
Aero India 2025 has kicked off at Bengaluru's Yelahanka air base. The main attraction at the event is the faceoff between fifth generation fighter jets from Russia and America. F-35 or Su-57, which way is India leaning? Palki Sharma tells you.
印度航空 2025 已在班加罗尔的 Yelahanka 空军基地拉开帷幕。该活动的主要看点是来自俄罗斯和美国的第五代战斗机之间的对峙。F-35 还是 Su-57,印度倾向于哪条路?Palki Sharma 告诉你。
印度航空 2025 已在班加罗尔的 Yelahanka 空军基地拉开帷幕。该活动的主要看点是来自俄罗斯和美国的第五代战斗机之间的对峙。F-35 还是 Su-57,印度倾向于哪条路?Palki Sharma 告诉你。

I think india must go for russian su-57 fighters since amrican fighters has many if and buts
I think india must go for russian su-57 fighters since amrican fighters has many if and buts
Yup. Since india got S-400, many features on F35 will be missing or sanctioned or they might withdraw at the final moment. Wasting time.
Yup. Since india got S-400, many features on F35 will be missing or sanctioned or they might withdraw at the final moment. Wasting time.
@Highwhyman19 but since trump is there so maybe he might not put CATSAA on India?
@Highwhyman19 but since trump is there so maybe he might not put CATSAA on India?
Why don't you do this, ask thr Chinese who recently seen the SU57 at their airshow.. they are more pro-russiaNa-Z than US.. this way you cannot say "manipulated" "western propaganda"
Why don't you do this, ask thr Chinese who recently seen the SU57 at their airshow.. they are more pro-russiaNa-Z than US.. this way you cannot say "manipulated" "western propaganda"
The su-57 is obsolete. I'm not sure it can even match up to Chinese fighters.
The su-57 is obsolete. I'm not sure it can even match up to Chinese fighters.
@Pain-zd5uo the state already passes the bill, this decision is made by senators, backed and reviewed by Congress, it's not entirely up to the current president. There's a lot of heat on Trump Rn I doubt that he would revert this bill.
@Pain-zd5uo the state already passes the bill, this decision is made by senators, backed and reviewed by Congress, it's not entirely up to the current president. There's a lot of heat on Trump Rn I doubt that he would revert this bill.
@distinctga5811 come out from toilat plz its hurting u badly
@distinctga5811 come out from toilat plz its hurting u badly
@frostwing9046 Forget about F-35 since they are very good but very expensive. Get the SU-57, it's cheaper.
@frostwing9046 Forget about F-35 since they are very good but very expensive. Get the SU-57, it's cheaper.
Remember that Turkey got eliminated from the F-35 program when they acquired the S-400.
Remember that Turkey got eliminated from the F-35 program when they acquired the S-400.
@Highwhyman19 I seriously hate the US. I don't know ehy the hell would they wanna interfere in other country's business.
I think buying Su57 is good coz Russia is willing to provide license for production in India (which will make procuring the jets faster and cheaper). Plus, there will be some cool tech transfers to India which can further help India in strengthening it's own 5th gen program in the future.
Now about the F35, it may be a superior jet as ppl say but F35 will be offered to India with certain strings and conditions attached.
It's hella expensive as the US won't allow to produce them locally. They will make India fully dependent on the US for spare parts which is not a good idea.
So going for the Su57 Felon is the best deal overall. Even chatgpt suggests buying Su57 lMao.
@Highwhyman19 I seriously hate the US. I don't know ehy the hell would they wanna interfere in other country's business.
I think buying Su57 is good coz Russia is willing to provide license for production in India (which will make procuring the jets faster and cheaper). Plus, there will be some cool tech transfers to India which can further help India in strengthening it's own 5th gen program in the future.
Now about the F35, it may be a superior jet as ppl say but F35 will be offered to India with certain strings and conditions attached.
It's hella expensive as the US won't allow to produce them locally. They will make India fully dependent on the US for spare parts which is not a good idea.
So going for the Su57 Felon is the best deal overall. Even chatgpt suggests buying Su57 lMao.
India needs to buy BRICS
India needs to buy BRICS
@distinctga5811An obsolete mind sees everything as obsolete.
@distinctga5811An obsolete mind sees everything as obsolete.
Yeah, especially the "but F-35 is sold only to US military allies".
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yeah, especially the "but F-35 is sold only to US military allies".
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Chinese J-35
Chinese J-35
@ruZsiaNa-C there was no SU57 at the Chinese airshow
@ruZsiaNa-C there was no SU57 at the Chinese airshow
@enoughofthis yes there was there were videos from the local Chinese that put it out.. hahahaha you are so stooopit that you cannot even google it to make sure if i was telling the truth
是的,有的,来自当地中国人发布的视频……哈哈哈,你真傻,居然连谷歌都不会用, 以便确认我说的是真是假。
@enoughofthis yes there was there were videos from the local Chinese that put it out.. hahahaha you are so stooopit that you cannot even google it to make sure if i was telling the truth
是的,有的,来自当地中国人发布的视频……哈哈哈,你真傻,居然连谷歌都不会用, 以便确认我说的是真是假。
F35 is way better. Unless Russia break off with china.
F35 is way better. Unless Russia break off with china.
India should buy life for there people
India should buy life for there people
@ruZsiaNa-C google is your source of truth?,lol.
@ruZsiaNa-C google is your source of truth?,lol.
Russia Su 57 is performing poorly in Ukraine
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Russia Su 57 is performing poorly in Ukraine
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@ruZsiaNa-Ctechnically it was just the T-50 demonstration aircraft from Sukhoi so not a full combat ready Su-57
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@ruZsiaNa-Ctechnically it was just the T-50 demonstration aircraft from Sukhoi so not a full combat ready Su-57
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@mustang5132 yeah... sure.. bring a demo aircraft to china but a real one to india where americans are there.. also the Chinese recorded it so who are you trying to convinced??
@mustang5132 yeah... sure.. bring a demo aircraft to china but a real one to india where americans are there.. also the Chinese recorded it so who are you trying to convinced??
the trust
the trust
u braindead?
They showed a prototype in China and a production model
Nevertheless, they were laughed at by the Chinese because of their backward technology
u braindead?
They showed a prototype in China and a production model
Nevertheless, they were laughed at by the Chinese because of their backward technology
The whole world has seen that the USA are not trustworthy.
The whole world has seen that the USA are not trustworthy.
Aren't the F35s falling like pancakes from the sky in Alaska?
Aren't the F35s falling like pancakes from the sky in Alaska?
you're thinking like an ignoramus. fake account
you're thinking like an ignoramus. fake account
2/3 of Americans f 35 are not even fight ready. They suck and keep crashing. One of them Russian jets scares me just by the sound it makes flying by.
2/3 of Americans f 35 are not even fight ready. They suck and keep crashing. One of them Russian jets scares me just by the sound it makes flying by.
@ScamArtist-x7h Russia su 57 can take more weapons with stealth future
@ScamArtist-x7h Russia su 57 can take more weapons with stealth future
SU-57 is a beautiful and high-performance fighter jet. The F-35 is a good single engine fighter jet that does its job.
SU-57 is a beautiful and high-performance fighter jet. The F-35 is a good single engine fighter jet that does its job.
I guess both have their own pros and cons
I guess both have their own pros and cons
SU-57 is way cheaper
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
SU-57 is way cheaper
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Even usa experts been saying since many years that f35 is way too expensive. Also f35 is not a solo project by usa rather others are involved in r&d.
Even usa experts been saying since many years that f35 is way too expensive. Also f35 is not a solo project by usa rather others are involved in r&d.
The su 57 cheaper chines style
The su 57 cheaper chines style
No east no west self made is the best and this should be the ultimate goal.
No east no west self made is the best and this should be the ultimate goal.
Alhamdulillah, exactly brother
Alhamdulillah, exactly brother
By the time india will introduce 5th gen fighter jets. World would have already moved on to 7th or 8th gen
By the time india will introduce 5th gen fighter jets. World would have already moved on to 7th or 8th gen
@GurpreetSingh-bg7yi also china nd pak will customise their airforce fleet with partnerships. So we need an ardent aircraft
@GurpreetSingh-bg7yi also china nd pak will customise their airforce fleet with partnerships. So we need an ardent aircraft
True mr Khan. We need our people united and we will achieve it.
True mr Khan. We need our people united and we will achieve it.
India should go for Su - 57
India should go for Su - 57
Maybe India should buy from kim Jong un
Maybe India should buy from kim Jong un
Nah , Tejas is the best.
Nah , Tejas is the best.
Russia are backstabbing india over china
Russia are backstabbing india over china
Even China mocked the Su-57 during the last year airshow in china.
Even China mocked the Su-57 during the last year airshow in china.
India would have to wait for 30 years til Russia can even afford to build them to sell them
India would have to wait for 30 years til Russia can even afford to build them to sell them
Tejas is the best
Tejas is the best
SU-57 for india. Yes people
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
SU-57 for india. Yes people
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bcz this jet is t 50 in demo@night8285
Bcz this jet is t 50 in demo@night8285
I don't know where you got this information from. China has a strong recognition of Shu 57 for close combat
I don't know where you got this information from. China has a strong recognition of Shu 57 for close combat
...but Russia is not accepting indian currency, so pay in Chinese yuan...
...but Russia is not accepting indian currency, so pay in Chinese yuan...
Their budget is more in the P-51 range
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Their budget is more in the P-51 range
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
American 5th generation fighter jets might have "kill switch" . India should buy Russian fighter jets.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
American 5th generation fighter jets might have "kill switch" . India should buy Russian fighter jets.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ok “pelane “ expert..dont u think they can do that with every single technology they owe
Ok “pelane “ expert..dont u think they can do that with every single technology they owe
Wow, good work guys. Keep it up. following your channel from Africa
Wow, good work guys. Keep it up. following your channel from Africa
India should develop their own jet engine also. We can't always buy from outside everytime. Tejas is good but engine is foreign.
India should develop their own jet engine also. We can't always buy from outside everytime. Tejas is good but engine is foreign.
Anyway that Aero India 2025 showcasing is going great with two big players su 57 & f35 placed so close to each other
Anyway that Aero India 2025 showcasing is going great with two big players su 57 & f35 placed so close to each other
I’m an American and I’m hard headed but man these are 2 beautiful jets I love seeing these types of face off it’s amazing
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I’m an American and I’m hard headed but man these are 2 beautiful jets I love seeing these types of face off it’s amazing
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Sell Tejas ? Are you kidding, you don’t have enough engine for Indian order
Sell Tejas ? Are you kidding, you don’t have enough engine for Indian order
That's right... HAL is not even able to fulfill IAF demands...let alone international orders..
That's right... HAL is not even able to fulfill IAF demands...let alone international orders..
@ankurag8056 because usa has denied to deliver jet engines.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@ankurag8056 because usa has denied to deliver jet engines.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@prajwalbharambe343so why aren't they making their own engines?
@prajwalbharambe343so why aren't they making their own engines?
Fun Fact about Russia: It was Russia who saved The unx during the American Civil War as they sent their Navy to San Francisco and New York when England and France were just about to enter the war on the side of the Confederates since London created the Confederates. France was already in Mexico making a spear head movement to resupply the Confederates and to open up a Pacific Theatre and to create a port in California. England already amassed 11,000 troops and growing stationed at their Northern Confederacies border now called Canada ready to open a Northern Theatre to divert unx troops away from their Southern Confederacy then to attack The unxs naval blockade. The unx would have been completely destroyed and annexed by those two great powers leaving the Confederates to exist as either a puppet state of London or to be fully brought back into the fold of the British Empire.
Fun Fact about Russia: It was Russia who saved The unx during the American Civil War as they sent their Navy to San Francisco and New York when England and France were just about to enter the war on the side of the Confederates since London created the Confederates. France was already in Mexico making a spear head movement to resupply the Confederates and to open up a Pacific Theatre and to create a port in California. England already amassed 11,000 troops and growing stationed at their Northern Confederacies border now called Canada ready to open a Northern Theatre to divert unx troops away from their Southern Confederacy then to attack The unxs naval blockade. The unx would have been completely destroyed and annexed by those two great powers leaving the Confederates to exist as either a puppet state of London or to be fully brought back into the fold of the British Empire.
There is also a memorial in San Francisco for the hundreds of Russian sailors who came off their Asiatic fleet ships that died while helping the city put out a fire that threatened to lay waste to it during the War.
There is also a memorial in San Francisco for the hundreds of Russian sailors who came off their Asiatic fleet ships that died while helping the city put out a fire that threatened to lay waste to it during the War.
The Russian fleet also threatened to Shell Australian ports along with other British Pacific Colonies if Britain aided the Confederates. A confederate war ship spent a lot of time in Australian waters and was supported by the Australian public, some even signing on as crew members. This Confederate war ship laid waist to the US Pacific whaling fleet and is reported to have fired the last shot in the war. The name of the ship was called the CSS Shenandoah. Its surrender was at Liverpool England where Confederate Commander Bulloch was stationed.
这艘南方联盟军舰摧毁了美国太平洋捕鲸舰队,并据报道打响了战争中的最后一炮。这艘船的名字是CSS Shenandoah。它在英格兰利物浦投降,当时南方联盟指挥官Bulloch驻扎在那里。
The Russian fleet also threatened to Shell Australian ports along with other British Pacific Colonies if Britain aided the Confederates. A confederate war ship spent a lot of time in Australian waters and was supported by the Australian public, some even signing on as crew members. This Confederate war ship laid waist to the US Pacific whaling fleet and is reported to have fired the last shot in the war. The name of the ship was called the CSS Shenandoah. Its surrender was at Liverpool England where Confederate Commander Bulloch was stationed.
这艘南方联盟军舰摧毁了美国太平洋捕鲸舰队,并据报道打响了战争中的最后一炮。这艘船的名字是CSS Shenandoah。它在英格兰利物浦投降,当时南方联盟指挥官Bulloch驻扎在那里。
Very informative. Thx the history lesson.
Very informative. Thx the history lesson.
What BS... russiaNa-Z is so far away and the war was predominantly in the east.. russiaNa-Z navy barely exist in the east of russiaNa-Z.. why would they even care about american problem?
What BS... russiaNa-Z is so far away and the war was predominantly in the east.. russiaNa-Z navy barely exist in the east of russiaNa-Z.. why would they even care about american problem?
@JPJ432now you add australia which is super far from russiaNa-Z.. all your stuff arw fake
@JPJ432now you add australia which is super far from russiaNa-Z.. all your stuff arw fake
@richi2831yoy actually believe him?? russiaNa-Z is not known for navy and all of a sudden they want to take om great britain, which at that time has the most formidable navy?? Also this guy said "went to australia" yeah right. russiaNa-Z navy won't even survive half way to australia
@richi2831yoy actually believe him?? russiaNa-Z is not known for navy and all of a sudden they want to take om great britain, which at that time has the most formidable navy?? Also this guy said "went to australia" yeah right. russiaNa-Z navy won't even survive half way to australia
@ruZsiaNa-C noob go play your fantasy games and watch fantasy movies like top gun, captain america. And stay out of reality!
@ruZsiaNa-C noob go play your fantasy games and watch fantasy movies like top gun, captain america. And stay out of reality!
@ruZsiaNa-CRussia never interfered in the American revolution they stayed neutral and for the civil war Russia stayed neutral but keep their warships in Americans harbors as a deterrent to British and France incase of interference because Russia did favor the unx but did nothing to get involved.
@ruZsiaNa-CRussia never interfered in the American revolution they stayed neutral and for the civil war Russia stayed neutral but keep their warships in Americans harbors as a deterrent to British and France incase of interference because Russia did favor the unx but did nothing to get involved.
@rogersanthony1 why are you telling me this? Tell it to the guy who wrote the main comment he is full of SНlT
@rogersanthony1 why are you telling me this? Tell it to the guy who wrote the main comment he is full of SНlT
Frm America, thx for that Rooski's.
Frm America, thx for that Rooski's.
@deezy818n2 I think you will enjoy this quote from the Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Gorchakov writing to Lincoln in the Autumn of 1862 a year and a half into the war-
"You know that the government of United States has few friends among the Powers. England rejoices over what is happening to you; she longs and prays for your overthrow. France is less actively hostile; her interests would be less affected by the result; but she is not unwilling to see it. She is not your friend. Your situation is getting worse and worse. The chances of preserving the unx are growing more desperate. Can nothing be done to stop this dreadful war? The hope of reunx is growing less and less, and I wish to impress upon your government that the separation, which I fear must come, will be considered by Russia as one of the greatest misfortunes. Russia alone, has stood by you from the first, and will continue to stand by you. We are very, very anxious that some means should be adopted-that any course should be pursued-which will prevent the division which now seems inevitable. One separation will be followed by another; you will break into fragments."
@deezy818n2 I think you will enjoy this quote from the Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Gorchakov writing to Lincoln in the Autumn of 1862 a year and a half into the war-
"You know that the government of United States has few friends among the Powers. England rejoices over what is happening to you; she longs and prays for your overthrow. France is less actively hostile; her interests would be less affected by the result; but she is not unwilling to see it. She is not your friend. Your situation is getting worse and worse. The chances of preserving the unx are growing more desperate. Can nothing be done to stop this dreadful war? The hope of reunx is growing less and less, and I wish to impress upon your government that the separation, which I fear must come, will be considered by Russia as one of the greatest misfortunes. Russia alone, has stood by you from the first, and will continue to stand by you. We are very, very anxious that some means should be adopted-that any course should be pursued-which will prevent the division which now seems inevitable. One separation will be followed by another; you will break into fragments."
@richi2831 Here is another quote I think you will like but from Tsar Alexander II in an Interview after the war-
"In the Autumn of 1862, the governments of France and Great Britain proposed to Russia, in a formal but not in an official way, the joint recognition by European powers of the independence of the Confederate States of America. My immediate answer was: "I will not cooperate in such action; and I will not acquiesce. On the contrary, I shall accept the recognition of the independence of the Confederate States by France and Great Britain as a casus belli for Russia. And in order that the governments of France and Great Britain may understand that this is no idle threat; I will send a Pacific fleet to San Francisco and an Atlantic fleet to New York."
@richi2831 Here is another quote I think you will like but from Tsar Alexander II in an Interview after the war-
"In the Autumn of 1862, the governments of France and Great Britain proposed to Russia, in a formal but not in an official way, the joint recognition by European powers of the independence of the Confederate States of America. My immediate answer was: "I will not cooperate in such action; and I will not acquiesce. On the contrary, I shall accept the recognition of the independence of the Confederate States by France and Great Britain as a casus belli for Russia. And in order that the governments of France and Great Britain may understand that this is no idle threat; I will send a Pacific fleet to San Francisco and an Atlantic fleet to New York."
@JPJ432 I did enjoy that, I always love learning about history. Here's hoping that our countries will be amicable again one day.
@JPJ432 I did enjoy that, I always love learning about history. Here's hoping that our countries will be amicable again one day.
Yep. The USA were really good allies with Russia early on, pretty mich solely because we both did not like the UK. Then they turned into the USSR and inflicted horrible atrocities onto the world and removed rights from neighboring countries. Now Communism failed and they are a corrupt state locked in a pointless illegal war.
Yep. The USA were really good allies with Russia early on, pretty mich solely because we both did not like the UK. Then they turned into the USSR and inflicted horrible atrocities onto the world and removed rights from neighboring countries. Now Communism failed and they are a corrupt state locked in a pointless illegal war.
..I love Russian self- sufficiency!!!
..I love Russian self- sufficiency!!!
@godwinchike8737 is that why they begged north korea for troops, china for more equipment, iran for ballistic missile and shahed??
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@godwinchike8737 is that why they begged north korea for troops, china for more equipment, iran for ballistic missile and shahed??
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Self sufficiency Putin please HELP us MR KIM we’re getting smashed by Ukraine
Self sufficiency Putin please HELP us MR KIM we’re getting smashed by Ukraine
@ruZsiaNa-CHe’s delusional
@ruZsiaNa-CHe’s delusional
There is no such thing as self-sufficiency.
There is no such thing as self-sufficiency.
India brought French Rafale at inflated price so of course both would want India as customer.
India brought French Rafale at inflated price so of course both would want India as customer.
wow, impressive military officers. They're aged already but can still fly.
wow, impressive military officers. They're aged already but can still fly.
last week f35 crash.....high quality
last week f35 crash.....high quality
F-35 is an expensive fighter jet to manufacture and maintain
Su-57 is struggling with supply chain issues due to economic sanctions from USA and European unx
F-35 is an expensive fighter jet to manufacture and maintain
Su-57 is struggling with supply chain issues due to economic sanctions from USA and European unx
When India comes with it's own 5th gen fighter, US, Russia and China comes with 6th Gen fighters!
When India comes with it's own 5th gen fighter, US, Russia and China comes with 6th Gen fighters!
Then what ?
India is still a developing nation . All of them are already developed.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Then what ?
India is still a developing nation . All of them are already developed.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
*Sorry, you had a typo, when India delivers its 5th Gen fighter, Russia & China will be on 9th Gen!*
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
*Sorry, you had a typo, when India delivers its 5th Gen fighter, Russia & China will be on 9th Gen!*
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yes you are right , it is still the largest 3rd world country and it can't be the leader of the global south .
Yes you are right , it is still the largest 3rd world country and it can't be the leader of the global south .
@user-t5us9qnwIndia is a developing nation acting like a superpower. While China is already a superpower but still focuses on development.
@user-t5us9qnwIndia is a developing nation acting like a superpower. While China is already a superpower but still focuses on development.
India only got its independence in 2014..11 years of independence..patience grasshoper
India only got its independence in 2014..11 years of independence..patience grasshoper
Such ignorance , all whatsapp university?
Such ignorance , all whatsapp university?
Or where you born after 2014, how has the current government made your life any better?
Or where you born after 2014, how has the current government made your life any better?
OK for Russia and US but CHINA.. In last air show china's 5th gen performed badly. We can even see its cockpit caught in fire even before take-off. Its fighter jet never proved in fight. Lots of doubts on j20 engine performance. You can see detailed analysis in YT by US airman.
OK for Russia and US but CHINA.. In last air show china's 5th gen performed badly. We can even see its cockpit caught in fire even before take-off. Its fighter jet never proved in fight. Lots of doubts on j20 engine performance. You can see detailed analysis in YT by US airman.
Indian AMCA is going to be a 6+ generation fighter plane.
Indian AMCA is going to be a 6+ generation fighter plane.
Nowadays when people talk about AirPower they like to compare China and the US. But most people forgot that the US 5th gen F-22 was in production before China’s 4th gen J-10. Which means at one point China was 2 full generations behind the US. India’s Tejas program was launched in the same year as J-10. And India purchased Russian Su-30 just like China. The difference is India gave all the resources to HAL, while China wisely split between two competing companies. Because of that Chengdu’s J-10 finished ahead of time and it moved onto 5th gen J-20, and now the 6th gen J-36. Meanwhile Shenyang learned so much maintaining the Flankers that it soon produces its own Flanker clones. And then it produced the 5th gen J-35, and successfully test flighted its own 6th gen J-50 the same week as Chengdu’s J-36. Talk about neck to neck, China vs China competition. Meanwhile the US is still working on its 6th gen fighter PowerPoint, and HAL is still stuck on the Tejas.
Nowadays when people talk about AirPower they like to compare China and the US. But most people forgot that the US 5th gen F-22 was in production before China’s 4th gen J-10. Which means at one point China was 2 full generations behind the US. India’s Tejas program was launched in the same year as J-10. And India purchased Russian Su-30 just like China. The difference is India gave all the resources to HAL, while China wisely split between two competing companies. Because of that Chengdu’s J-10 finished ahead of time and it moved onto 5th gen J-20, and now the 6th gen J-36. Meanwhile Shenyang learned so much maintaining the Flankers that it soon produces its own Flanker clones. And then it produced the 5th gen J-35, and successfully test flighted its own 6th gen J-50 the same week as Chengdu’s J-36. Talk about neck to neck, China vs China competition. Meanwhile the US is still working on its 6th gen fighter PowerPoint, and HAL is still stuck on the Tejas.
@porcellian Chinese products are not reliable at all .. USA is far ahead of u guys
U guys have no match for them , first make reliable product
@porcellian Chinese products are not reliable at all .. USA is far ahead of u guys
U guys have no match for them , first make reliable product
@fallonmassey4714 well not this time as engine will be indigenously made not dependent on foreign supply which is actually causing the current delay in tejas delivery
@fallonmassey4714 well not this time as engine will be indigenously made not dependent on foreign supply which is actually causing the current delay in tejas delivery
India on the rise
India on the rise
@porcellian yeah this time three agencies are involved in making one 5th gen engine becoz they don't have the expertise in such advanced engine till now.. but once it's ready.. the next generation jets will be a piece of cake..
@porcellian yeah this time three agencies are involved in making one 5th gen engine becoz they don't have the expertise in such advanced engine till now.. but once it's ready.. the next generation jets will be a piece of cake..
@porcellian The issue of India is only bureaucratic and not technology related. why China is still lagging in jet engine development. think about it. so many videos came in youtube on that. There is no magic want to get a fighter Jet engine. you need to build and impoverish it to make a success.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@porcellian The issue of India is only bureaucratic and not technology related. why China is still lagging in jet engine development. think about it. so many videos came in youtube on that. There is no magic want to get a fighter Jet engine. you need to build and impoverish it to make a success.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Lol what India has already developed 5th gen and prolly working on 6th gen secretly right now. The problem with delays is not really the tech procuring issues but the bureaucracy.
Lol what India has already developed 5th gen and prolly working on 6th gen secretly right now. The problem with delays is not really the tech procuring issues but the bureaucracy.
@Pain-zd5uo Keep laughing thats what you guys are good at. what ever you make it should be battle ready and battle tested. Let us see which one is better in coming years.
@Pain-zd5uo Keep laughing thats what you guys are good at. what ever you make it should be battle ready and battle tested. Let us see which one is better in coming years.
@krishna_Bharath did you even read my comment properly? I'm supporting India.
@krishna_Bharath did you even read my comment properly? I'm supporting India.
Blame the communists. Or maybe some JNU faculty and students. They used to shout "Yeh azadi jhoota hai."They stopped after Modi called them "andolanjeevis."I think keyair must have factored this into jis post.
怪罪***吧。或者怪怪某些JNU的教职工和学生。他们曾经喊过“这自由是假的”。在莫迪称他们为“运动分子”后,他们停止了。我想keyair肯定考虑到了这一点。 (***政党或名字 上下同)
Blame the communists. Or maybe some JNU faculty and students. They used to shout "Yeh azadi jhoota hai."They stopped after Modi called them "andolanjeevis."I think keyair must have factored this into jis post.
怪罪***吧。或者怪怪某些JNU的教职工和学生。他们曾经喊过“这自由是假的”。在莫迪称他们为“运动分子”后,他们停止了。我想keyair肯定考虑到了这一点。 (***政党或名字 上下同)
Actually J-20's WS-15 engines have a trust to weight ration of 11.5+, which is superior to F-22's F119 engines. And J-20 also has superior radars, avionics, stealth coatings, and missiles. But that's besides the point. India's primary problem is mentality. Physically India got independence in 1947, but mentally India still behaves like colony. The smartest Indians take pride in moving to White men's countries, work for White men's companies. Why not stay behind and build world class Indian companies? Instead of buying the White folks jets, why not build your own? Why not build even more advanced jets than the White folks?
Actually J-20's WS-15 engines have a trust to weight ration of 11.5+, which is superior to F-22's F119 engines. And J-20 also has superior radars, avionics, stealth coatings, and missiles. But that's besides the point. India's primary problem is mentality. Physically India got independence in 1947, but mentally India still behaves like colony. The smartest Indians take pride in moving to White men's countries, work for White men's companies. Why not stay behind and build world class Indian companies? Instead of buying the White folks jets, why not build your own? Why not build even more advanced jets than the White folks?
@porcellian Fist tell me how many years it took to reverse engineer the russian engine or manufacture a own engine? i know china is doing this for the last 15~10 years. Also How many wars does this J20 fought till now? There was a report that SU30 MKI is able to spot the J20 stealth over Tibet. so you can keep trumpeting your achievements but it needs to be proved in the battle field. we are in process of building or collaborating with countries that has technical knowhow. we dont steal other technologies or reverse engineer without their consent. will the same Western countries share the technology with china?
@porcellian Fist tell me how many years it took to reverse engineer the russian engine or manufacture a own engine? i know china is doing this for the last 15~10 years. Also How many wars does this J20 fought till now? There was a report that SU30 MKI is able to spot the J20 stealth over Tibet. so you can keep trumpeting your achievements but it needs to be proved in the battle field. we are in process of building or collaborating with countries that has technical knowhow. we dont steal other technologies or reverse engineer without their consent. will the same Western countries share the technology with china?
@krishna_Bharath you proved my point that in Indian's minds Western = superiority. Su-30 has to have superior situation awareness than J-20 because of the belief in White superiority. Never mind the fact that Su-30 only has PESA radar and much larger RCS, while J-20 has much more advanced GaN radar and much smaller RCS. And if a non-White country develops something nice, it has to be stolen. Never mind the fact that no White country has produced a 6th gen fighter yet. As I mentioned earlier, Tejas was started in the same year as J-10. While J-10 has evolved into J-20 and recently the 6th gen J-36, Tejas remain stuck in 4th gen. Why? Because Indians don't believe in the idea that Colored people can reach the top, mentally they are stuck in colonel era.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@krishna_Bharath you proved my point that in Indian's minds Western = superiority. Su-30 has to have superior situation awareness than J-20 because of the belief in White superiority. Never mind the fact that Su-30 only has PESA radar and much larger RCS, while J-20 has much more advanced GaN radar and much smaller RCS. And if a non-White country develops something nice, it has to be stolen. Never mind the fact that no White country has produced a 6th gen fighter yet. As I mentioned earlier, Tejas was started in the same year as J-10. While J-10 has evolved into J-20 and recently the 6th gen J-36, Tejas remain stuck in 4th gen. Why? Because Indians don't believe in the idea that Colored people can reach the top, mentally they are stuck in colonel era.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Most likely 7th generation
Most likely 7th generation
@keyair123 Nobody will know your complete ignorance on facts if you don't post anything! don't act stupid !
@keyair123 Nobody will know your complete ignorance on facts if you don't post anything! don't act stupid !
7Th gen... China already build 6th gen.
第七代... 中国已经制造了第六代。
7Th gen... China already build 6th gen.
第七代... 中国已经制造了第六代。
@user-t5us9qnw even china was like India ..so what ?
@user-t5us9qnw even china was like India ..so what ?
@krishna_Bharath Losers always comfort themselves with lies that winners steal. This is Indian national character.
@krishna_Bharath Losers always comfort themselves with lies that winners steal. This is Indian national character.
That's why ANCA will be 5.5gen
That's why ANCA will be 5.5gen
@GAJKUMR-GORANGHATA2425 if we are lucky we will get alpha ,beta will come by 2050
@GAJKUMR-GORANGHATA2425 if we are lucky we will get alpha ,beta will come by 2050
90 countries taking part in this eventful air show 25 in Yalahanka air base. It facilitates to countries to buy and sell the ac of sorts. Such shows are essential for enhancement of production of AC of different versions
90 countries taking part in this eventful air show 25 in Yalahanka air base. It facilitates to countries to buy and sell the ac of sorts. Such shows are essential for enhancement of production of AC of different versions
If I were a president of a country, I will pick Russia and its product. No more hassle and is also very reliable and affordable.
If I were a president of a country, I will pick Russia and its product. No more hassle and is also very reliable and affordable.
Spectacular manifest...
Spectacular manifest...
India must go for both russia as well amrican fighter under make in india program so that india can Ballance between both during having both the technology
India must go for both russia as well amrican fighter under make in india program so that india can Ballance between both during having both the technology
USA not giving technology .
USA not giving technology .
They can't have both technology. If technology transfers will happen, it will be with the Russians. Stop dreaming
They can't have both technology. If technology transfers will happen, it will be with the Russians. Stop dreaming
And no one will sell to India .
And no one will sell to India .
@cashcash5995 duffer all is ready to sell not sell also ready to transfer technology .. plz come out from stinking toilat u are right now
@cashcash5995 duffer all is ready to sell not sell also ready to transfer technology .. plz come out from stinking toilat u are right now
@cashcash5995 they why they are displaying in india if they don't wanna sell
@cashcash5995 they why they are displaying in india if they don't wanna sell
... better go and beg China J 10 Jet fighter...
... better go and beg China J 10 Jet fighter...
F35 is the badass... the best best technology...100% no doubt...
F35 is the badass... the best best technology...100% no doubt...
every year f35 are falling in the ground while conducting air show or military exercises
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
every year f35 are falling in the ground while conducting air show or military exercises
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
No doubt about it
No doubt about it
F35 can be controlled directly from the US
F35 can be controlled directly from the US
All the best, INDIA
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
All the best, INDIA
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
All the best? all the worest!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
All the best? all the worest!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
All the shit, INDIA
All the shit, INDIA
Both Su57 and F35 is needed for India
Both Su57 and F35 is needed for India
Wow amazing
Wow amazing
SU-57 all the way.
SU-57 all the way.
Su 57 is not 5th gen and is not stealth... but its very good looking
Su 57 is not 5th gen and is not stealth... but its very good looking
@AndrewMcFarlane_1 judging by its reliability the su57 is agreeably a 5/6 generation ; while the self-induced crushing f35 is still a combat-incompetent & expensive prototype & simulation
@AndrewMcFarlane_1 judging by its reliability the su57 is agreeably a 5/6 generation ; while the self-induced crushing f35 is still a combat-incompetent & expensive prototype & simulation
很赞 9