishes such as cleaning up after other people was not cutting it so I don’t miss it nor do I want to do food ever again. I hope Kennedy can walk up the ladder in his field of work because he is a hard worker with a smile on his face


Texas Outdoor Fanatic
I've been in my car for over 3 years now. I travel the country and do gig work. Most Americans have no idea how many Americans live in their cars. Think of it like an iceberg. The homeless you see on the streets are just the small tip of the iceberg, meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands of people that you don't see such as myself. I don't do drugs, I dont even drink alcohol. I work 6 days a week. I take care of my hygiene, health, etc all while sleeping in my car every day. I just view the good things about it. Sure I'm not in a home but I get to travel around, I get to do things on my own time. I've visited most of the national parks and a good majority of the states. Life is beautiful to me and will always be beautiful no matter the circumstances


I have been without a home twice and it was hard... I love overlanding but doing that by choice is completely different than by circumstance. Im not throwing stones at anyone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Texas Outdoor Fanatic
I dont make enough money to afford a home but I do make enough money to where I know I'll survive. I know others who aren't as fortunate. I'm a frugal person and living in my vehicle traveling around is over twice as cheap as back when I had an apartment. When I did have an apartment before I was forced to leave it was pretty much all of my income. I'd go days without eating sometimes just so I would have money to pay rent. I wouldn't go anywhere because that meant spending rent money on gas. Now I make even less money but besides having to live in my vehicle I no longer worry about if I can eat today or if I can put gas in my car. Looking back at it now it almost seems like I was working just so I can sleep in my prison cell "apartment" every night.


JW Suicides
@Texas Outdoor Fanatic I'm in admiration of your adaptability. However, I do wish that there was something "more" for someone like yourself who is obviously smart and has a good value system. If I was an employer you'd be very valued.


John Smith
Nice. Just make sure you got a nice big van to stretch out


Texas Outdoor Fanatic
@John Smith for me that would be too expensive to maintain. I'm in a corolla, I get 40 plus mpg so it allows me to put in next to nothing and have tons of gas. In a perfect world I would get a nice van though.


ella jones
We were lower middle class when I was a kid, but we were lucky. My father inherited enough money from his parents to allow them to buy a small house outright. Dad also had a steady job that put food on the table, paid the bills and allowed Mom stay home to raise us kids. My parents did the best that they could and for that I am eternally grateful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rants Of A Grumpy Old Lady
That sweet 13 year old boy had too much weight on his shoulders. When he said “…Seeing them all play together…it fills me up” made my heart melt. Meanwhile we have people in this country hoarding the extreme wealth when it wouldn’t take much of it to end homelessness.


Andrea Clear
Most sad to me is all the seniors displaced in life who have lost everything. As a nurse this hurts me so badly. I’ve taken some patients shopping for groceries, taken them places to get assistance etc. One of my patients was a local tv legend sports caster. Their son stole all their life savings then he disappeared. Now the parents are homeless. No phone etc. I look so forward to when they show up to my job to get the free medicines I give them and try to connect as much as possible


The Lovers Conjure
I’m half homeless right now too and have been without electricity for two months. I’m also a business owner and a single mother. Florida had a ridiculous surge in rent the last few years and it’s nearly impossible to find housing that’s affordable for the average family. The state literally does nothing- I’m forced to not eat anything some days and am underweight because of it, so I finally caved and applied for benefits. It’s been two months and it’s still pending. I wish so badly I could move to a different state but my ex refuses to budge so im stuck since we share custody.
My heart truly goes out to these families. I never thought I’d be in this position, and I’m sure they didn’t either. I pray that a solution is found soon.


Brandy Clogston
The fact that the father is willing to travel that far from his family to make sure they have food and essentials is very moving...what a great husband and dad.


Susana Suzuki
The family with 6 kids that kept their dog I wish them the best. I love people who don’t give up on their pets. I don’t know when this was filmed but I hope they are in a better position now.


I feel for that motel owner at the beginning. She wants to help and she clearly has a good heart. But she has bills to pay as well.


Catie Q
As a mother, it absolutely breaks my heart to see any child suffering. I can’t imagine how Amber has been able to care for both of her girls, but I hope they are doing much better.


Jesse Jules
It was really hard to watch the mother alone trying to apply for jobs with the two children and coming to the realization that it isn't possible. I felt the pain of facing what felt like failure in a similar position.
Also, one social worker assigned to monitoring 1800 children when the social worker themselves are probably burnt out and struggling to make ends meet.


This is how I grew up and didn’t get out until I was 18. I’m still poor and live in an apartment, but I can feed myself, pay bills, and save money. It’s a long way out of that hole and unfortunately a lot of people give up.


Leesa Love Documentaries
I’ve been in this situation. I’ve gone from truck to friend’s house,motel, cleaning for room & board, back to truck, & so on. 7 years! Still struggling to move forward. It’s incredibly hard!


So sad to watch. I didn't know it was this bad where I'm from until I became homeless and started living out of my car. Now when I park for the night I see so many others doing the same and people don't even notice. The sad part is most of us work and can't even afford the rent. I pray things change soon.


Andrea Clear
When I got out of an abusive relationship I lost my job and home and lived in car for awhile and it was hard to find places to park for sleeping or to not just waste gas. It’s crazy how when u r always the strong one helping everyone else and u become the one needing help nobody cares. Like most of u on here, it took awhile, but I got my own life back. I learned to not trust ppl. I always help anyone who needs it now tho.


This is the reason why it's hard for me to accept that it's okay for us to meddle in foreign affairs all the time. I prefer that we put our attention to these Americans and their families. It's heart breaking to watch them suffer.


Excellent Documentary!!! Thank you! It truly could happen to anyone. We just have to do the best we can. It’s so sad. I’ve been through it. It’s very very difficult to get straightened out. Stay strong.


lakeysha vaughn
Me and my two children just got off the street from living in our car in Charlotte for little over a month. It’s freakin crazy out here something has to be done about this it was even hard to get into the shelters because it was overcrowded with people who lost their homes! I’m still homeless living with family thank god for that but it’s still hard to find affordable housing. I pray that anyone who is going through this find help. Just keep the hope that one day it’ll get better. I praying for you brother/sister


Cara Burke
I wish I was there for that young lady with 2 baby girls. I would have watched her children for her or something so that she could have a minute to get a job. This is so sad, I was homeless too and people just don't care anymore. This has got to change


Orbs and shadows
I live by myself with my 4 guinea pigs. I used to have zero problems getting by but with the skyrocketing prices for everything it has been almost impossible.
I can't imagine if I had kids to feed and clothe.
Thank goodness I have a wonderful and loving man to help me through otherwise my pigs and I would be homeless too....Changes have to be made in this country starting


The Multi-Colored Canary
This is why it's important to save something every week. I was homeless, living in my car at one point. I had to claw my way out of poverty. I went to a trade school and now work for myself making more than I would have ever imagined. It takes hard work but it is possible. There are several fields that require just a little education but it's worth it.
I really feel for those who have small children, especially right now in America. I believe we are about to face the biggest financial collapse that the world has ever seen. And so many people are going to be out in the cold because our elected officials are incompetent.


Theo Zank
This is me now... only with a family of three in a hotel for $100.25 a night making $19.00 an hour. Thank goodness for online schooling for my daughter. It happens easy and quickly. We lived with a friend who passed-away and that led us to homelessness.


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