难以置信!中国使用 10,197 架无人机进行令人惊叹的空中表演,创吉尼斯世界纪录!“越南从韩国进口的无人机除夕表演大规模坠毁被取消”
2025-02-12 平平躺平 14292


At the end of 2024, China held a breathtaking drone show with 10,197 drones taking off simultaneously, setting two Guinness World Records: "The most drones controlled by a single computer taking off at the same time" and "The most drones in the air." This 3D dynamic performance refreshed everyone's imagination of the night sky and was praised by the world's richest man, Elon Musk, as "the most spectacular drone show in the world."

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In recent years, drone technology has been widely applied in various fields globally, including agricultural plant protection, logistics and transportation, film and television production, and public safety. For example, in agriculture, what once required a large workforce to spray pesticides can now be accomplished by a single drone in just a few minutes. In June 2024, China's DJI drone successfully flew over Mount Everest, breaking through an altitude of 6,000 meters to complete a rescue mission. Drones not only provide assistance in daily life but also bring awe and joy in the field of performance, perfectly combining technology and art.


The history of drone shows dates back to 2012 when the first outdoor drone show was held at the electronic art festival in Linz, Austria. In 2016, Intel showcased a drone light show at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, successfully presenting the combination of technology and art to the world. As the world's leading drone producer, China broke four world records in 2018 with a drone show in Shenzhen using 5,200 self-developed drones, demonstrating its strong capabilities in drone formation flight.


At the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese companies used 2,022 drones to create an "artificial snowfall," with familiar characters "Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Shuey Rhon Rhon" slowly "walking" across the night sky. This performance not only captured the attention of global audiences but also inspired Chinese companies to plan even larger and more complex drone shows.


In 2024, China''s drone shows reached new heights with 10,200 drones taking off simultaneously, setting new world records. The show featured 3D dynamic images of lifelike running giants, tigers, eagles, phoenixes, and dragons. The smoothness and three-dimensionality of these effects brought a strong visual impact, almost making viewers feel as if these stunning images were truly floating in the air. This performance not only captivated Chinese audiences but also shocked the world. The success of drone shows relies on advanced technology. The accuracy of the GPS positioning system is crucial. Teams use special GPS base stations for differential positioning to ensure drones fly with centimeter-level precision. Additionally, a "distributed control system" allows each drone to make independent decisions while maintaining synchronization with others, resulting in precise and perfect performance outcomes. These technologies not only enhance the show''s but also demonstrate China''s leading position in drone technology.

​2024年,中国的无人机表演达到了新的高度。10200架无人机同时起飞,创下新的世界纪录。这场表演不仅规模宏大,还通过3D动态图像展示了栩栩如生的奔跑巨人、老虎、老鹰、凤凰和盘旋的龙。这些3D动态效果的流畅性和立体感带来了强烈的视觉冲击,甚至让人产生一种这些震撼的画面仿佛真的存在于空中的错觉。这场表演不仅征服了中国观众,还震惊了世界。 无人机表演的成功离不开先进的技术支持。首先,GPS定位系统的准确性是关键。团队通过建立特殊的GPS基站进行差分定位,确保无人机的飞行精度达到厘米级别。此外,“分布式控制系统”让每架无人机能够独立决策,保持高度同步,最终呈现出精确且完美的表演效果。这些技术的应用不仅提高了表演的观赏性,还展示了中国在无人机技术领域的领先地位。

China's drone shows are gaining global attention. A 3D animator in Brazil purchased 600 drones to learn performance techniques. Saudi Arabia hosted a show with 6,000 drones. The UAE united seven emirates for an international cultural festival with 10,000 drones. The US and France have also invited Chinese teams to perform. These international events showcase China's high-level drone shows and attract global interest.


Drone shows have become a significant driver of China's economic growth. With a standard charge of $100 per drone performance, a 15-minute show with 2,000 drones can generate $1 million in revenue. On New Year's Eve 2024, Chinese drone companies completed 72 performances in 29 cities across 11 countries, with over 30,000 safe takeoffs and landings. The economic potential is immense. According to forecasts, China's drone show economy is expected to reach $204.5 billion by 2025 and exceed $477.3 billion by 2035.


Chinese companies possess a 40,000-square-meter drone production base and a fleet of 60,000 drones, having completed thousands of performances in over 300 cities worldwide, capturing over 70% of the global market share. China's drone shows have not only achieved great success domestically but also created astonishing economic value globally. In the future, Chinese companies will continue to innovate in the field of drone shows, bringing more breathtaking performances.


Spooky, 10,000 pagers perfectly coordinated.


China also used explosives to make fireworks, the West used them to create weapons.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Meanwhile Vietnam engaged Korea for their drone show for Chinese New Year and it caught fire burning some houses which leads to cancellation.......


China’s drone shows are so awesome the US sent engineers into China to learned from Chinese engineers how to do a top-rated drone show! But as the US found out there’s nobody that can do a drone show like the Chinese, the inventors of the modern day drones!


India has the best drone show in mahakumbh


​​@AkashPatale-fw8ey India ... The best ... In Dreamland .. in Bollywood !!


A large-scale drone show planned for the lunar new year's eve in Vietnam was cancelled after a massive crash of drones imported from South Korea. Approximately 4,000 of drones were supposed to put on a spectacular light show but instead crashed and caught fire during a rehearsal, prompting local authorities to cancel the overall celebration. Many questioning the technical capabilities of Korean drones and suggesting that subpar manufacturing or assembly quality might be to blame. Others have expressed bewilderment at Vietnam's decision to opt for Korean drones over Chinese alternatives, which are perceived to be superior and offer better value for money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vietnam is trying to deny its China and Chinese origin to the point that it suffers in its own hands.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The government is corrupt and incompatible with an arrogant and stubborn attitude toward Chinese government hospitality same to bullet train incident


Right ​ @Anonymous------


I am sure Korean drones are far more expensive than the Chinese.


When you have problems, the fastest help you can get is your closest neighbors, so trust your neighbors.


Don't go to war with China! Otherwise you will lose!


China already armed those drones and can crAsh Down on any target.


The USA will soon claim this is a national security threat

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

❤well done China


That’s can’t win no more, how much u try never winning they have smart people and brains teams work together ❤❤❤


What you did not mention is that this is Huawei technology that the US sanctioned. Then tried to stop Nvidia chips from being exported to China. China is the global leader in every aspect including the strength of their RMB currency the real global currency that is backed by gold not ink


The Chinese continue to amaze me❤❤


It's absolutely mind blowing




Historically China has always created the world first in ancient and modern times. Genetically Chi with its 56 ethnic genes produces a unique smart nation.


To design and execute this drone show with 10000 drones simultaneously performing a certain task is absolutely mind boggling, extremely complex tasks that need imagination, coordination, special tools, accuracy and innovative minds. China is really number one in the world.


Zhonguo jiayuuuu


China makes the best drones in the world.


What they are doing always something biggest, massive, maximum. China supremacy is just awesome.


China takes a proactive "Just Do It" approach to global engagement, unlike the USA, accused of faking efforts, similar to claims about its Hollywood lunar landing.


These drone attractions look like putting all new year fireworks to shame no matter in which country the fireworks are in display. Unlike drones, fireworks only produce repeated boring displays and cannot form designs and images to awe-inspire spectators.


Amazing show, highlighting China's prowess in technological superiority through innovations.




China is best! GPS is American and could not do that as it is not accurately enough. It is done with Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.


Is each point of light is a flying drone?


Amazing Drone Show ❤


Is it a shame Trump accused DJI, China of stealing the US IP. when US can't even don't these.


economic collapsing? no big deal.


Sour grapes


Let America try to catch up.


Even Musk has said that drones are the future of modern warfare...this seemingly harmless display is also a strong signal to the US and it's western cronies not to mess with China! The irony is that not so long ago the US was trying to restrict drone technology to China as they did in so many Hi-Tech and chips sector...all of which proved to be futile!


Granpa engineers can't catch up to the young ones !


Drones have rendered fireworks obsolete. Fireworks were not merely an amusement. Their use in military application was soon realized. Cannons were the result. No iron dome is capable of shielding a target from 10,000 drones each equipped with a missile. Of course the reverse also holds. No missile is able to penetrate a target shielded by 10,000 drones.


I don't think the Chinese are so stupid to use GPS, correct your narrative, Beidou


China doesn't bother with the inferior GPS, China has Beidou which is much better and more precise than GPS.




Wonderful, simply Amazing !! China's marvel never cease to amaze. Thank you for the video.


Such great show :)


Wy would u say q shocking or is this just another bullshit story?????


Simply beautiful!


China is second to none, whatever it is!


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