为什么印度拥有如此多的 STEM 毕业生,却依然如此落后?
2025-02-10 兰陵笑笑生 7933
Why is India so behind despite having so many STEM graduates

为什么印度拥有如此多的 STEM 毕业生,却依然如此落后?

India graduates the 2nd most STEM graduates in the world, way more than the U.S., 2nd only to China and yet, I don’t see India having even a fraction of the advances of those countries.

印度是全球 STEM 毕业生人数第二多的国家,远超美国,仅次于中国。然而,我却没有看到印度取得哪怕是这些国家一小部分的进步。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 46
Coz not all STEM degrees from India churn useful skills! There are dime-a-dozen private "colleges" that churn out useless, unskilled "engineers" who don't have requisite skills to compete on a world stage. Quantity != Quality.

因为并非所有印度 STEM 学位都能培养出有用的技能!印度有大量廉价的私立“大学”,它们培养出毫无用处、技能不足的“工程师”,这些人不具备在国际舞台上竞争的必要技能。 数量 != 质量。

likes: 11
So true. The focus is on wordy definitions, classifications and complex methods which are outdated because simpler ways are used in the industry. But, nah, the professors are allergic to anything which improves efficiency and reduces rote work - they need to see you put in a truck load of effort - even when it is absolutely not needed.

确实如此。 教育重点放在冗长的定义、分类和复杂的方法上,而这些方法早已过时,因为行业中都在使用更简便的方式。 但是,唉,教授们似乎对任何能提高效率、减少死记硬背的做法都深恶痛绝——他们需要看到你付出大量的努力,即使这根本没有必要。

likes: 2
This and the system of teaching, teaching quality is pathetic. Can’t blame as all of us need food on table.

确实如此,而且教学体系和教学质量都非常糟糕。 这也不能全怪他们,毕竟大家都要养家糊口。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 1
yeah thats so valid indian education never focuses on analytical stuff. since day 1 we are only mugging, up untill the day we graduate we just cram stuff which doesn't mean we r actually good at stem. Having a degree says nothing

是的,说得很有道理,印度教育从来不注重分析能力。从一开始我们就只知道死记硬背,直到毕业那天我们都只是在填鸭式地学习,但这并不意味着我们真的擅长 STEM。 拥有一个学位并不能说明什么。

likes: 20
Take away reservations completely and create a meritocracy and see the results. Reservations have been in effect since 1950’s! Time to get back to building the country from scratch one brick at a time

彻底取消配额制度,建立一个精英制度,看看结果会怎样。 配额制度从 1950 年代就开始实施了! 是时候重新开始,一块砖一块砖地从头建设这个国家了。

likes: 31
>Take away reservations completely
Were you born yesterday? That's like asking Americans to give up their guns.

你昨天才出生的吗? 这就像要求美国人放弃他们的枪支一样。

likes: -21
Why do we care about what American’s do or don’t. I thought we were trying to understand why aren’t we encouraging STEM professionals to stay back and work here. How is Americans reacting to guns have to do with this? It is an issue here that we need to solve. Just because a country doesn’t do something doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

我们为什么要管美国人做什么或不做什么。 我们不是正在试图了解为什么我们没有鼓励 STEM 专业人士留下来在这里工作吗。 美国人对枪支的反应跟这有什么关系? 这是我们需要在这里解决的问题。 仅仅因为一个国家不这样做并不意味着我们不应该这样做。

likes: 4
Cause he didnt actually get what the comment he replied to said, his comment in general is right but its the wrong answer to reply


likes: 9
Reservations are one reason, but that alone won't solve the problem.. EU provides social security and US has high salaries+ low overall taxation.. Both provide better infrastructure, more freedom , access to global markets and lower corruption in daily life.salaries aren't in govt control, but taxation, social security infrastructure and the other things I mentioned are. All of which will need to be improved to keep people here willingly.

配额制度是一个原因,但仅靠这个无法解决问题。 欧盟提供社会保障,美国则提供高薪 + 较低的总体税收。 两者都提供更好的基础设施、更多的自由、进入全球市场的机会以及更低的日常生活腐败程度。 薪资不在政府的控制范围内,但税收、社会保障、基础设施以及我提到的其他方面都在政府的控制范围内。 所有这些都需要改进,才能让人们心甘情愿地留在这里。

likes: 6
to elaborate more on that, in these countries, scientists are backed by their government obviously not completely but quite to a large extent. The foreign governments actually give 2 shits about the country and want them to be developed. Indian politicians on the other hand are too busy in their politics and corruption even if someone tries to do smthn the politicians would shit on him and take all the persons resources. It's like the perfect example of when mughal emperors were busy building their tombs, oxford university was being built in the same time period. That's whats happening today as well apparently
Thats why it is very important to have educated people running the country

为了更详细地说明,在这些国家,科学家们显然得到了政府的支持,虽然不是完全支持,但在很大程度上是这样的。外国政府实际上非常重视国家发展,并希望它们得到发展。 另一方面,印度政客们却忙于政治和腐败,即使有人尝试做些什么,政客们也会打压他,并夺走他所有的资源。 这就像一个完美的例子,当莫卧儿皇帝忙于建造陵墓时,牛津大学正是在同一时期建造的。 显然,今天的情况也是如此。

likes: 7
Take out caste discrimination, take out corruption. They are tightly connected makes people to disobey laws and so least civic sense. Caste is the root of all problems in India

消除种姓歧视,消除腐败。 它们紧密相连,导致人们不遵守法律,公民意识淡薄。 种姓制度是印度所有问题的根源。

likes: 2
There’s almost no innovation in India. Look around and see big companies. Everyone wants to do just profitable business. I don’t think reservations are the root cause for every problem.

印度几乎没有创新。 环顾四周,看看那些大公司。 每个人都只想做有利可图的生意。 我认为配额制度不是所有问题的根源。

likes: 1
Scale the amount of research papers we publish by the amount of “upper caste/ non reservation” students in academia who got in purely on “merit”, and who beat the other intelligent reservation candidates to the race. India still lags behind.
Some of the dumbest engineers I know have aced their major entrance exams. Some of the smartest people I know wouldn’t pass a basic Indian engineering exam paper today.
Indian exams are an elimination process, not a sextion process. We don’t sext for smart capable engineers, we discard those who failed to show dedication to rote learning.
Removing reservation isn’t gonna fix the fact that our measure of meritocracy is not in sync with industry expectations

将我们发表的研究论文数量,按学术界中纯粹依靠“ merit”(即自身能力)入学的“上层种姓/非配额”学生人数进行衡量,以及那些击败了其他聪明的配额候选人的人数。 印度仍然落后。
我认识的一些最笨的工程师,却在重要的入学考试中取得了优异的成绩。 而我认识的一些最聪明的人,今天可能连一份基础的印度工程考试试卷都无法通过。
印度考试是一个淘汰过程,而不是选拔过程。 我们不是在选拔聪明能干的工程师,而是在淘汰那些未能展现出对死记硬背学习投入的人。

likes: 1
Agreed. But having a meritocracy will help raise standards, what’s happening in US with elimination of DEI and affirmative actions will help raise standards.
When one sees fellow students in the same classroom with 50% less marks than you the motivation to do something better is lost. One just wants to get this over with and move out of the country.
People tend to take an easier way out.

同意。 但是,拥有精英制度将有助于提高标准,美国正在发生的取消 DEI 和平权行动的事情将有助于提高标准。
当一个人看到同一个教室里的同学分数比你低 50% 时,就会失去把事情做得更好的动力。 人们只想赶紧结束这一切,然后离开这个国家。

likes: 1
Do you live in the US.
I do. What is happening will Not raise any standards. In fact, the department of education ensures that disabled and differently abled kids get proper access to education. With that defunded, these kids are gonna suffer big time. DEI elimination is specifically a move to rile up people without any actual benefits. The US has a problem of lack of interest in higher education, not of affirmative action.
Indian reservation system and American affirmative action process are not comparable in most ways.

是的,我住在美国。 正在发生的事情并不会提高任何标准。 事实上,美国教育部确保残疾儿童和身心障碍儿童获得适当的教育机会。 如果这方面的资金被削减,这些孩子将会遭受巨大的打击。 取消 DEI 实际上是一种煽动民众的手段,没有任何实际好处。 美国的问题是对高等教育缺乏兴趣,而不是平权行动。

likes: 12
most of the best ones dont. they go abroad .
some bright ones switch to MBA from IIM / ISB.
very few top folks stay back. but then funding / politics hinder their R&D works

一些聪明的人从印度管理学院 (IIM) / 印度商学院 (ISB) 转去读 MBA。
只有极少数顶尖人才留下来。 但是,资金/政治因素又阻碍了他们的研发工作。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 9
This is exactly why, out of my 200 batchmates from a very prestigious research institute 180 odd left for abroad, 20 odd went for an MBA and some out of those 20 still left or are thinking of leaving.
Even if they wanted to stay here, they didn't have the same opportunities here and not everyone can afford to jump into a PhD, people from middle and lower classes need to earn and the best they were getting here were odd teaching jobs at some good schools and coaching centres. While some of them would eventually turn out to be making some money in those jobs too it's like asking them to start all over again, so why not start all over again in a place where they get more.
The nation will grow more by incentivising their best to stay in the country. The US and Europe have essentially the 'first pick' on the humans most likely to succeed in any field. They'll starve their own to highly incentivise people good at something to come to their country, we're the opposite. Patriotism bait isn't gonna work on people who feel they're not getting what they deserve or even close to it.

这正是原因所在,我们一个非常著名的研究所的 200 名同班同学中,大约有 180 人出国了,大约 20 人去读了 MBA,而这 20 人中还有一些已经离开或正在考虑离开。
即使他们想留在这里,他们在这里也没有相同的机会,而且不是每个人都能负担得起直接读博士。 中下阶层的人需要赚钱,而他们在这里能找到的最好的工作就是在一些好学校和辅导中心做零星的教学工作。 虽然他们中的一些人最终也会在这些工作中赚到一些钱,但这就像让他们重新开始一样,所以为什么不在一个能获得更多的地方重新开始呢?
国家要发展壮大,应该激励最优秀的人才留在国内。 美国和欧洲基本上拥有在任何领域最有可能成功的人才的“优先选择权”。 他们会不惜代价地激励那些在某些方面有专长的人才来到他们的国家,而我们却恰恰相反。 对于那些觉得自己没有得到应有的待遇,甚至连边都沾不上的人来说,爱国主义的诱饵是行不通的。

likes: 35
Quantity over quality.


likes: 57
quality of higher ed is shit
no one wants to create anything just copy paste
people want to be slaves rather than doin smth good


likes: 42
To be fair, the environment itself is not conducive for innovation....
Invent something extraordinary and you'll be forced to either sell to a politician/die trying to defend it in courts.....


likes: 15
Well. Professors should understand it first
During my b tech. We were asked to write a program for a particular problem that was already taught in the class. Unfortunately I was absent when it was taught. But it wasn't a really difficult question. So I came up with the code myself that is way better than what was taught.
My professor couldn't even understand my code. Straight up told me it was wrong and failed me in the test. I had to go to the dept head and explain everything to get my marks

在我的本科技术课程期间,我们被要求为一个课堂上已经教过的问题编写程序。 不幸的是,在教这部分内容时我缺席了。 但这不是一个非常困难的问题。 所以我自己编写了代码,它比老师教的要好得多。
我的教授甚至看不懂我的代码。 直接告诉我代码是错的,考试也没让我及格。 我不得不去找系主任解释一切,才拿回了分数。

likes: 8
This never goes away even in so called big tech


likes: 1
I am with this , professor, teachers needs a lots of improvement in india. Education system from elementary needs improvement, it is difficult to understand if u r in it , and English/ local language education is not an issue , total local publish material, in local or English language is an issue , if professors don’t publish there own material , and depend upon outside publications, it is un affordable and un digestible but locals , I have education from and India and outside , spend half of my life in India and half outside

我同意这个观点,印度的教授和教师们确实需要大幅改进。 从小学开始的教育系统就需要改进,如果你身在其中,就会觉得很难理解。 英语/当地语言教育不是问题,问题在于本地出版的教材,无论是本地语言还是英语。 如果教授们不出版自己的教材,而是依赖外部出版物,这对本地人来说是难以负担和难以理解的。 我在印度和国外都接受过教育,一半的人生在印度度过,一半在国外度过。

likes: 4
thats also true but the common fact is.. indians just dont wanna create

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 14
Dude! You cannot expect a hungry stomach to think innovatively.....
Everyone wants to invest in Safe bets and it's not their fault! Everybody is 1 medical emergency away from being thrown on the streets!

老兄! 你不能指望一个饥肠辘辘的人能进行创新思考……
每个人都想投资稳妥的项目,这不能怪他们! 每个人都可能因为一次紧急的大病而流落街头!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

likes: 3
No. We fear failure. We shouldn't feel embarrassed about it, rather view it as an opportunity to learn. Also, the attitude that everything has to be the best only then it has some value - no let's make things functional first, we can improve as we go or keep them basic, if that's sufficient.


likes: 2
Sorry we are not even copying because if we are you would have seen at least the copies from India and go the china way. We are just struck in pseudo science and buying risk free assets like real estate like gold which doesn't help entrepreneurs get the much needed funding.


likes: 11
1. Parents force them to and they don't really want to do that.
2. Quality is low, like we have farzi phds and mtechs.
3. Good STEM graduates leave the country bcz of low class infrastructure that doesn't value their talents.

1. 家长强迫他们学 STEM,但他们自己其实并不想学。
2. 教育质量低下,就像我们这里有很多水货博士和硕士一样。
3. 优秀的 STEM 毕业生都离开了国家,因为这里的基础设施太差劲,不重视他们的才能。

likes: 8
India produces brilliant STEM graduates, but innovation is crippled by a mix of underfunding, risk aversion, and bureaucratic stagnation. In companies, novel ideas are often dismissed because management prioritizes short-term profits over long-term breakthroughs. The result?
Talented individuals either leave the country or suppress their ambitions. Until we fix this systemic reluctance to invest in risk-heavy, high-reward research, India will remain a follower rather than a leader in deep-tech innovation.

印度培养了许多优秀的 STEM 毕业生,但创新却因资金不足、规避风险和官僚主义停滞不前等多种因素而受阻。 在公司里,新颖的想法常常被否决,因为管理层优先考虑短期利润,而不是长期突破。 结果呢?
有才华的人要么离开这个国家,要么压抑自己的抱负。 除非我们解决这种系统性地不愿投资高风险、高回报研究的状况,否则印度在深科技创新领域将仍然是一个追随者,而不是领导者。

likes: 6
I have a stem degree. But good god I don't know squat even when I was a fresh graduate..

我有一个 STEM 学位。 但是,我的天哪,即使我刚毕业的时候,我也什么都不懂……

likes: 3
Because our courses are not designed to be practically useful. They are used to show off how much you are 'learning' i.e. memorizing information which is available at your finger tips.

因为我们的课程设计就不是为了实用。 它们只是用来炫耀你“学习”了多少东西,也就是死记硬背那些动动手指就能查到的信息。

likes: 8
Most STEM graduates are only doing it because their parents asked them to. Most high quality talent just leaves the country blaming system, lack of opportunities etc. Nobody wants to get their hands dirty and actually work to change things on ground. The fetish of social media posts, foreign trips, getting high paying jobs is all we care about.
Changing things on ground requires hard work and commitment which none of us(or very few of us) are actually ready to do. We just want to complain(myself included, I left the country too)

大多数 STEM 毕业生只是因为父母要求才去学的。 大多数高质量的人才都离开了这个国家,并且抱怨体制、缺乏机会等等。 没有人愿意真正脚踏实地地去改变现状。 我们只在乎社交媒体上的炫耀、出国旅行、找到高薪工作这些事情。
实实在在地改变现状需要努力和付出,而我们(或者说我们当中极少一部分人)实际上并没有做好准备。 我们只想抱怨(包括我自己,我也离开了这个国家)。

likes: 7
a friend of mine needed a microsope to finish her PhD, she been asking for it for several years, her PhD was stuck becuase there were a few experiments left to do and she needed this specialised microsope, she finally got access to it a few days before her deadline...there was a caste angle to her being deined access for 10 years....10 fuckin years of her life, she could have finished it in 4 years .
most indian univs are dominated by the upper caste folks and there is a crazy amount of gate keeping, the few routes through which diverse ideas poured in are now being dismanteled...in India, unless you annhilate the caste system from our social fabric, we will never have good univs, the upper caste those who can afford will go abroad, the upper caste who gate keep univ jobs will also be happy within their savarna acedemic ecosystem...
most of my friends , my partner are central/state univ professors i move in their circles,....so i know

我的一个朋友需要一台显微镜才能完成她的博士学位,她为此已经申请了好几年,她的博士研究停滞不前,因为还剩下一些实验要做,而她需要这台特殊的显微镜。她终于在截止日期前几天才获得了使用权…… 她被拒绝使用显微镜长达 10 年,这其中存在种姓歧视的因素…… 整整 10 年,她本可以在 4 年内完成博士学位的。
大多数印度大学都被高种姓的人把持,而且存在着令人难以置信的 “守门” 现象(gate keeping,指把持资源和机会,阻止他人进入)。 少数能够涌入多元化思想的渠道现在正在被瓦解…… 在印度,除非我们从社会结构中彻底消除种姓制度,否则我们永远不会有好的大学。 那些有能力负担得起的高种姓人士会出国,而那些把持大学教职的高种姓人士也会在他们自己的萨瓦纳种姓 (savarna) 学术生态系统中感到满意……
我的大多数朋友,我的伴侣都是中央/州立大学的教授,我身处他们的圈子里…… 所以我了解情况。

likes: 2
Lack of Manufacturing Hub. If we somehow become a manufacturing hub... Half of India's problem would be solved

缺乏制造业中心。 如果我们能以某种方式成为制造业中心…… 印度一半的问题就能得到解决。

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A graduate in most countries is a Master's degree. 4 year bachelor's is undergraduate.

在大多数国家,研究生指的是硕士学位。 四年制学士学位是本科。

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Ratta maar ke pass Karne ka vyavastha rakhoge toh yehi haal hoga

如果你继续维持死记硬背就能通过考试的制度,那(印度 STEM 落后)就是必然的结果。

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Because India’s focus has been wrong since independence. We need to really strengthen the access and quality of primary education first, once that is achieved we should then focus on higher education but we always spend way too much on higher education ignoring basic which will obviously result in very apparent inequality. There are so many schools in states where even the teacher doesn’t come ad even if they come they themselves don’t know how to teach or know about their own subject. The situation is so bad that even while having the worlds largest population, we don’t even have semi skilled labour to make our infrastructure

因为印度自独立以来,发展重点就错了。 我们需要首先真正加强初等教育的普及和质量,一旦实现这一目标,我们才应该关注高等教育。 但我们总是过度投入高等教育,而忽视基础教育,这显然会导致非常明显的不平等。 在一些邦,有很多学校甚至没有老师来上课,即使老师来了,他们自己也不知道如何教学,也不了解他们所教的科目。 情况非常糟糕,即使我们拥有世界上最多的人口,我们甚至没有足够的半熟练劳动力来建设我们的基础设施。

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Graduating and creating advances in stem fields are totally different. Here in india peope just want a degree and then move on in life for a job . But in other countries they sext these courses cause they are passionate not just cause its cool to study certain topics and subjects which may be useful for them to bag a good job in the future.

从 STEM 领域毕业和在 STEM 领域取得进步是完全不同的两回事。 在印度,人们只是想要一个学位,然后继续生活,找一份工作。 但在其他国家,人们选择这些课程是因为他们充满热情,而不仅仅是因为学习某些话题和科目很酷,或者这些科目可能有助于他们在未来找到一份好工作。

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Quality is bad. The courses which are taught are outdated. There is little to no exposure to the real world.


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2.55 million stem graduates out of 1.4 billion people population. Other countries have more stem graduates per capita than us.
So many people easily forget our population numbers are really high. Any factor we rank high on in the global scale, is only because of our insanely high population number. If a country in Africa like Nigeria had our population numbers then even they would rank high in similar numbers like stem graduates, gdp, etc etc.

在 14 亿人口中,只有 255 万 STEM 毕业生。其他国家的人均 STEM 毕业生人数比我们多。
很多人很容易忘记我们的人口数量真的非常庞大。我们在全球范围内任何排名靠前的因素,都仅仅是因为我们惊人的人口数量。如果像尼日利亚这样的非洲国家拥有我们的人口数量,那么即使他们在 STEM 毕业生、GDP 等类似指标上的排名也会很高。

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Lets say you have not eaten for 10 days. Would you try to plant a tree and wait for it to give fruit so that you can eat ? Or beg someone or get something off the market ? Hope you get your answer

假设你已经 10 天没吃饭了。 你会尝试种一棵树,然后等待它结果实来吃吗? 还是会乞求别人,或者从市场上买点吃的? 希望你能从中得到答案。

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Societal Norms and Social conditions. Anyone that's educated will want a better life and will seek a better life.
They have seen the pay parity and the difference in the quality of life. He has seen his grandparents and parents sacrifices go to vain by trusting that India will be a developed nation.
Look at how we treat our graduates. Post Graduate is non existent

他们已经看到了薪酬差距和生活质量的差异。 他们眼见着祖父母和父母相信印度会成为发达国家,但他们的牺牲却付诸东流。
看看我们是如何对待毕业生的。 研究生教育几乎不存在。

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When someone gets better opportunities abroad why would they willingly stay in a place with so much corruption, lawlessness, pollution, etc


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Not enough budget for education and R&D. Numbers convey the true story. A developing nation, according to me , should have more budget in education, compared to developed countries.
Only through proper Education, will we truly be able to move forward.

教育和研发预算不足。 数字说明了真相。 在我看来,一个发展中国家应该在教育方面投入比发达国家更多的预算。

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No amount of stem graduates will fix this, where you a country with a ton of cheap labour and the place is filthy, the air, the streets, the rivers. The people obviously are the problem.

再多的 STEM 毕业生也无法解决这个问题,因为你们国家廉价劳动力过剩,而且到处都很脏,空气、街道、河流都是如此。 显然,问题出在人身上。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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Mass producing STEM graduates wont do anything except serve in service industries (for benefit of other countries).
Innovation is born in Universities. Govn needs to invest highly in uni so that any stupid ideas students have get fundings to do research. Doesnt matter if it fails, but what it does is it gives reasearch mindset to students which in turn drives innovations, entrepreneurship and ultimately economic progress.
Look at how China is catching up with USA in terms of innovation. Did they just wake up one day and decided to do innovations?,no. China started investing in their uni and students 30-40 years ago following USA model, and now they have started to rip the benefits.

大量生产 STEM 毕业生除了让他们在服务行业工作(为其他国家做贡献)之外,不会有任何作用。
创新诞生于大学。 政府需要大力投资大学,以便学生们即使有一些看似愚蠢的想法也能获得资金进行研究。 即使研究失败了也没关系,重要的是它能培养学生的科研思维,从而推动创新、创业,并最终促进经济进步。
看看中国在创新方面是如何赶上美国的。 他们是一天醒来突然决定搞创新的吗? 当然不是。 中国早在 30-40 年前就开始效仿美国模式,投资于大学和学生,现在他们开始收获回报了。

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south asia has some of the most rigid social hierarchies in existence. caste , community, religion, gender.


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Indian STEM education is generally poor quality outside of IIT and a few sext colleges.

除了印度理工学院 (IIT) 和少数几所精选大学之外,印度 STEM 教育的质量普遍较差。

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They aren't all that good. Most are useless. The few (low even in percentage relative to China) that do leave the country. India was never a meritocracy. You only get caste discrimination either way. Either with affirmative actions like reservations or the other way with caste nepotism.

他们并没有那么优秀。 大多数人都是没用的。 真正优秀的人才(即使按百分比算,相对于中国来说也很低)都离开了这个国家。 印度从来都不是一个精英社会。 你无论如何都会遭受种姓歧视。 要么是因为像配额这样的平权行动,要么是因为种姓裙带关系。

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