2025-02-11 西斯摩多 5473

As Pakistan and India spar over basmati rice, some fear for its survival
International demand for basmati rice is forecast to double over the next few years. But farmers and connoisseurs say traditional varieties are disappearing.


Basmati rice — the region’s “scented pearl” — was probably once exported to the Roman Empire, historians say, and is today in growing demand in the United States and Europe. Yet its origins have never been more divisive or its future more uncertain.


Officials in New Delhi are pushing for basmati rice to be granted protected status in global markets as a uniquely Indian product. They have been met with vehement opposition from Pakistan, which claims the rice is part of a shared heritage between the two countries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But in the world’s basmati heartlands, many fear the real threat is being ignored by leaders in both nations. As analysts predict international demand for basmati to double over the next few years — reaching an estimated $27 billion by 2032 — farmers and rice connoisseurs say the signature strain is on the brink of disappearing.


Basmati’s name is derived from an ancient Indo-Aryan word for “aromatic” and “fragrant,” and it is described by many here in almost religious terms.


“There’s this special moment when you lift the lid of your metal pot and the steam comes out,” said Muhammad Nawaz, 37, a Pakistani chef. “It’s an eruption inside your nose; it intoxicates you.”

“当你揭开金属锅盖,蒸汽冒出来的那一刻,有一种特别的感受,”37岁的巴基斯坦厨师Muhammad Nawaz说。“它在你鼻子里爆发,让你陶醉。”

Nobody can say with certainty when exactly that began to change. But all agree that’s not what most basmati rice here tastes like these days — even if it carries the label.


“Young farmers have lost the traditional knowledge of how to maintain genetic purity,” said Debal Deb, an ecologist who works with Indian farmers to conserve indigenous seeds. He called the debate over who owns basmati “a complete waste of energy on both sides.”

“年轻农民已经失去了如何保持基因纯度的传统知识,”与印度农民合作保护本土种子的生态学家Debal Deb说。他称关于谁拥有巴斯马蒂的争论“完全是双方在浪费精力”。

In the 1980s, Indian and Pakistani farmers seeking a market advantage began growing varieties that matured faster and produced higher yields but lacked basmati’s characteristic richness. As small farms gave way to large agribusiness over the following decades, quicker harvest cycles, processing shortcuts and soil degradation, partly caused by climate change, all contributed to a less fragrant rice.


But the new varieties are cheaper and easier to prepare at home. More important, according to exporters, most customers in the West can’t tell the difference.


In Lahore, and across this agricultural belt of South Asia, many feel that true basmati rice is quietly dying out. “We have compromised on the definition,” said Faisal Hassan, whose father became a national hero in Pakistan when he helped create a popular variety of basmati rice in the 1960s.

在拉合尔以及南亚的这片农业带,许多人感到真正的巴斯马蒂大米正在悄然消失。“我们在定义上妥协了,”Faisal Hassan说,他的父亲在20世纪60年代帮助培育了一种受欢迎的巴斯马蒂大米品种,成为巴基斯坦的民族英雄。

“This is suicidal,” he said.


Basmati’s global boom


Basmati rice is deeply rooted in the Punjab region, which today comprises a state in India and an adjacent Pakistani province. Early forms may have been cultivated here as long as 2,000 years ago, archaeologists have found; written references to the rice appear as early as the 16th century, when the Mughal Empire ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent.


“It was the food of emperors and kings,” said Raja Arslan Ullah Khan, a Pakistani rice exporter.

“它是皇帝和国王的食物,”巴基斯坦大米出口商Raja Arslan Ullah Khan说。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the 1930s, Britain’s colonial government in India officially recognized the first standardized variety of basmati, which had been researched in a part of what would become the Pakistani Punjab province when British India was partitioned in 1947.


Basmati rice wasn’t an immediate international success. Initial importers were mostly in the Middle East, which had a growing affinity for biryani, and among South Asian diasporas in Europe and the United States.


From the start, India and Pakistan quarreled over who had the best basmati, and who had rightful claim to the name. In the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war, Pakistani farmers accused Indian soldiers of stealing their seeds; India subsequently accused its neighbor of copying its most prized varieties.


“Our rice was far better in quality compared to that of India,” said Chaudhry Arshad Mahmood, a 55-year-old Pakistani farmer whose family has grown rice in the region for decades.

“我们的大米质量远优于印度,”55岁的巴基斯坦农民Chaudhry Arshad Mahmood说,他的家族在该地区种植大米已有数十年。

Ganesh Hingmire, an Indian professor who specializes in intellectual property disputes, couldn’t disagree more: “If you have an inferior quality, you have no right to claim it’s yours,” he said.

专门研究知识产权纠纷的印度教授Ganesh Hingmire则完全不同意:“如果你的质量较差,你就没有权利声称它是你的。”

In recent decades, India has undeniably gained the upper hand in the race to global basmati dominance. Its increasingly successful marketing strategies and export policies have outpaced those of Pakistan, which is “late to the party,” said Saboor Ahmed, a rice supplier in Lahore.

近几十年来,印度无疑在全球巴斯马蒂主导权的竞争中占据了上风。其日益成功的营销策略和出口政策已经超越了巴基斯坦,拉合尔的大米供应商Saboor Ahmed说,巴基斯坦“来得太晚了”。

The country is looking for opportunities to seize more market share, as it did after 2018, when Indian exports to Europe were affected by new E.U. pesticide limits.


But “let’s be honest: Their variety is similar to ours,” said Yograjdeep Singh, a basmati rice business strategist in India. “Why are we fighting about this?”

但“说实话:他们的品种与我们的相似,”印度的巴斯马蒂大米商业策略师Yograjdeep Singh说。“我们为什么要为此争吵?”

New Delhi’s global efforts to enshrine its ownership of basmati have largely stalled. While an Indian case in the European unx is pending, Australia and New Zealand have rejected similar legal claims.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A legacy in doubt


There are no exact figures for how much traditional basmati is still grown in Pakistan, but exporters and experts agree that the majority of rice produced here is now of the newer, high-yield varieties. On the other side of the border, Pusa Basmati 1121, or PB 1121, a newer strain, accounted for around 70 percent of all basmati cultivated in India’s Punjab state in 2019.

巴基斯坦目前种植的传统巴斯马蒂大米数量没有确切数据,但出口商和专家一致认为,这里生产的大米大部分已经是新的高产品种。在边境的另一边,Pusa Basmati 1121(或PB 1121)这一新品种占2019年印度旁遮普邦所有巴斯马蒂大米种植量的约70%。

It’s a trend that is unlikely to be reversed. According to one study, farmers netted an average of $1,400 per hectare of PB 1121, more than double the $650 they earned from older varieties.

这一趋势不太可能逆转。根据一项研究,农民种植PB 1121每公顷平均净赚1400美元,是种植老品种650美元的两倍多。

Deb, the Indian ecologist, maintains his own rice seed bank, part of a small but growing grassroots movement to conserve traditional basmati. “We maintain genetic purity of each variety,” he said, “and then distribute them to farmers for free.” He added that more extensive efforts are needed across the region if the original taste and smell of indigenous varieties are to endure.


In Pakistan, people say basmati will always have a place at their tables, even if it’s not what it once was.


Faqir Hussain, a Lahore-based restaurant owner, switched to serving his customers a cheaper long-grain alternative years ago. “People will probably forget that traditional basmati rice ever existed,” he said.

拉合尔的餐馆老板Faqir Hussain几年前就开始为顾客提供一种更便宜的长粒大米替代品。“人们可能会忘记传统巴斯马蒂大米曾经存在过,”他说。

Hussain and other businessmen in Pakistan are focused on catering to younger generations — the country’s median age is around 20 — who often lack the emotional connection to traditional basmati and the means to afford it.


Lahore-based waiter Saqib Ur Rahaman, 52, said he understands why many are moving on; dishes at his restaurant would double in price if the old varieties were still used.

52岁的拉合尔服务员Saqib Ur Rahaman说,他理解为什么许多人转向新品种;如果仍然使用老品种,他餐厅的菜品价格将翻倍。

For Rahaman, though, there’s no substitute for the original. He still receives the precious grains at affordable prices from his wife’s relatives, who live nearby in the rice-growing heartlands.


“As long as my in-laws are alive, I’ll be okay,” he said.


Money will win and India and Pakistan will continue to fight ... basmati will suffer

钱会赢,印度和巴基斯坦会继续战斗。.. 巴斯马蒂会受苦

This makes me really sad. I now understand why I haven't been able to find the right rice for years....

这让我很伤心。我现在明白了为什么这么多年我都找不到合适的大米了。.. ..。

Hopefully some brands will maintain good quality.


How very, very sad for these people and the world.


I don’t eat white rice and didn’t have much to do with short grain brown rice either but brown basmati is so delicious and I know it must have a pretty low glycemic index because it is so satisfying long after eating…. I buy 25 # bags of Lundberg Family Eco brown basmati grown in California, probably not its most sustainable crop… this article makes me wonder how it compares to these Indian and Pakistani strains but only if they are sold unpolished.

我不吃白米,也很少吃短粒糙米,但糙米巴斯马蒂非常美味,我知道它的血糖指数一定很低,因为吃完后很长时间都感到满足……我买的是25磅装的Lundberg Family Eco加州产糙米巴斯马蒂,可能不是最可持续的作物……这篇文章让我想知道它与这些印度和巴基斯坦品种相比如何,但前提是它们是以未抛光的形式出售的。

It doesn't smell or taste the same like it used to, now it's just long grained rice.


I wondered about the rice not being as aromatic as I remembered. I've been using black and red rice the past few years. The black has a nice nutty aroma.


This is a modern day repeat of what happened to the huge variety of rices that were once grown in what is now Bangladesh. There, the driving force was also productivity, but for the internal market. The so-called green revolution allowed Bangladesh to be self sufficient in food--which is amazing for a country the size of Iowa with half the population of the United States. But in the process hundreds of local varieties disappeared.
Now I want to know where to buy fragrant long grain basmati rice?


Something to worry about in today's world.


But very, very far down the list given all the trulry existential threats we face.


This factual report explains why the brown basmati that I buy takes 42 minutes to cook, while some cheaper types can be readied so much faster.


This is a modern day repeat of what happened to the huge variety of rices that were once grown in what is now Bangladesh. There, the driving force was also productivity, but for the internal market. The so-called green revolution allowed Bangladesh to be self sufficient in food--which is amazing for a country the size of Iowa with half the population of the United States. But in the process hundreds of local varieties disappeared.


The person in the foreground of the first picture looks like he has a turban cloth wrapped over his mouth and nose instead of a proper dust mask. The one behind him has nothing at all. It looks very unhealthy. It makes me wonder about the general welfare of the people who process this product.


So is this 20 lb bag of basmati for $25 at Costco the ancient grain or the newer grain?
I used to buy these 12 lb bags there when they first came out, what 35 years ago. That was some great rice. I just don't need 20 lbs of rice now....


This report has a strange missing piece.
Maintaining a variety with consistent genetics and quality is difficult, but that is done successfully by professionals at seed companies across the world. India has some of the best. So there is certainly the expertise there. Probably in Pakistan as well
Continuous improvement in a crop, while retaining or enhancing the consumer characteristics (like basmati shapek, texture and aroma) is also difficult but is done successfully in most crops by the talented people at public and private breeding institutions. Again, India and Pakistan have lots of talent and institutuinal supportfor this domestically.
Why is this normal resource not brought to bear? Or is it but just didn't end up in the article.


I think that if there's any regulation on the use of the name "basmati", then it should be based on the strain of rice. There's no reason why India and Pakistan shouldn't both be able to use the name for that strain.
Any other strain should be "long-grain Indian/Pakistani rice".


The people will be increasingly at risk of starvation. Varieties that can survive future weather are essential. We usually use Ben's converted rice, rather than an import from Asia.


"Most types of rice, particularly white rice, have a high glycemic index, basmati rice is much lower on the scale. With a glycemic index between 50 and 58, basmati rice is a low to medium glycemic index food. If you have diabetes, small portions of basmati rice can be a part of your healthy diet." - WebMD

大多数类型的米,尤其是白米,具有较高的血糖指数,而巴斯马蒂米的血糖指数则低得多。巴斯马蒂米的血糖指数在50到58之间,是低到中等血糖指数的食物。如果你有糖尿病,适量的巴斯马蒂米可以成为你健康饮食的一部分。 —— WebMD
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

what I find interesting is two countries have a problem with
the poor getting enough food and poverty. they start fight
about who exports the most or most tasty varieties rice.


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