2025-02-15 JOJOyu 10789


i grew up in the western mountains of the USA and small towns, vast views of desert landscapes feel like home to me. In isolated places, people are grateful for company, don't take resources for granted, and find happiness in simple living. I love seeing this in China. We have different cultures and history but a shared humanity.
Especially with Western propaganda/bias in media, this is the kind of thing we don't see in movies or tv and I'm grateful to see it here. thank you for sharing this with us


I'm also grateful you shared your experience.
My comments are often dexed on Youtube but I hope you see this. There's not much conflicts between common people in USA and China. Those who possess power and wealth want commoners hate each other so they can be safely doing what they always do and become even wealthier.

在 Youtube 上,我的评论经常被删除,但我希望您能看到这一点。在美国和中国,普通人之间没有太多矛盾。那些拥有权力和财富的人希望普通人互相憎恨,这样他们就能安安稳稳地做他们一直在做的事情并变得更加富有。

I was thinking of the US too when I was watching this video. It's the 'other side of the US for me' because my home in US was Wisconsin - opposite of this view! I've never been to China yet, and while watching this video, felt like I need to visit China as well


I felt bad for that curator because it seemed to have little tourists despite how passionate and knowledgeable the man is. Thank you for letting us appreciate his work.


Miss Yan: This episode is BY FAR the best one you have posted unbelievably descxtive and POETIC!
How I would love to be able to make a trip to the Taklamakan Desert myself, but alas I am very old - 83!
and can only "travel" by watching your wonderful channel. Thank you SO MUCH for posting!!!

我多么希望能亲自去一趟塔克拉玛干沙漠,但可惜我已经 83 岁了,只能通过看书和通过收看您的精彩频道来“旅行”了!

12:54 "In the presence of nature's vastness I feel humans' fleeting existence is like a grain of sand slipping through our fingers, swept away by the wind, and eventually merges into the boundless desert's eternity." ... In case you didn't know that our presenter is one of the most gifted on youtube, here is another example. Spoken in a second language, no less. She is a captivating soul.

12:54 "在大自然的浩瀚面前,我感到人类短暂的存在就像一粒沙子从指缝中滑落,被风卷起,最终融入无边无际的沙漠的永恒... 如果你不知道我们的主持人是 youtube 上最有才华的人之一,这里还有一个例子,而且是用第二语言说的。她是一个迷人的灵魂。

Love you and envy you at the same time.
I havent been following you for that long yet so I don’t know much about your background and what took you to get where you’re now but, your videos are just stunning, amazing, show us how the world is vast, humongous and incredibly diverse, full of different lives and things to do and discover. How our daily and own lives are so so tiny compared to all that no possibilities. So, although, at same time, I feel renovated with live and sense opportunities yet to live and to come, I also get depressed in “what am I doing with life” or “why have I made myself stuck to this place” sorta of feelings.
If I ever build the courage to drastically change my life, leave all behind and try something else elsewhere, I’d like u to know that you and your videos will be big part of that. In other words, please continue what you’re doing, love you❤. Hope this comment finds you well��


The director of the museum is really professional. At first glance, you can tell he loves this job.
It reminds me of the director of xining Wildlife Park. He is also a small place and a person who loves his work.


Highways in the desert with shifting sands. I would call it one of the wonders in the world. The Chinese has the best infrastructure in the world , high speed rails .. All the lies about xinjiang.... People are so kind in xinjiang and happy.


Now I am 70 years. Once I worked with Prime Minister of Bangladesh and finished as education secretary of Bangladesh, finally with the request of honorable p.m. I worked as curator father of nation Museum. Suddenly government has changed violently and now I am hiding under fear of persecution. In my life, I have troubled 96 countries but the experience I’m getting from you is exceptional.
I read a lot about Taklamakan and lop nor lake especially expedition of Sir Orel Stean. However, I am so charmed to your stamina and narration about the places. I have been. I have visited many times in China in government capacities as well as private. No I think that I have to be visited xinjiang and Qinghai province. As I told I am hiding my Name is N I Khan.

现在我已经70岁了。我曾与孟加拉国总理共事并担任孟加拉国教育部长,最后应尊敬的总理的要求,我担任了国家博物馆馆长。突然间,政府发生了剧变,现在我因害怕受到迫害而躲了起来。在我的一生中,我曾去过 96 个国家,但我从你们那里得到的经验是独一无二的。
我读过很多关于塔克拉玛干和罗布泊的书,尤其是奥雷尔-斯泰恩爵士的探险。然而,您的毅力和对这些地方的描述令我着迷。我曾多次以政府和私人身份访问中国。不,我认为我一定要去新疆和青海省。正如我所说,我隐藏了自己的名字,我叫N I Khan。


U cannot not be amazed by the engineering feat of China. Also the 108 workers (好汉)that station along the entire highway to ensure irrigation success and preservation of the road from shifting sands. 108 is a significant number that date back to the 108 heroes of China. The red-blue houses are commitment to ensuring success for travellers. What a huge sacrifice living alone for 8 months period and with little or no bath. Totally love this vlog. Another 5 stars!
你不能不为中国的工程壮举感到惊讶。此外,还有 108 名工人(好汉)驻扎在整条公路上以确保灌溉成功并保护公路不被风沙侵蚀。108 是一个重要的数字,可以追溯到中国的 108 条好汉。红蓝相间的房屋是确保旅客顺利出行的承诺。独自生活 8 个月,几乎不洗澡,这是多么巨大的牺牲啊。绝对喜欢这个视频博客,又一颗 5 星!

Highways in desert, planting straws to block sifting sands! I have seen so many amazing things in China, and this is one of those marvels! Harbin snow to Taklamakan sands, she has come a long way, and she is so cheerful, lovely lady. I think as such Northeast people are very, very friendly. Such a wonderful video, Yan, I have already started it to see it second time! ��

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I did the same highway last year. Very cool. Also stoped by the house. We did stay one night in the driveway, since there wasn't anywhere else we could park the RV along the road. The guy was so happy to have accompany. Chatted with us for hours.


I have seen videos about China turning the desserts green
What these videos did not show is that there is a lonely person every 2km to water the plants everyday. This is just an amazing effort. I hope these highway protectors know their job helps people move across the dessert. Seemingly the job is trivial but they are actually very important. Thanks Yan.
I have learned something new today, thanks to you.

但这些视频没有展示的是每 2 公里就有一个人每天为植物浇水,这真是了不起的努力。我希望这些公路保护者知道他们的工作有助于人们穿越沙漠,看似琐碎的工作其实非常重要。谢谢Yan。

The people who gave you some snacks in return of the favor you guys did to move there car out of the sand moved me that how the humanity exists in this world. Please keep posting the videos . I always love them and always watch them



Hi Ms Han, I'm in a foreign country but of Chinese origin. I have been following your videos for years now. I think I have watched all your videos on Unseen China which is one of the best channels I can find on YouTube about China that is not political. I must say I enjoyed watching each one. Thank you for your tireless and brilliant work. The other 2 similar channels about China I like are: 青云迹 and Blondie in China,you all are professional and correctly focused.
嗨,Yan,我在外国,但我是中国人。我已经关注您的视频很多年了,我想我在“风物中华”上看过您的所有视频,这是我在 YouTube 上能找到的关于中国的最好的非政治频道之一。我必须说我喜欢看每一个视频,感谢您孜孜不倦的出色工作。我喜欢的另外两个类似的中国频道是“青云迹”和“金发女郎在中国”,你们都很专业,关注点也很正确。

Thank you for posting yet another beautiful and heart-warming video Yan. It never ceases to amaze me, from my western perspective I guess, just how friendly and trusting the people you encounter are. The way the gentleman offered to show you his humble home and wanting to cook noodles for you and your friend. The sincere gratitude that the stuck couple showed when you helped them with their truck. I was so happy to hear that you decided to continue your trip eastward and look forward to your next videos of you traveling on the national highway.


Dr. Yan, thank you for this amazing video! The challenge in building roads and trains amidst shifting sands is mind-boggling. How the problem of shifting sands is “overcome” is so simple yet clever. I bet your driver is having the time of his life experiencing things he would have never experienced if he hadn’t agreed to be your driver. Hope he agrees to your next assignment. Like a true adventurer, you just couldn’t resist going to xining via the cross province highway G315.

Yan,感谢您提供这段精彩的视频!在流沙中修建公路和火车所面临的挑战令人震惊。如何“克服”流沙问题是如此简单而巧妙。我敢打赌如果你的司机不同意当你的司机,他一定会体验到他一生都不会体验到的事情。 希望他同意你的下一个任务。 就像一个真正的冒险家,你就是忍不住要通过跨省高速公路 G315 去西宁。

Yan, your ability to speak with just about anyone you come across is very commendable. You don't shy away from conversation, and I deeply admire that about you. You probably make these folks day by giving them some recognition and asking about their lives. As someone with pretty bad social anxiety, your videos give me courage to talk with others and most importantly, listen to their stories. Thank you for visiting the parts of China no one sees! If it weren't for you, many would not know these small towns and villages and its people exist!


Dear Yan, I’m genuinely impressed by your dedication and high standards shown in your videos! Makes me realize I never really knew much about the country I grew up in! Love what you are doing, keep up the good work and be safe out there


Fascinating way to visit China and seeing places most of us will never have opportunity to visit. Ingenious method of protecting the highways across the desert and making them possible. Requires a lot of man hours and continual maintenance but worth it.


Love this clip, the dedication and friendliness of the couples 4 km apart, walking every day to see each other, the warm welcome and heartiness of the locals. Great stories, and amazing shots of the scenery. Appreciate the edit and the post, keep them coming. Warms me in Minnesota, USA

我喜欢这个片段,喜欢这对相距 4 公里的夫妻每天步行相见的执着和友好以及当地人的热情欢迎和真诚。很棒的故事,令人惊叹的风景镜头。感谢您的编辑和发布,请继续关注。让我在美国明尼苏达州感到温暖。

Its new year's eve, was alone until I found your channel. I have been binge watching all your episodes. The most happy I have felt in a while. Thankyou.for your videos and for the way you view the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

This is amazing. A lot of us live thousands of kilometres away in all corners of the earth. Without you documenting this journey and telling the stories of the little blue houses and the people in it, I would never have known this in my lifetime. Sincerely thank you as always for all you do Yan.


I kept wondering, why doesn't he use a bike to get to his wife and back, it would cover the distance in one third of the time.
Yan, thank you for all the videos from you that I have seen in the past year, I have learned a lot about China: that it is a very beautiful country, that the people are kind, that it is safe for a young woman to travel alone on a scooter, which is a rarity on this planet.
This is the only classical civilisation that has been in continuous existence for thousands of years. The Greeks and the Romans and the Sumerians and the Egyptians are all gone the Chinese are still here, Chinese characters have been in use for more than 3000 years. Impressive!
Yan, I wish you a very Happy New year!


This channel just gets better and better, it’s a full scale production of some of the most incredible shots, the editing, the narration - it’s just a joy.
The work you have done over the last year is exceptional, I hope you feel proud of your work - because you should.
Take a bow lady,
this is exceptional and it’s because you have such an open, friendly but incredibly intelligent & philosophical outlook which you narrate throughout all of these videos.


I'm from the US so it's very rare for me to see interesting parts of China that are ever rarely shown. The desert is so interesting and the silk road history along with Buddhism and Islam in the area is so fascinating. On rare occasions, the algorithm will hit me with something good. This is one of them!! I'm subscribing


Thank you, little sister, for this magnificent video and for all the other videos you share about this beautiful country that is the Middle Kingdom. I always feel a lot of emotion when seeing these splendid landscapes and all the people you meet and introduce. I wish you all the best in the continuation of your journey, and I look forward to seeing your next videos. Thank you!


Ni Hao,Yan: I want to thank you for this episode. Firstly, your video was so very well done. Secondly, most of your followers will never have the chance to see life across this legendary desert and I for one, am grateful that you shared your trip with us. It was an amazing experience. Thank you, tai gan xie le from Canada.

你好,Yan:祝愿你在接下来的旅程中一切顺利并期待看到你的下一个视频。首先,你的视频做得非常好。其次,你的大多数订阅者永远不会有机会看到这片传奇沙漠上的生活,我非常感谢你与我们分享了你的旅行,这是一次令人惊叹的经历。 谢谢你,来自加拿大的感谢。

很赞 26