2025-02-14 jiangye111 3116
Group of Labour MPs urge No 10 to be tougher on migration to fend off Reform
-Pressure group set up by MPs from seats where Reform came second amid concern about party’s rise


(One MP involved in the discussions said there was ‘a major focus now on how to beat Reform’.)


Labour MPs whose seats are under threat from Reform UK have set up a pressure group that will urge Keir Starmer to take a tougher stance on migration and crime, amid growing concern about the rise of the rightwing populist party.


MPs drawn from the 89 constituencies where Reform came second at last year’s election have established an informal caucus focused on how to defeat Nigel Farage’s party, which came top in a major national poll for the first time this week.


Meanwhile, Downing Street has dispatched data and strategy experts to advise MPs on the kinds of messages that are resonating with Reform-minded voters, in a sign that MPs’ concerns are also shared by senior officials in the Labour party.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One MP involved in the discussions, which include dozens of MPs, said: “There is a major focus now on how to beat Reform. Various groups have been set up and we have been talking to Downing Street about what works. One of our main messages to the leadership is we need to do more on illegal migration especially.”


Another said the group wanted ministers to “shout louder” about what they were doing to tackle legal and illegal migration, including deporting tens of thousands of people back to their home countries.


A Labour party source said: “Groups of MPs meet all the time about lots of different issues. Labour MPs are rightly concerned about Nigel Farage’s plans to make people pay to access NHS services and will carry on taking the fight to them and other opposition parties in parliament and at the ballot box.”


Downing Street has been worried for months about the rise of Reform, but those concerns deepened this week after YouGov became the first major pollster to show the party ahead of Labour and the Conservatives. The poll on Monday showed Reform on 25%, with Labour on 24% and the Tories on 21%.


Morgan McSweeney, the prime minister’s chief of staff, has made it one of his top priorities to combat Reform’s appeal, telling MPs that Labour will be able to do so by showing tangible improvements to local public services.


Downing Street has in recent weeks sent campaign strategists and polling experts to brief MPs on where and how the party has been able to outperform its national poll rating in recent council byelections.


One MP said one of the main pieces of advice had been to identify projects local voters have long been asking for and to make sure they are delivered. McSweeney has told allies he helped defeat the British National party in east London 15 years ago in part by focusing on areas where previous local and national governments had promised infrastructure projects but failed to build them.


Matthew Faulding, the secretary of the parliamentary Labour party and a close ally of McSweeney, helped organise the briefings, according to those who attended. Some MPs, however, still want the party leadership to go further, especially when it comes to immigration.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One MP said they had been unimpressed recently by the response of ministers at recent briefings when asked about the possibility of processing asylum seeker claims offshore – something Starmer has said he is open to. “Even though the party policy is that we might do this, ministers have mainly been stressing how expensive it would be,” the person said.


Another said they had urged ministers to be more vocal about deportation flights.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Labour said in December it had deported almost 13,500 people since coming to power, and was on track to deliver the highest number of returns for five years. The statistics have caused alarm among human rights campaigners, but some MPs believe the party needs to be more vocal in publicising them.


One said: “We need to take tougher action on immigration, but we also need to shout louder about what we are doing.”


While Labour MPs discuss tactics to counter the threat of Reform, some are seeking lessons on combatting rightwing populists from outside the UK.


A small group is planning a trip to Germany in the coming weeks to find out what they can learn from the rise of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), which is expected to perform well in the country’s election later this month.


Reform is hoping to pick up seats at this year’s local elections, but is hoping for an even bigger result next year at the next set of local elections, and in the vote for the Welsh parliament. Some in Labour believe, however, that Reform’s poll rating will begin to fade ahead of national elections as scrutiny increases on their policy platform and the views of their candidates.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One minister said: “Reform are doing well, but then Ukip also did well in between national elections. That will change as soon as people start to pay attention to what they are actually saying.”


This article shows that Labour just doesn't get it, in that they think the solution to their problems is simply to "shout louder".
The problem with that approach is the voters are very jaded when it comes to immigration. They are used to being lied to by government after government.
The government promised to reduce immigration but instead both legal and illegal immigration levels increase.
A messaging strategy isn't going to work, they need to actually reduce immigration levels or they will lose to Reform.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don’t think reducing numbers is enough. The electorate are not stupid and see absolute numbers.
We’ve reached a tipping point here now and I think even if the inflows reduce this won’t change the anger around immigration.
We’ve allowed literally millions of people from subsaharan Africa and the subcontinent over the past four years. It will tear the social fabric of the country apart never mind the economic arguments.
Many of them will soon be eligible for ILR. This is a liability timebomb.


Why not set a target like- end use of hotels for illegal migrants by the end of 2026 or half small boats crossings then actually take action rather than just pussy footing around every issue and promising reviews and making the public thinking you’re doing nothing even when you might be.


Upbeat-Housing1(-0.13,-0.56) Live free, or don't
I was just thinking last night about the percentage of births that are now British ethnic. (Last data point was 54%). It struck me how incredibly significant it is that in the next generation of young people to be born, British ethnicity will be a minority. It's sort of the end of a period of history over 1000 years long. It's a very strange feeling, slightly unsettling I think. I wonder what this place is going to be by the time I have reached old age?


It is a huge demographic change, which happened without the consent of the British people.
Our grandchildren will be a minority in their own country.
It is madness.


Didn't it happen because white British people decided not have children? Isn't that why successive governments have relied on immigration to prevent population collapse, maintain house prices and pay pensions?
Seems like it was entirely their choice?
If you're really worried about it, do your part and have 7 kids.


I mean, there was another option. Just look at Japan.
They have an aging population and their solution was to invest heavily in automation and try as many different ways to increase the birth rate as possible.
So far, the automation side has worked out fantastically. The increased birth rates, not so much.


Japan's GDP per capita has been stagnant for 30 years at this point. Their population is set to decline by 50% by 2100. Japan is littered with hundreds of abandoned villages and towns. Only big cities are growing because that's where young people move to work, not have kids, then die.
If that's the "other option" then it's essentially allowing the country to fade away.


Yes, that is the other option. Don't focus on increasing standards of living, but focus on maintaining it by increasing efficiency in the economy. That way, the same work can be done with fewer people. Eventually you will hit the bottom of the population valley and it will start rising again.
In USD, the Japanese economy looks like a disaster because of the falling Yen exchange rate. However, when priced in Yen, GDP per capita has actually been increasing in the last 2 decades.
It isn't a great result, but it is what the Japanese people have chosen. So it is a real option. Japan has chosen to be a rich country that will never become a world power again.


So you don’t think children born / grow up in the UK that uphold the value of the UK are British?


Upbeat-Housing1(-0.13,-0.56) Live free, or don't
Not in terms of ethnicity. And it's only recently I've realised that ethnicity does have meaning and impact. For example, while it's obviously going to vary from one person to another how much they consider this home and how much they think of their people as the British people, I have noticed that often ethnic minorities don't see it that way. For example I've just spotted Layla Moran MP saying "Trump has clearly not spoken to a single Palestinian about this plan. Gaza is our land. Palestine is our home." Well, in the way that Palestine is her land, (in her words I stress to the utmost) then I suppose Britain is my land.

在种族方面不是。直到最近我才意识到种族确实有意义和影响。比如,虽然每个人对英国的重视程度和对英国人的看法显然是不同的,但我注意到,少数民族通常不这么认为。比如,我刚刚发现国会议员Layla Moran说:“特朗普显然没有和一个巴勒斯坦人谈过这个计划。加沙是我们的土地。巴勒斯坦是我们的家园。”好吧,既然巴勒斯坦是她的土地,(我用她的话强调了最大程度)那么我想英国就是我的土地。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think we can have lots of identities. Lots of Canadians of Chinese descent identify themselves as Canadians, while still consider China as their root. I think the question you should ask is not about the difference in culture but where their loyalty lie.


That's funny, as it resembles what just happened with the Democrats in the US.
They tried to be more right-wing than Trump and they lost miserably, as Trump and the Republicans, as Reform will do in UK, had no limits (or shame for that matter) or red lines on their right side, and they will always beat Labour trying to be more right wing.
If they want to fend off the threat from Reform, they just need to tax the rich and relieve the burden that has been placed on working people.
People is very simple, they look at immigration as a problem when they struggle, like is the case, with exorbitant utility bills and rent and stagnant salaries and a demise in the public services, and this is caused almost exclusively to make sure their donors don't pay taxes.
When people lives are going well, suddenly immigration is not a problem, but if you keep squeezing people to make sure your pals pay no taxes, then yes, they will look for a scape goat, and immigrants are always the easiest target.


Haven’t they learnt anything from the Tory downfall? By playing someone else’s game, which they’re better at, you’ll lose. Play your own game, dictate your narrative. Yes you can reduce immigration, whilst shouting loud about its benefits.


If the government had sorted this as far back as 2015 then all of the political problems the UK uniquely faces would be null and void, it’s an absolute no-brainier.


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