2025-02-10 童言无忌 5635

Why did Canada impose tarrifs on the USA? Are they stupid?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Gilbert Watts
Yeah, it is the Canadians who are making bad decisions and attacking their centuries long allies… Are we stupid? No, we just have the poor luck of being situated next door to a nation full of ignorant blowhards. If I lived in Europe or really anywhere other than the Americas I might find this all quite humorous. Alas though, the idiocy that is the USA is far too close for me to be able to revel in the downfall of the US. It would seem our American neighbours are on a mission to crush our economy. Canada and Canadians aren’t going to quietly just give up and hope for the best…again, because we aren’t Americans. That is their thing. We actually care about each other so we are banding together as a nation to deal with American political and cultural stupidity. If an American reads this and you get your wittle feewings hurt….good. If you choose to comment I will assume you are a masochist because I have no fucks left to give about your precious American feelings. Try me, I am a snotty bitch and I am smarter than you. EDIT: ~30 minutes ago the White House announced they would put a 30 day moratorium on tariffs on Mexican and Canadian goods. Was this intended to be a scare tactic? Mission accomplished. Not sure that will work out as intended. <3 Feb 2025 ~5:30pm EST>

是的,加拿大人做出了错误的决定,攻击了他们几个世纪以来的盟友…… 是我们愚蠢吗?不,我们只是运气不好,毗邻一个充满无知吹牛大王的国家。
如果我住在欧洲或美洲以外的任何地方,我可能会觉得这一切很有趣。 唉,美国这个愚蠢的国家离我太近了,我无法为美国的垮台而欢欣鼓舞。看来我们的美国邻居正在执行一项摧毁我们经济的任务。 加拿大和加拿大人不会默默放弃,并乞求最好的结果……再说一次,因为我们不是美国人。那是他们的事情。我们彼此关心,所以我们作为一个国家团结起来,共同应对美国的政治和文化愚蠢。
编辑:约 30 分钟前,白宫宣布他们将暂停对墨西哥和加拿大商品征收 30 %的关税。所以,他们是想吓唬人?而现在任务完成了。不确定他们的预期是否会实现。<2025 年 2 月 3 日~美国东部时间下午 5:30>

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

John Devine
these tarrifs are not about drugs at the border, this is trumps attempt to force canada to become his 51st state by ruining our economy and forcing us to give up to US to survive. I am 85 year old canadian and have bought a rifle and will give up my life to defend my country john devine

这些关税与边境毒品无关,这是特朗普试图通过破坏我们的经济并迫使我们向美国屈服以求生存,迫使加拿大成为他的第 51 个州。我是一个 85 岁的加拿大人,买了一支步枪,愿意献出我的生命来保卫我的国家。

Jim Baxter
LOL I was thinking of doing the same thing…but I don’t really think it will get that far. And besides the mericans would have to find us in order to invade us. We could turn the map sideways and they would invade Hawaii!


Mark L'Orso
Don’t worry - US troops are pretty stupid and I suspect trying to convert miles to km will stop them in their tracks.


Joan Hutchins
Less stupid than the idiot who first imposed tariffs on goods from Canada. Canadians can easily decide to not buy goods from the US, they don’t buy that much from us and there are other sources. So it isn’t likely to increase prices in Canada by enough to worry about. The US however buys a LOT of oil, food, cars, electronics, lumber and pulp from Canada. They can sell those things anywhere else if they choose to or Americans can pay 25% more for them, then there is the electricity they sell to the Midwest, and the NE. They can decide to stop selling it to the US if they choose No the Canadians and Mexicans are not stupid. They know the US is going to lose far more than they will. They also know there are other markets for their goods. They also know that the world is viewing the US as a bully nation and the US will get no breaks from other nations and they have the sympathy of the world. That means other nations will let Americans suffer and not let Canada and Mexico suffer to the same extent. Vote for Trump and it costs you money. I note there are still Trumpies who believe Trump is going to bring prices down, the poor dears. There are still Trumpies that think China, Mexico and Canada will pay the tariffs. Bless their hearts.

比起第一个对加拿大商品征收关税的白痴,他们更不愚蠢。 加拿大人可以轻易决定不从美国购买商品,他们从我们这里买的不多,而且他们还有其他来源。因此,加拿大的物价不太可能上涨到令人担忧的程度。 然而,美国从加拿大购买了大量石油、食品、汽车、电子产品、木材和纸浆。如果他们愿意,他们可以把这些东西卖到其他地方,或者美国人多付 25% 的钱。他们还可以把电力卖给中西部和东北部。他们可以决定停止向美国出售电力,如果他们愿意的话。
不,加拿大人和墨西哥人并不傻。他们知道美国的损失将远远超过他们。他们也知道他们的商品还有其他市场。他们还知道,世界将美国视为一个欺凌弱小的国家,美国不会得到其他国家的宽恕,他们得到了世界的同情。这意味着其他国家会让美国人受苦,而不会让加拿大和墨西哥遭受同样程度的痛苦。 投票给特朗普,你会损失钱。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Owena Corey
No. That belongs clearly on Americans. All we are doing is handing back the shit that you handed us. Enjoy.

不。这显然是美国人的责任。 我们所做的只是把你们给我们的东西还回去。 好好享受吧。

Mark McClain
They are responding to self inflicted stupidity from the US. I suspect folks in the US are going to be shocked at how quickly prices rise and how many get laid off with the reduction in trade. I would imagine the trucking industry is reeling already.


Tony Bartlett
No Trump is a stupid bully He thinks the world is scared of him but in truth they're laughing at him

不,特朗普是个愚蠢的恶霸 他以为全世界都怕他,但事实上他们都在嘲笑他

Hugh Miller
It's called fighting back because Canada has been unjustly targeted. Like if someone unjustly targeted you, wouldn't you fight back? Of course you would. Trump had no reason to impose these tariffs. So, Canada is within their sovereign rights to impose their own. It's called a trade war! What the hell did Trump expect to happen?

这叫做反击,因为加拿大受到了不公正的攻击。 比如,如果有人不公正地针对你,你不会反击吗?你当然会。 特朗普没有理由征收这些关税。因此,加拿大有权利征收自己的关税。这叫做贸易战!特朗普到底希望发生什么?

I wasn’t born in Canada but I am an immigrant Canadian. I have observed that Canadians are patriotic, cool in nature. They have already made plan-B & C. If Vietnam can survive decades against American aggression then Canada can survive well. We Canadians are big fighter & PROUD TO BE A CANADIAN. No, Canadians aren’t stupid. They can identify very well who are Stupid.

我不是出生在加拿大,但我是加拿大移民。我发现加拿大人很爱国,性格冷静。他们已经制定了 B 计划和 C 计划。如果越南能经受住数十年的美国侵略,那么加拿大也能很好地生存下来。我们加拿大人是伟大的战士,我们为身为加拿大人而自豪。 不,加拿大人并不傻。他们能很好地识别谁是傻子。

Jackson DeOliveira
It's becauee the Orange Calf loves flipping the bird at our allies and sucking the dicks of our enemies. As it turns out, his idiotic tariff ideas went the way everyone who has the most barebones understanding of tariffs knew it would: A fucking disaster that hurts American Citizens because the Orange Fucktard doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Hope all the people that voted for the Moron and all the cowardly non-voters who decided it wasn't their buisness are fucking happy about screwing over the country

这是因为橙色小牛犊喜欢对我们的盟友竖中指,并舔我们敌人的鸡巴。 事实证明,他愚蠢的关税想法就像所有对关税有最基本了解的人都知道的那样:一场伤害美国公民的灾难,因为橙色混蛋除了自己谁都不在乎。 希望所有投票给白痴的人和所有认为这不关他们的事情的懦弱的不投票的选民,都能为国家被搞垮而感到高兴。

Alistair Riddoch
Are they stupid? Yeah a little. Two wrongs dont make a right. If Canada wants to show displeasure with Trump tarriffs, we should immediately decrease our annual budget and spending on weapons of war. Divert the money to rescue and firefighting services. Maybe some more coast guard. Screw the big ticket items. Or slow-boat them… stretch their procurement over triple the length. President's have asked Canada to increase armed forces budgets. Why? We have matured past that bullshit. So walk back our agreements to increase military spending. We're Canada. Not hothead yahoos. Oh. And stop buying Tesla's. Put a $1 tarriff per Tesla, but make it take 4 years to get the import permit approved. Never accet the $1. No Teslas. That will send a message through the back door. Pick and choose the battles. Try and keep the producers that keep our countries running from becoming pawns or victims. Government supposed to serve the people. Not get sucked into a stupid lose lose game. Dont play his (Trumps) game his way. Play it a different way instead.

他们愚蠢吗? 是的,有点。负负不能得正。
哦。别再买特斯拉了。对每辆特斯拉只征收 1 美元的关税,但要花 4 年时间才能让它获得进口许可证。永远不要接受那 1 美元。不要特斯拉。他们会通过后门发出信息。
选择战斗。但不要让那些让我们的国家运转的生产者成为棋子或受害者。 政府应该为人民服务。
不要陷入愚蠢的双输游戏。 不要按照他(特朗普)的方式玩他的游戏。而是以不同的方式玩。

Henry Lepage
Not stupid,smart and strategic. Americans owe trillions of dollars,their as bankrupt as Trumps companies. And like Trump will probably never pay off his creditors.

不傻,聪明,有策略。美国人欠了数万亿美元,他们和特朗普的公司一样破产了。 和特朗普一样,他可能永远不会还清债权人的债务。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Because your exceedingly stupid Orange Turd imposed tariffs on Canada for no fathomable reason. Since he doesn't appear to understand how tariffs work and keeps lying about how tariffs are not taxes on the people in the country that imposes the tariff you get to watch inflation rise to new heights. Who is the stupid one ? The Orange Buffoon who started this stupid price war. If you Maganuts had any sense of reality or history you would look.back.on the tariffs he imposed during his first term and see how that worked. Oh yes millions of your tax dollars bailed the farmers who were losing their farms thanks to Trump's tariffs because China hit back hard China dumped the products of American farms and went to South America, your idiot president watched China drop American imports by 70 percent and filled the loss with South American products. The biggest loser will be us and of course the big Orange Buffoon. So who is the stupid country?

谁是傻瓜?发起这场愚蠢价格战的橙色小丑。如果你对现实或历史有任何了解的话,你回顾一下他在第一任期内征收的关税,看看它是如何运作的。 哦,是的,你的数百万美元税款拯救了那些因特朗普的关税而失去农场的农民,因为中国进行了严厉的反击。

Abbott you are dumb for asking this question. Canada is not the slave of america and america needs to understand that. A fair deal is one thing but we buy more products per person than you do. maybe we will drop our spending per capita to the level you spend on us and see how you like it. I will give you some facts. In 2023, the United States trade balance for goods and services with Canada was a deficit of -$41 bn USD. However, if energy is excluded, the US ran an overall trade surplus of +$63 bn USD with Canada. Canada exported $593 bn CAD worth of goods to the US in 2023, and imported $484 bn CAD worth of goods from the US. Canada imported $123 bn CAD worth of services from the US in 2023, and exported $105 bn CAD. Really since you rely on our 4 million barrels a day of oil lets really take that our of the equation. Now you have a surplus with Canada so I want trump to shut his mouth. we have almost 10 times less population then you do so how the hell do you expect us to buy the same amount as you. Time to grow up people. If you don’t like my comment then maybe you should go back to school and learn about life. Leave your small town and see the world does not revolve around you and america. I feel sorry for americans who voted for the other guy but really stand up for what is right. You are losing allies as long as trump stays in power.

你问的这个问题很愚蠢。加拿大不是美国的奴隶,美国需要明白这一点。 公平交易是一回事,但我们人均购买的产品比你们多。也许我们会把人均支出降到你们花在我们身上的水平,看看你们喜欢不。
1、2023 年,美国与加拿大的商品和服务贸易逆差为 -410 亿美元。然而,如果不包括能源,美国与加拿大的总体贸易顺差为 +630 亿美元。2、2023 年,加拿大向美国出口了价值 5930 亿加元的商品,从美国进口了价值 4840 亿加元的商品。
3、2023 年,加拿大从美国进口了价值 1230 亿加元的服务,出口了 1050 亿加元的服务。 真的,既然你依赖我们每天 400 万桶的石油,那就让我们真的把这个从等式中去掉吧。 现在你们对加拿大有盈余,所以我想让特朗普闭嘴。我们的人口几乎比你们少 10 倍,你怎么能指望我们和你们买同样多的东西。
是时候长大了。如果你不喜欢我的评论,那么也许你应该回学校学习生活。离开你的小镇,看看世界并不围绕你和美国转。 我为那些投票给其他人但真正为正义而战的美国人感到遗憾。只要特朗普继续掌权,你们就会失去盟友。

Kim Wegenke
The US insults Canadians and slaps tariffs on Canada. You think Canada is stupid because they return the favor. You are definitely not the best at assessing stupidity. Sane people would blame the guy that started the whole thing, not his victims. I bet you voted for the guy that promised to increase prices, because you thought prices were too high.


Suzanne Fox
They are standing up to the Tyrant Trump who hasn't a clue how to treat an ally. They are standing up against the school yard bully to the south. More power to them. Trump is letting the power of the United States Precidency go to his head. You do not treat friends the way he has, not now, not ever.


Bill Fischer
No. The Canadians aren’t stupid. Unlike the U.S.A. they don’t give high school diplomas to people who never learned to add, subtract, multiply, divide, read the time, read a map or know where anything, anywhere in the world is at.


Anthony De Mazia
Canada had a trade agreement with Mexico and the USA - and we all prospered from it. Trump has torn it up and attacked it’s long term ally, Canada. Are you so stupid (like Trump) to think Canada will not respond?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Fred Zlotnick
Why did the USA impose tariffs on Canada? Are we stupid? Oh yeah, we are… At least some of us are.

美国为什么要对加拿大征收关税?我们是傻子吗? 是的,我们是傻子……至少我们中的一些人是傻子。

Denise Coen
They're intelligence is not in question - they didn't just elect a known criminal as President.


Sean Webb
We didn’t initiate this conflict. We negotiated various trade deals in good faith. The U.S. decided to be a bully and is threatening our sovereignty.


Trump: Hey Canada, we're slapping tariffs on the products we import from you. Trudeau: Fine. We'll place tariffs on U.S. products we import. Trump: YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!! YOU'RE WEAK AND A COWARD! I HATE YOU!!! #MAGA #Winning it turns out Trumpfuckistan is the land of the freedumb

特朗普:你不能这么做!!!你怎么敢这么做!!!你软弱又胆小!我恨你!!!#让美国再次伟大 #赢

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

There’s a word, perhaps one time in your life you have heard of it. It’s called “retaliation.” TRUMP imposed tariffs FIRST. Canada RESPONDED. Since you don’t seem to understand very much, let me dumb it down for you in a way that you are able to understand: You hit me, so I hit you back.

呃。 有一个词,也许你一生中只听说过一次。它被称为“报复”。

很赞 3