The big corporations have the money, govt has the power. Money & power scratch each other's backs to gain more money & more power. In the meantime the public is fed bread & circuses and kept in line under the illusion of democracy and rights.
The big corporations have the money, govt has the power. Money & power scratch each other's backs to gain more money & more power. In the meantime the public is fed bread & circuses and kept in line under the illusion of democracy and rights.
These CEO;s and Board of Directors gives themselves 10s of millions of dollars in raises and bonuses then blame their minimual wage employees for the collaps of their companies. Its like Bankers blaming their janitors and maids for the Banking Crisis.
These CEO;s and Board of Directors gives themselves 10s of millions of dollars in raises and bonuses then blame their minimual wage employees for the collaps of their companies. Its like Bankers blaming their janitors and maids for the Banking Crisis.
I was telling my friends this during the 1990's decade. They all said I was crazy, and it just couldn't happen in America. Now, they are eating their words and experiencing KARMA. We are now in a very feudalist fascist system for several generations.
上世纪 90 年代,我曾跟朋友们说过这件事。他们都说我疯了,这不可能在美国发生。现在,他们正在自食其言,经历着报应。我们现在几代人都处在一个非常封建的法西斯体系中。
I was telling my friends this during the 1990's decade. They all said I was crazy, and it just couldn't happen in America. Now, they are eating their words and experiencing KARMA. We are now in a very feudalist fascist system for several generations.
上世纪 90 年代,我曾跟朋友们说过这件事。他们都说我疯了,这不可能在美国发生。现在,他们正在自食其言,经历着报应。我们现在几代人都处在一个非常封建的法西斯体系中。
No water supply , no electrical supply should be privatized!! No food must be kept from the people who need good! No housing shelter should be kept from the people !! Food , clean drinking water , shelter clothes need to be a BIRTHRIGHT !!
No water supply , no electrical supply should be privatized!! No food must be kept from the people who need good! No housing shelter should be kept from the people !! Food , clean drinking water , shelter clothes need to be a BIRTHRIGHT !!
Grace Blakeley has recently written a great book about this topic called "Vulture Capitalism" and I highly recommend it. The term "regulatory capture" is wholly inadequate in describing what has actually taken place.
The laws of incorporation that were passed in 1863 put the US government squarely in the pocket of bankers and robber barrons. Even FDR, the "savior" didn't take the power to print free money from bankers. Printing unlimited money allows you to purchase unlimited power and influence. We all live in the results of that.
格蕾丝-布莱克利(Grace Blakeley)最近写了一本关于这一主题的好书,名为《秃鹫资本主义》,我强烈推荐这本书。“监管俘获”一词完全不足以描述实际发生的情况。
Grace Blakeley has recently written a great book about this topic called "Vulture Capitalism" and I highly recommend it. The term "regulatory capture" is wholly inadequate in describing what has actually taken place.
The laws of incorporation that were passed in 1863 put the US government squarely in the pocket of bankers and robber barrons. Even FDR, the "savior" didn't take the power to print free money from bankers. Printing unlimited money allows you to purchase unlimited power and influence. We all live in the results of that.
格蕾丝-布莱克利(Grace Blakeley)最近写了一本关于这一主题的好书,名为《秃鹫资本主义》,我强烈推荐这本书。“监管俘获”一词完全不足以描述实际发生的情况。
Neoliberalism isn't "market" fundamentalism, because corporate players try to escape market discipline at every opportunity. It is "private investment and profit fundamentalism" or "capitalist fundamentalism" or "corporate fundamentalism".
Neoliberalism isn't "market" fundamentalism, because corporate players try to escape market discipline at every opportunity. It is "private investment and profit fundamentalism" or "capitalist fundamentalism" or "corporate fundamentalism".
One of my seventh grade teachers, who taught civics, required our class to watch Reagan's inauguration in the classroom on January 20, 1981. So I saw him say "government is the problem" in real time. Even then, I didn't like him at all. I liked the idea that the government could help people in need. Our teacher loudly cheered him on from behind her desk. My generation turned out to be very conservative and reactionary, and pro-neoliberal, for the most part.
1981 年 1 月 20 日,我七年级时的一位教公民学的老师要求我们全班同学在教室里观看里根的就职典礼。因此,我亲眼看到他说“政府是问题所在”。即便如此,我还是一点也不喜欢他,因为我喜欢政府能够帮助需要帮助的人的想法。我们的老师在课桌后面为他大声喝彩,我们这一代人变得非常保守和反动,大部分人都支持新自由主义。
One of my seventh grade teachers, who taught civics, required our class to watch Reagan's inauguration in the classroom on January 20, 1981. So I saw him say "government is the problem" in real time. Even then, I didn't like him at all. I liked the idea that the government could help people in need. Our teacher loudly cheered him on from behind her desk. My generation turned out to be very conservative and reactionary, and pro-neoliberal, for the most part.
1981 年 1 月 20 日,我七年级时的一位教公民学的老师要求我们全班同学在教室里观看里根的就职典礼。因此,我亲眼看到他说“政府是问题所在”。即便如此,我还是一点也不喜欢他,因为我喜欢政府能够帮助需要帮助的人的想法。我们的老师在课桌后面为他大声喝彩,我们这一代人变得非常保守和反动,大部分人都支持新自由主义。
I feel like I'm getting a minor in geopolitical economics, one hour at a time. This is extremely valuable subject matter in terms of understanding the economic forces at work in the world, who benefits- and who loses.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I feel like I'm getting a minor in geopolitical economics, one hour at a time. This is extremely valuable subject matter in terms of understanding the economic forces at work in the world, who benefits- and who loses.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I hate corporations literally making the lives of the masses miserable. It is focusing on profits than pursuing the general welfare of the people thar really make me angry and sad whenever I see homeless and old people begging alms just to buy food for their immediate medical issues.
Almost every day I see this here in the Philippines. Water, electric and telecommunications utilities getting more expensive. Most of all you cannot afford to get sick here because hospitals are mostly privately owned. If you don't have money for down payment for immediate medical attention then you die or your medical conditions worsen.
I hate corporations literally making the lives of the masses miserable. It is focusing on profits than pursuing the general welfare of the people thar really make me angry and sad whenever I see homeless and old people begging alms just to buy food for their immediate medical issues.
Almost every day I see this here in the Philippines. Water, electric and telecommunications utilities getting more expensive. Most of all you cannot afford to get sick here because hospitals are mostly privately owned. If you don't have money for down payment for immediate medical attention then you die or your medical conditions worsen.
You are absolutely right about the definition of liberalism. I didn't learn the true definition of liberalism until I took a government class during my doctoral studies. I was so shocked. Liberalism coincides with Libertarians.
You are absolutely right about the definition of liberalism. I didn't learn the true definition of liberalism until I took a government class during my doctoral studies. I was so shocked. Liberalism coincides with Libertarians.
It’s a FEATURE of capitalism, not an anomaly. This is unavoidable when individuals and corporations have the money and the connections to exert constant pressure using both carrots and sticks as the tools crush resistance.
It’s a FEATURE of capitalism, not an anomaly. This is unavoidable when individuals and corporations have the money and the connections to exert constant pressure using both carrots and sticks as the tools crush resistance.
I have learned a lot from this Ben Norton & Radhika video by seing this doctrine changing its fancy names while its purpose remained constant: stealing from the working class.Amazing.
I have learned a lot from this Ben Norton & Radhika video by seing this doctrine changing its fancy names while its purpose remained constant: stealing from the working class.Amazing.
The government also extended the right for corporations to have privatized military forces
Any conflict with those privatized military forces is also by decree considered a direct attack against the United States
The government also extended the right for corporations to have privatized military forces
Any conflict with those privatized military forces is also by decree considered a direct attack against the United States
I thought I had learned economics. But I had actually been spoon fed an ideology - thanks to Ben, Radhika (and Michael) for all of your work. You have freed my mind from the shackles of propagandized junk economics. Now I am making connections and seeing the world as I have never seen it before. It's quite destabilizing but I would rather know the truth of things. Keep up the outstanding work.
I thought I had learned economics. But I had actually been spoon fed an ideology - thanks to Ben, Radhika (and Michael) for all of your work. You have freed my mind from the shackles of propagandized junk economics. Now I am making connections and seeing the world as I have never seen it before. It's quite destabilizing but I would rather know the truth of things. Keep up the outstanding work.
Greed and personal gain are opposite to social responsibility. How could people actually fool themselves into believing that corporations ,whose sole motive for existence is to MAKE PROFIT, would care about social responsibility. �� Makes as much sense as “self regulation” of industry.
Greed and personal gain are opposite to social responsibility. How could people actually fool themselves into believing that corporations ,whose sole motive for existence is to MAKE PROFIT, would care about social responsibility. �� Makes as much sense as “self regulation” of industry.
The corporations are global and they are calling the shots in US and in many places around the world. Countries are tied to each other and have become quite interdependent. This is how I think of globalization. This is the environment I think we have to consider when we make assessments about reality today.
The corporations are global and they are calling the shots in US and in many places around the world. Countries are tied to each other and have become quite interdependent. This is how I think of globalization. This is the environment I think we have to consider when we make assessments about reality today.
Good discussion.
In neoliberal countries the state is so weakend that its only tools are tariffs and subsidies. Hence, as Radhika points out, it ends up being a version of neoliberal economy where the biggest customer is the state, to privatly owned corporations. Futhermore many of the subsides invesments into "green" economy/energy will be far from econoical and benifital to the broader populous...will end up being very expensive. But the investment class is have a party...
在新自由主义国家,国家的力量非常薄弱,其唯一的工具就是关税和补贴。因此,正如 Radhika 指出的那样,新自由主义经济的最大客户是国家而不是私有企业。此外,许多对“绿色”经济/能源的补贴投资将远非经济和有益于广大民众......最终将非常昂贵。不过,投资阶层正在狂欢......
Good discussion.
In neoliberal countries the state is so weakend that its only tools are tariffs and subsidies. Hence, as Radhika points out, it ends up being a version of neoliberal economy where the biggest customer is the state, to privatly owned corporations. Futhermore many of the subsides invesments into "green" economy/energy will be far from econoical and benifital to the broader populous...will end up being very expensive. But the investment class is have a party...
在新自由主义国家,国家的力量非常薄弱,其唯一的工具就是关税和补贴。因此,正如 Radhika 指出的那样,新自由主义经济的最大客户是国家而不是私有企业。此外,许多对“绿色”经济/能源的补贴投资将远非经济和有益于广大民众......最终将非常昂贵。不过,投资阶层正在狂欢......
Thank you for explaining Liberalism. I probably should've done research on this word that causes so much friction and confusion, but now I see it for what it is--just another trap for the average worker fall into. For those of us who do real work and don't earn passive income there's no point in participating in Their capitalist system as it only serves Them (the few) and having served this class my whole life, I've nothing to show for it but worn out joints and a depressed bank account.
Thank you for explaining Liberalism. I probably should've done research on this word that causes so much friction and confusion, but now I see it for what it is--just another trap for the average worker fall into. For those of us who do real work and don't earn passive income there's no point in participating in Their capitalist system as it only serves Them (the few) and having served this class my whole life, I've nothing to show for it but worn out joints and a depressed bank account.
It’s very dangerous to privatize fundamental things. Food source, electricity and water. It’s like privatizing the air we breathe. I’m for privatization but not natural fundamental to survive that sustain life.
Are going to say oh you won’t drink unless you pay for the water?;(
It’s very dangerous to privatize fundamental things. Food source, electricity and water. It’s like privatizing the air we breathe. I’m for privatization but not natural fundamental to survive that sustain life.
Are going to say oh you won’t drink unless you pay for the water?;(
You don't need an Oxford degree to understand that if you mindlessly give away money for ten years, encouraging people to go into debt, and then suddenly do the exact opposite, the country will go into disarray.
You don't need an Oxford degree to understand that if you mindlessly give away money for ten years, encouraging people to go into debt, and then suddenly do the exact opposite, the country will go into disarray.
Ronald Reagan put tariffs and also pushed Plaza Accord on Japan for resolving US trade deficit. This reduced the value of U.S dollar Japan earned into less than a half of its former value.
Globalisation in Australia brought Americans owning more than 50% of our largest corporations, including all the banks and mining. Large amounts of retail and infrastructure. Most of the bureaucracy has been contracted out to large consultancy companies like pwc, Deloitte and kpmg. America owns our means of production
Globalisation in Australia brought Americans owning more than 50% of our largest corporations, including all the banks and mining. Large amounts of retail and infrastructure. Most of the bureaucracy has been contracted out to large consultancy companies like pwc, Deloitte and kpmg. America owns our means of production
I'm so happy i chose China as my country to work in when i decided to leave my home country 11 years ago. Something in my fate sent me to the right place for these historic times we are living through.
我很高兴11 年前当我决定离开家乡时,我选择了中国作为我工作的国家。在我们所经历的这个历史性时代,我的命运把我送到了正确的地方。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I'm so happy i chose China as my country to work in when i decided to leave my home country 11 years ago. Something in my fate sent me to the right place for these historic times we are living through.
我很高兴11 年前当我决定离开家乡时,我选择了中国作为我工作的国家。在我们所经历的这个历史性时代,我的命运把我送到了正确的地方。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Desai is superb. She maintains a strong Marxist underpinning in all of her analysis, which allows her to penetrate the myths of neoliberalism, anti socialism, etc., and cut through to the essence of the class character of the contemporary socio-political world.
Desai is superb. She maintains a strong Marxist underpinning in all of her analysis, which allows her to penetrate the myths of neoliberalism, anti socialism, etc., and cut through to the essence of the class character of the contemporary socio-political world.
This makes me think of Gavin Newson and his folks dining at the French Laundry when everybody else in the world was under quarantine. That was about the same time he was getting huge PPP loans for his winery etc. while old people and children alike were piled up in hospitals suffocating on their own mucus.
这让我想起加文-纽森(Gavin Newson)和他的家人在法国洗衣店(French Laundry)用餐的情景,当时世界上所有人都被隔离了。就在同一时间,他的酒庄等获得了巨额 PPP 贷款,而老人和孩子们却被自己的粘液憋死在医院里。
This makes me think of Gavin Newson and his folks dining at the French Laundry when everybody else in the world was under quarantine. That was about the same time he was getting huge PPP loans for his winery etc. while old people and children alike were piled up in hospitals suffocating on their own mucus.
这让我想起加文-纽森(Gavin Newson)和他的家人在法国洗衣店(French Laundry)用餐的情景,当时世界上所有人都被隔离了。就在同一时间,他的酒庄等获得了巨额 PPP 贷款,而老人和孩子们却被自己的粘液憋死在医院里。
How do we bring about real change on the ground rather than just watch YouTube Webinars and keep analyzing the system...where is Real Change happening?? In India Capitalism is brazen.
我们该如何在当地实现真正的变革,而不仅仅是观看 YouTube 网络研讨会和不断分析系统......真正的变革发生在哪里?在印度,资本主义肆无忌惮。
How do we bring about real change on the ground rather than just watch YouTube Webinars and keep analyzing the system...where is Real Change happening?? In India Capitalism is brazen.
我们该如何在当地实现真正的变革,而不仅仅是观看 YouTube 网络研讨会和不断分析系统......真正的变革发生在哪里?在印度,资本主义肆无忌惮。
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power".
April 29, 1938, Franklin D. Roosevelt
1938 年 4 月 29 日,富兰克林-罗斯福
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power".
April 29, 1938, Franklin D. Roosevelt
1938 年 4 月 29 日,富兰克林-罗斯福
Only one detail of precision for this excellent report: before the neoliberalism was implemented in USA and UK by Reagan and Thatcher, in the 1980s, neoliberalism was rehearsed —imposed by force by Washington and the transnational Western oligarchy, using the CIA for preparation operations— in Chile from September 1973 with the military coup d’état against democratic socialist president Salvador Allende where, locally, general Augusto Pinochet and a military junta took the power bombing the government palace and assassinating Allende (who’s said that committed suicide, but in fact was assassinated and then his body set up to pretend suicide ). The Chilean military dictatorship implemented all the points included in the Washington Consensus about 7 years before this oligarchic model was implemented in US, UK and from there in all the rest of the “Western world”.
这份出色的报告只有一个细节是精确的:在里根和撒切尔于 20 世纪 80 年代在美国和英国推行新自由主义之前,新自由主义就已经在智利演练过了--从 1973 年 9 月针对民主社会主义总统萨尔瓦多-阿连德的军事政变开始,华盛顿和跨国西方寡头集团通过武力强加给智利,并利用中央情报局开展准备行动。在当地,奥古斯托-皮诺切特将军和军政府夺取了政权,炸毁了政府宫殿,暗杀了阿连德(据说他是自杀的,但实际上是被暗杀的,然后他的尸体被摆放起来假装自杀)。智利军事独裁政权实施了“华盛顿共识”中的所有要点,比美国、英国以及“西方世界”其他国家实施这种寡头模式早了大约 7 年。
Only one detail of precision for this excellent report: before the neoliberalism was implemented in USA and UK by Reagan and Thatcher, in the 1980s, neoliberalism was rehearsed —imposed by force by Washington and the transnational Western oligarchy, using the CIA for preparation operations— in Chile from September 1973 with the military coup d’état against democratic socialist president Salvador Allende where, locally, general Augusto Pinochet and a military junta took the power bombing the government palace and assassinating Allende (who’s said that committed suicide, but in fact was assassinated and then his body set up to pretend suicide ). The Chilean military dictatorship implemented all the points included in the Washington Consensus about 7 years before this oligarchic model was implemented in US, UK and from there in all the rest of the “Western world”.
这份出色的报告只有一个细节是精确的:在里根和撒切尔于 20 世纪 80 年代在美国和英国推行新自由主义之前,新自由主义就已经在智利演练过了--从 1973 年 9 月针对民主社会主义总统萨尔瓦多-阿连德的军事政变开始,华盛顿和跨国西方寡头集团通过武力强加给智利,并利用中央情报局开展准备行动。在当地,奥古斯托-皮诺切特将军和军政府夺取了政权,炸毁了政府宫殿,暗杀了阿连德(据说他是自杀的,但实际上是被暗杀的,然后他的尸体被摆放起来假装自杀)。智利军事独裁政权实施了“华盛顿共识”中的所有要点,比美国、英国以及“西方世界”其他国家实施这种寡头模式早了大约 7 年。
Big corpotations require a formal charter from government in order to operate. The companies must state their business activities. If it turns out that corporations are taking over functions of government, which undermines self-determination, and changes the form of government de facto, then obviously this is not authorized in their corporate charters, which can be yanked to shut them down and prohibit them from operating outside their charters.
Big corpotations require a formal charter from government in order to operate. The companies must state their business activities. If it turns out that corporations are taking over functions of government, which undermines self-determination, and changes the form of government de facto, then obviously this is not authorized in their corporate charters, which can be yanked to shut them down and prohibit them from operating outside their charters.
if Education is not affordable in a country, if Health Care is expensive, and your basic need also expensive such as electricity, water, food ect, a state owned company now owned by private, that's the sign that a Country had been taken over by Corporations and the irony is this case happened in Developed country like in most Western country and in asia Japan also have this problem i think
if Education is not affordable in a country, if Health Care is expensive, and your basic need also expensive such as electricity, water, food ect, a state owned company now owned by private, that's the sign that a Country had been taken over by Corporations and the irony is this case happened in Developed country like in most Western country and in asia Japan also have this problem i think
You just described the Australian Government all sides! We are no longer the “Lucky Country” we are “the Lobby Country” We have common law and statue law law we move further and further from common law too legislative law! That’s because our parliament only makes laws for politicians!
You just described the Australian Government all sides! We are no longer the “Lucky Country” we are “the Lobby Country” We have common law and statue law law we move further and further from common law too legislative law! That’s because our parliament only makes laws for politicians!
Reforming the banking sector and financial market in advanced economy is prerequisite for exerting some sorts of control over these neoliberal tactics. what has just happened in gold market in Vietnam over the past few months would give you a nice demonstrations of this. Essentially, the government has to ultimately sell its gold reserve at specific prices via state owned banks to bring down gold prices, after so many attempts at "market mechanisms" have failed (the lies by the capitalist class are so overwhealming).
Reforming the banking sector and financial market in advanced economy is prerequisite for exerting some sorts of control over these neoliberal tactics. what has just happened in gold market in Vietnam over the past few months would give you a nice demonstrations of this. Essentially, the government has to ultimately sell its gold reserve at specific prices via state owned banks to bring down gold prices, after so many attempts at "market mechanisms" have failed (the lies by the capitalist class are so overwhealming).
Trickle-down economics refers to economic policies that disproportionately favor the upper tier of the economic spectrum, comprising wealthy individuals and large corporations. The policies are based on the idea that spending by this group will "trickle down" to those less fortunate in the form of stronger economic growth.[1] The term has been used broadly by critics of supply-side economics to refer to taxing and spending policies by governments that, intentionally or not, result in widening income inequality; it has also been used in critical references to neoliberalism.[2] Despite this, the term does not represent any cohesive economic theory.[3]
Ronald Reagan's economic policies, dubbed "Reaganomics" by opponents, included large tax cuts and were characterized as trickle-down economics. In this picture, he is outlining his plan for the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 from the Oval Office in a televised address, July 1981.
Since we are off the gold standard and printing money is off the charts, this theory is null and void because by the time the money gets to the poor people inflation already set in and thus the purchasing power is less.
涓滴经济学(Trickle-down Economics)是指过度偏向由富人和大公司组成的经济上层的经济政策。这一术语被供应方经济学的批评者广泛用于指政府有意或无意导致收入不平等扩大的税收和支出政策;它也被用于批评新自由主义。尽管如此,这一术语并不代表任何有凝聚力的经济理论。
罗纳德-里根的经济政策被反对者称为“里根经济学”,其中包括大规模减税和涓滴经济学。照片中,1981年7月,里根在椭圆形办公室发表电视讲话,概述了他的 1981 年《经济复苏税收法案》(Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981)计划。
Trickle-down economics refers to economic policies that disproportionately favor the upper tier of the economic spectrum, comprising wealthy individuals and large corporations. The policies are based on the idea that spending by this group will "trickle down" to those less fortunate in the form of stronger economic growth.[1] The term has been used broadly by critics of supply-side economics to refer to taxing and spending policies by governments that, intentionally or not, result in widening income inequality; it has also been used in critical references to neoliberalism.[2] Despite this, the term does not represent any cohesive economic theory.[3]
Ronald Reagan's economic policies, dubbed "Reaganomics" by opponents, included large tax cuts and were characterized as trickle-down economics. In this picture, he is outlining his plan for the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 from the Oval Office in a televised address, July 1981.
Since we are off the gold standard and printing money is off the charts, this theory is null and void because by the time the money gets to the poor people inflation already set in and thus the purchasing power is less.
涓滴经济学(Trickle-down Economics)是指过度偏向由富人和大公司组成的经济上层的经济政策。这一术语被供应方经济学的批评者广泛用于指政府有意或无意导致收入不平等扩大的税收和支出政策;它也被用于批评新自由主义。尽管如此,这一术语并不代表任何有凝聚力的经济理论。
罗纳德-里根的经济政策被反对者称为“里根经济学”,其中包括大规模减税和涓滴经济学。照片中,1981年7月,里根在椭圆形办公室发表电视讲话,概述了他的 1981 年《经济复苏税收法案》(Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981)计划。
Most people believe that money is real wealth. Yet, everything we spend money on requires energy to mine, create, deliver, run, maintain, and dispose of. In this way, money is ultimately a direct claim on energy and resources.
Our economic stories assert that with more money we can create more of anything. The truth is we cannot create energy. We both extract and burn it faster by using technology and printing money.
Natural capital -particularly energy-is the true foundation of our monetary systems. As we create more money we don’t create more resources, we merely access them faster.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Most people believe that money is real wealth. Yet, everything we spend money on requires energy to mine, create, deliver, run, maintain, and dispose of. In this way, money is ultimately a direct claim on energy and resources.
Our economic stories assert that with more money we can create more of anything. The truth is we cannot create energy. We both extract and burn it faster by using technology and printing money.
Natural capital -particularly energy-is the true foundation of our monetary systems. As we create more money we don’t create more resources, we merely access them faster.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
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