
37.9 million Americans are currently living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population. That’s despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP. Child poverty alone is estimated to cost the U.S. over $1 trillion based on the latest research.

37.9 million Americans are currently living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population. That’s despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP. Child poverty alone is estimated to cost the U.S. over $1 trillion based on the latest research.
More than half of Americans earning more than $100,000 a year say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, according to a report from PYMNTS and LendingClub. This may be a result of a sneaky behavioral phenomenon called lifestyle creep, which is when a person’s spending habits expand as their income rises. Almost half of Americans said they held a balance on their credit card because of an emergency expense, according to a September 2022 CreditCards.com survey.
Americans have accumulated a record-breaking $1 trillion in credit card debt. Despite rising costs and higher borrowing rates, a record 200 million consumers shopped over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in 2023 according to The National Retail Federation. Explore how Americans' credit card debt ballooned past the $1 trillion threshold, and whether U.S. consumers can keep spending enough to keep a looming recession at bay.
What's crazy in the United States is that you can have a full-time job, be homeless, and the U.S. government will not consider you to be living in poverty because you make too much, yet you can't afford to rent, let alone buy a house.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
What's crazy in the United States is that you can have a full-time job, be homeless, and the U.S. government will not consider you to be living in poverty because you make too much, yet you can't afford to rent, let alone buy a house.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This is why Americans aren’t having children anymore, too expensive, no hopeful future for children. This will haunt us in the future.
This is why Americans aren’t having children anymore, too expensive, no hopeful future for children. This will haunt us in the future.
Rent rises. Prices rise. WAGES DONT. And they will just call you lazy as your rent raises from 500 to 800 to 1200 for an apartment
Rent rises. Prices rise. WAGES DONT. And they will just call you lazy as your rent raises from 500 to 800 to 1200 for an apartment
Funny how when poor people get "free stuff" from the government, it's welfare or an entitlement, but when Corporations get money from the government, it's a "contract" or a "subsidy."
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Funny how when poor people get "free stuff" from the government, it's welfare or an entitlement, but when Corporations get money from the government, it's a "contract" or a "subsidy."
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I feel like the only reason im alive is to work and pay bills
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I feel like the only reason im alive is to work and pay bills
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I’m currently battling brain cancer. Because I do not have health insurance, all my resources went to my medical bills, I was evicted and now living in a hotel. It is by far not cheaper than rent btw… but because I can afford daily rates I can have shelter. I still don’t have health insurance. I’m literally fighting for my life to live in a hotel. How is this living?
I’m currently battling brain cancer. Because I do not have health insurance, all my resources went to my medical bills, I was evicted and now living in a hotel. It is by far not cheaper than rent btw… but because I can afford daily rates I can have shelter. I still don’t have health insurance. I’m literally fighting for my life to live in a hotel. How is this living?
Oligarchy, lobbying, and corporate gaslighting. Saved you 30 minutes.
Oligarchy, lobbying, and corporate gaslighting. Saved you 30 minutes.
I like how this story had to put poverty on the individual, insyead of corporate greed. I guess if i cut out coffee, I will have my mansion soon enough.
I like how this story had to put poverty on the individual, insyead of corporate greed. I guess if i cut out coffee, I will have my mansion soon enough.
If you make over $1630 per month as 1 person household, that's too much to get food stamps. Who can make it on that low of income unless you don't have a car. But if you don't have a car, you can't get to work. Then too broke to pay for car repairs to keep working. So you have to worry that 1 major car repair will make you homeless. Then you don't even have a car to live in. The anxiety is real !
If you make over $1630 per month as 1 person household, that's too much to get food stamps. Who can make it on that low of income unless you don't have a car. But if you don't have a car, you can't get to work. Then too broke to pay for car repairs to keep working. So you have to worry that 1 major car repair will make you homeless. Then you don't even have a car to live in. The anxiety is real !
It's mind-boggling how such a rich country has so many poor people.
It's mind-boggling how such a rich country has so many poor people.
This is why I try to participate in our consumer culture as little as possible. I don't buy new clothes or new anything. Everything I own besides my car which I need to get to work is either a hand me down or something I got for cheap at a thrift store. One time I got so mad at my power bill I just let them shut off my power and enjoyed candle lit dinners for a while.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This is why I try to participate in our consumer culture as little as possible. I don't buy new clothes or new anything. Everything I own besides my car which I need to get to work is either a hand me down or something I got for cheap at a thrift store. One time I got so mad at my power bill I just let them shut off my power and enjoyed candle lit dinners for a while.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
When I work a second job with people that should be retired, and there’s a feeble elderly person unloading a Walmart truck…. Yeah the system failed clearly
When I work a second job with people that should be retired, and there’s a feeble elderly person unloading a Walmart truck…. Yeah the system failed clearly
There should be ZERO taxes on anyone making income at the federal poverty level or lower. Meaning ZERO taxes taken out of their paychecks. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.
There should be ZERO taxes on anyone making income at the federal poverty level or lower. Meaning ZERO taxes taken out of their paychecks. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Do you know what hurts most? Having the resource to fight poverty but lacking the will from the government and leaders to actually help the people.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Do you know what hurts most? Having the resource to fight poverty but lacking the will from the government and leaders to actually help the people.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
We’re living through the Great Depression 2.0, except advanced technology and manipulated government statistics are masking how bad the economy really is.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
We’re living through the Great Depression 2.0, except advanced technology and manipulated government statistics are masking how bad the economy really is.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Isn't this hysterical. And yet, the money spent on wars in Afghanistan & Iraq could have built 1.7 million $3000,000 homes
Isn't this hysterical. And yet, the money spent on wars in Afghanistan & Iraq could have built 1.7 million $3000,000 homes
Simple answer. US is a plutocracy country, not democracy. No matter who you vote to lead the country, the policies are always for the rich, by the rich and from the rich.
Simple answer. US is a plutocracy country, not democracy. No matter who you vote to lead the country, the policies are always for the rich, by the rich and from the rich.
There is no reason for one person to have 400 billion dollars.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There is no reason for one person to have 400 billion dollars.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The number of Americans living in poverty is actually higher than calculated. They should use the salary needed to have a 2 bedroom apartment and a car (a living wage) as the level that defines poverty. The number of people living below that level is much higher than the ridiculous $29,950 for a family of 4.
The number of Americans living in poverty is actually higher than calculated. They should use the salary needed to have a 2 bedroom apartment and a car (a living wage) as the level that defines poverty. The number of people living below that level is much higher than the ridiculous $29,950 for a family of 4.
It's diabolical in the United States that there are people with full time jobs and are homeless. They can't afford to live in the city they work in.
It's diabolical in the United States that there are people with full time jobs and are homeless. They can't afford to live in the city they work in.
Many in Congress believe that being poor is a "moral failing." Thus, poverty is a government policy.
Many in Congress believe that being poor is a "moral failing." Thus, poverty is a government policy.
Homelessness is the new class . I’m not joking. For a black man with no support system, no relatives or family, homelessness is the next stop. You get in and maybe you get out.
I was homeless for eight years.
Homelessness is the new class . I’m not joking. For a black man with no support system, no relatives or family, homelessness is the next stop. You get in and maybe you get out.
I was homeless for eight years.
Real wages have been stagnant for the past 50 years while executives and investors have been pocketing all of the productivity gains.
Real wages have been stagnant for the past 50 years while executives and investors have been pocketing all of the productivity gains.
I chose not to have kids. I grew up poor and in a very hard environment and did not believe that I could be responsible for another human being. I am 62 and do not regret my decision. So, that has helped me financially in the long run. Choices. We have to choose. No one can have it all.
I chose not to have kids. I grew up poor and in a very hard environment and did not believe that I could be responsible for another human being. I am 62 and do not regret my decision. So, that has helped me financially in the long run. Choices. We have to choose. No one can have it all.
Corporations, oligarchs, the wealthy - they NEED a poor and middle-class population because that’s the core of what keeps the top 1% wealthy. The people who work off of minimum wages allow the wealthy entities to keep more of their money. Also, the reason we don’t have universal health/child care is because it takes more money out of the pockets of the wealthy. Big corporations don’t like unxs because it might mean they’ll have to spend their profits on paying workers a fair wage.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Corporations, oligarchs, the wealthy - they NEED a poor and middle-class population because that’s the core of what keeps the top 1% wealthy. The people who work off of minimum wages allow the wealthy entities to keep more of their money. Also, the reason we don’t have universal health/child care is because it takes more money out of the pockets of the wealthy. Big corporations don’t like unxs because it might mean they’ll have to spend their profits on paying workers a fair wage.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
And to add insult to injury, corporations/the wealthy get constant tax cuts so they can keep more of their money. Oh, and let’s not forget the lobbyists, who are bought and sold by the wealthy. They make sure that the government works on their behalf - that is - keeping laws that benefits their bottom line.
A lot of North America is very car centric and this very much negatively impacts peoples finances when you have to have a car to get places. A lot of European countries have fantastic public transit which makes car ownership not really necessary. If you eliminate a car as an expense, you have a lot more money in your pocket. As they say a penny saved is a penny earned
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A lot of North America is very car centric and this very much negatively impacts peoples finances when you have to have a car to get places. A lot of European countries have fantastic public transit which makes car ownership not really necessary. If you eliminate a car as an expense, you have a lot more money in your pocket. As they say a penny saved is a penny earned
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..
America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..
Several of your hosts have helped push us to this place. You all only care about corporations. Not the employees. Not the customers.
Several of your hosts have helped push us to this place. You all only care about corporations. Not the employees. Not the customers.
When America spend billions to maintain their military to find trouble elsewhere, their fellow Americans suffer.
When America spend billions to maintain their military to find trouble elsewhere, their fellow Americans suffer.
I find it crazy that “we” need to save more and spend less.., how about fixing the problem which is corporate greed and constant rising inflation
I find it crazy that “we” need to save more and spend less.., how about fixing the problem which is corporate greed and constant rising inflation
In Africa we spend less than 5 dollars a day, live in grass roofed houses with solar panels at the top. Our kids play in the mud outside and run around with chicken and goats. We mostly grow our own food (though the white man is starting to take away our seed sovereignty). For me I can’t stand the life in western world .
In Africa we spend less than 5 dollars a day, live in grass roofed houses with solar panels at the top. Our kids play in the mud outside and run around with chicken and goats. We mostly grow our own food (though the white man is starting to take away our seed sovereignty). For me I can’t stand the life in western world .
I'm getting OFF the rat race... Received a substantial pay raise with a new job and I'm changing NOTHING!--Not moving to a nicer place or buying a car. (I also dumped Verizon for a way cheaper alternative and canceled Netflix, ~$100/m saving). I will fill some pages in my passport instead!
I'm getting OFF the rat race... Received a substantial pay raise with a new job and I'm changing NOTHING!--Not moving to a nicer place or buying a car. (I also dumped Verizon for a way cheaper alternative and canceled Netflix, ~$100/m saving). I will fill some pages in my passport instead!
What I couldn't understand is when I didn't have a job with 0 income, I was approved for SNAP, but after 3 months, they said I had to work a minimum of 20 hours a week to keep it and they denied me. I'm an IT Consultant with 25 years of experience and been applying to more than 100 jobs each week. Local PT jobs are like, why are you applying to minimum wage job when you use to make $50 an hour and by the time I apply for a position in my field, there's already 100 applicants. I've spent more time looking and applying than an 8 hour workday. Plus, I'm single without kids, pretty healthy, white, have college degree, paid over a 1/3 of my gross income in taxes the last 2 decades and now I'm dependent on food banks in order not to starve to death. Does any of this seem fair?
What I couldn't understand is when I didn't have a job with 0 income, I was approved for SNAP, but after 3 months, they said I had to work a minimum of 20 hours a week to keep it and they denied me. I'm an IT Consultant with 25 years of experience and been applying to more than 100 jobs each week. Local PT jobs are like, why are you applying to minimum wage job when you use to make $50 an hour and by the time I apply for a position in my field, there's already 100 applicants. I've spent more time looking and applying than an 8 hour workday. Plus, I'm single without kids, pretty healthy, white, have college degree, paid over a 1/3 of my gross income in taxes the last 2 decades and now I'm dependent on food banks in order not to starve to death. Does any of this seem fair?
Half the people I know are on the edge of being priced out of their apartments but their wages haven’t raised fast enough. They all have degrees and decent jobs.
Half the people I know are on the edge of being priced out of their apartments but their wages haven’t raised fast enough. They all have degrees and decent jobs.
A minor reason Americans are using credit cards more is that many businesses are becoming "cashless". This puts all risks on the consumer, so I avoid these businesses if possible.
A minor reason Americans are using credit cards more is that many businesses are becoming "cashless". This puts all risks on the consumer, so I avoid these businesses if possible.
Our enemies, love income inequality, because that stokes turmoil within the country and keeps us fighting
Our enemies, love income inequality, because that stokes turmoil within the country and keeps us fighting
"Americans now carry over $1 trillion in credit card debt." 0:12 This is part of the problem. Paying interest especially high rate CCs will put you in poverty even if working. 20%+ interest compounds faster than any legitimate income source.
“美国人现在背负超过1万亿美元的信用卡债务。” 0:12 这是问题的一部分。支付利息,尤其是高利率的信用卡,会让你即使在工作也陷入贫困。20%以上的利息增长速度比任何合法的收入来源都要快。
"Americans now carry over $1 trillion in credit card debt." 0:12 This is part of the problem. Paying interest especially high rate CCs will put you in poverty even if working. 20%+ interest compounds faster than any legitimate income source.
“美国人现在背负超过1万亿美元的信用卡债务。” 0:12 这是问题的一部分。支付利息,尤其是高利率的信用卡,会让你即使在工作也陷入贫困。20%以上的利息增长速度比任何合法的收入来源都要快。
11%? More like 89% in poverty. $24 per hour is a living wage? Where? Alabama? South Dakota?
11%? More like 89% in poverty. $24 per hour is a living wage? Where? Alabama? South Dakota?
In America, the rich can buy politicians to create regulations that make them richer at the cost of the less fortunate groups. Cutting taxes for the rich or creating loopholes that allow them to pay less taxes are some of the examples.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In America, the rich can buy politicians to create regulations that make them richer at the cost of the less fortunate groups. Cutting taxes for the rich or creating loopholes that allow them to pay less taxes are some of the examples.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Every American should be fighting like hell for universal healthcare. It's unacceptable we aren't all covered.
Every American should be fighting like hell for universal healthcare. It's unacceptable we aren't all covered.
It's surprising to learn that 63% of workers cannot manage a $500 emergency expense. It's hard to imagine that so many people would have difficulty accessing that amount in an unexpected situation. Initially, I doubted the accuracy of the 63% figure, thinking it was too high. However, after conducting some research, I found it to be true. It's both shocking and disheartening to realize the extent of financial struggle among many individuals in the United States. I can't comprehend why some continue to have children when they are unable to support themselves.
It's surprising to learn that 63% of workers cannot manage a $500 emergency expense. It's hard to imagine that so many people would have difficulty accessing that amount in an unexpected situation. Initially, I doubted the accuracy of the 63% figure, thinking it was too high. However, after conducting some research, I found it to be true. It's both shocking and disheartening to realize the extent of financial struggle among many individuals in the United States. I can't comprehend why some continue to have children when they are unable to support themselves.
A great solution is to cut Congress' salaries to FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE. 40 hour work week. Less than 40, you get deducted for hours not worked. THEY pay their own health insurance. NO vacation the first year. 40 hours for the next years until retirement. NO paid sick days. No months long vacations. Travel at THEIR OWN EXPENSE. NO Secret Service protection. NO allowance for "field offices". 6 years and OUT.
I can guarantee that this will end VERY quickly.
A great solution is to cut Congress' salaries to FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE. 40 hour work week. Less than 40, you get deducted for hours not worked. THEY pay their own health insurance. NO vacation the first year. 40 hours for the next years until retirement. NO paid sick days. No months long vacations. Travel at THEIR OWN EXPENSE. NO Secret Service protection. NO allowance for "field offices". 6 years and OUT.
I can guarantee that this will end VERY quickly.
I like how half is a corporate media conglomerate trying to explain to everybody that the couple times they went out for drinks with friends is the reason they live paycheck to paycheck
I like how half is a corporate media conglomerate trying to explain to everybody that the couple times they went out for drinks with friends is the reason they live paycheck to paycheck
For, what, maybe 50 years US voters have consistently voted against our own best interests. This is the result.
For, what, maybe 50 years US voters have consistently voted against our own best interests. This is the result.
As a foreigner, when seeing just how much USA Education and Healthcare costs, I just cannot fathom how are they so expensive. I mean, costs of education and healthcare in my country are not exactly cheap either, but compared to US? I might just shoot myself if I ever get into medical emergency without Insurance in US, or Crippling student debt for university in US, that's how expensive they are to my mind.
As a foreigner, when seeing just how much USA Education and Healthcare costs, I just cannot fathom how are they so expensive. I mean, costs of education and healthcare in my country are not exactly cheap either, but compared to US? I might just shoot myself if I ever get into medical emergency without Insurance in US, or Crippling student debt for university in US, that's how expensive they are to my mind.
Ruthless capitalism for us and social welfare for corporations
Ruthless capitalism for us and social welfare for corporations
I got rid of credit cards, shut off the TV and started an Emergency Fund. Now, I'm no longer in poverty.
I got rid of credit cards, shut off the TV and started an Emergency Fund. Now, I'm no longer in poverty.
I spent 18 months working in the IT sector in Sydney during the pandemic While there, my 17 year old wanted to stay busy and got a part time gig at a local McDonald's. His start wage was $31aud/hr. Now back in the US, he won't even look for gigs cause the pay is pathetic. I learned that the US is by far not the greatest country on earth, how can it when 40% of its people are in poverty.
I spent 18 months working in the IT sector in Sydney during the pandemic While there, my 17 year old wanted to stay busy and got a part time gig at a local McDonald's. His start wage was $31aud/hr. Now back in the US, he won't even look for gigs cause the pay is pathetic. I learned that the US is by far not the greatest country on earth, how can it when 40% of its people are in poverty.
Don't worry, soon you'll be able to afford a nice beachfront property on the Gza Riviera.
Don't worry, soon you'll be able to afford a nice beachfront property on the Gza Riviera.
Private health insurance keeps people tethered to horrible jobs out of fear of medical bankruptcy due to just about any pre-existing conditions
Private health insurance keeps people tethered to horrible jobs out of fear of medical bankruptcy due to just about any pre-existing conditions
America has a wage problem not an unemployment problem. America is Japan Lost Decade 2.0. Japan never recovered from their lost decade. High debt, low unemployment rate, and super super low wages which cause low birthrate and high suicide rate.
America has a wage problem not an unemployment problem. America is Japan Lost Decade 2.0. Japan never recovered from their lost decade. High debt, low unemployment rate, and super super low wages which cause low birthrate and high suicide rate.
We are in a time of massive change, and so many factors of what we considered to be normalcy are gone.
We are in a time of massive change, and so many factors of what we considered to be normalcy are gone.
If you already suffering and struggling, PLEASE do not bring another life into this world to suffer alongside with you. Don't be evil.
If you already suffering and struggling, PLEASE do not bring another life into this world to suffer alongside with you. Don't be evil.
As a German, I have often been on vacation in the USA in recent years. East Coast, West Coast, New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago, Minneapolis...and I have to say, the landscape is beautiful and the people are somehow special, but the rest... The standard of living, political system, prices, food quality, safety, society, gun violence (experienced myself) are just awful. The houses are beautifully painted garbage. Everything is constantly breaking down. It's sad and at the same time it makes me angry that everything is always defended with "American freedom".
As a German, I have often been on vacation in the USA in recent years. East Coast, West Coast, New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago, Minneapolis...and I have to say, the landscape is beautiful and the people are somehow special, but the rest... The standard of living, political system, prices, food quality, safety, society, gun violence (experienced myself) are just awful. The houses are beautifully painted garbage. Everything is constantly breaking down. It's sad and at the same time it makes me angry that everything is always defended with "American freedom".
It’s not rocket science. Cost of living keeps going up while wages struggle to keep up.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It’s not rocket science. Cost of living keeps going up while wages struggle to keep up.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I feel like this entire video is just an argument against the car dependency in America. If we had actual, useful public transportation we wouldn't need to be worried about car repairs, or gas, or car insurance, or registration.
I feel like this entire video is just an argument against the car dependency in America. If we had actual, useful public transportation we wouldn't need to be worried about car repairs, or gas, or car insurance, or registration.
As an european, to see life being hard in america is so strange to see. Shouldnt at all be like this.
Im so glad i do not live there
As an european, to see life being hard in america is so strange to see. Shouldnt at all be like this.
Im so glad i do not live there
The reason is the Government only works for the people at the top. US companies are monopolies lot if them are smaller companies own by a larger one. They are controlling the market which causes prices to rise.
The reason is the Government only works for the people at the top. US companies are monopolies lot if them are smaller companies own by a larger one. They are controlling the market which causes prices to rise.
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