
UK to follow US on anti-AI regulation stance – Politico

UK to follow US on anti-AI regulation stance – Politico
Washington has opposed what it claims would be excessive regulation of the sector proposed during the Paris summit
The UK may not sign an international agreement on artificial intelligence (AI) after the US criticized the proposal over its excessive focus on regulation, Politico has reported, citing a senior British official who told the news outlet that Washington’s opinion on the issue cannot be ignored.
Speaking at the AI Action Summit in Paris on Tuesday, US Vice President J.D. Vance told delegates that too much regulation of the sector could “kill a transformative industry just as it’s taking off.”
在周二于巴黎举行的人工智能行动峰会上,美国副总统 J.D.万斯对与会代表表示,对该行业的过度监管可能会“在一个变革性行业刚刚起步时就将其扼杀”。
在周二于巴黎举行的人工智能行动峰会上,美国副总统 J.D.万斯对与会代表表示,对该行业的过度监管可能会“在一个变革性行业刚刚起步时就将其扼杀”。
“I’m not here this morning to talk about AI safety, which was the title of the conference a couple of years ago; I’m here to talk about AI opportunity,” Vance said, emphasizing that the US is planning “to make every effort to encourage pro-growth AI policies.”
British Technology Secretary Peter Kyle described the US as an “unignorable force and one that we engage with absolutely.” He added that the trends in AI are being set by the power of the technology itself, adding that America was adapting to those realities in the same way as the UK.
Discussions at the summit have focused on the impact of AI on society and the environment. Over 800 participants, including public and private sector partners, researchers, and NGOs debated how to capture the benefits and prevent risks related to the technology.
峰会上的讨论集中在人工智能对社会和环境的影响。超过 800 名参与者,包括公共和私营部门的合作伙伴、研究人员和非政府组织,辩论了如何捕捉技术带来的好处并防止相关风险。
峰会上的讨论集中在人工智能对社会和环境的影响。超过 800 名参与者,包括公共和私营部门的合作伙伴、研究人员和非政府组织,辩论了如何捕捉技术带来的好处并防止相关风险。
The Guardian reported on Tuesday that the summit’s final Communique on “inclusive and sustainable” AI was backed by 61 nations, including China, India, Japan, Australia and Canada. The declaration reportedly states that “ensuring AI is open, inclusive, transparent, ethical, safe, secure and trustworthy, taking into account international frxworks for all” and “making AI sustainable for people and the planet” are among priorities.
《卫报》周二报道,峰会关于“包容性和可持续”人工智能的最终公报得到了包括中国、印度、日本、澳大利亚和加拿大在内的 61 个国家的支持。声明中 reportedly 指出,“确保人工智能开放、包容、透明、伦理、安全、可靠,并考虑到所有国际框架”以及“使人工智能对人类和地球可持续”是优先事项之一。
《卫报》周二报道,峰会关于“包容性和可持续”人工智能的最终公报得到了包括中国、印度、日本、澳大利亚和加拿大在内的 61 个国家的支持。声明中 reportedly 指出,“确保人工智能开放、包容、透明、伦理、安全、可靠,并考虑到所有国际框架”以及“使人工智能对人类和地球可持续”是优先事项之一。
Shortly after taking office last month, US President Donald Trump revoked a 2023 executive order signed by his predecessor Joe Biden that sought to reduce the risks that artificial intelligence poses to consumers, workers and national security.
在上个月就职不久后,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普撤销了他前任乔·拜登签署的 2023 年行政命令,该命令旨在降低人工智能对消费者、工人和国家安全的风险。
在上个月就职不久后,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普撤销了他前任乔·拜登签署的 2023 年行政命令,该命令旨在降低人工智能对消费者、工人和国家安全的风险。
Last month, Trump announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at investing up to $500 billion in AI infrastructure. He described the project, which came as a result of a collaboration between US tech giants OpenAI and Oracle, and Japanese investment firm SoftBank, as a “monumental undertaking” and a “resounding declaration of confidence in America’s potential” that will ensure US leadership in the AI tech race against China and others.
上个月,特朗普宣布启动一项新计划,旨在投资高达 5000 亿美元用于人工智能基础设施。他将该项目描述为美国科技巨头 OpenAI 和 Oracle 以及日本投资公司软银之间合作的结果,称其为“宏伟的事业”和“对美国潜力的响亮信心宣言”,将确保美国在与中国及其他国家的人工智能技术竞赛中保持领导地位。
上个月,特朗普宣布启动一项新计划,旨在投资高达 5000 亿美元用于人工智能基础设施。他将该项目描述为美国科技巨头 OpenAI 和 Oracle 以及日本投资公司软银之间合作的结果,称其为“宏伟的事业”和“对美国潜力的响亮信心宣言”,将确保美国在与中国及其他国家的人工智能技术竞赛中保持领导地位。
Last month, China shocked the industry by releasing an AI assistant called DeepSeek, which has since become the most popular application on Apple’s US App Store, surpassing US-based OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The success comes despite the US using export controls to try to block Chinese firms from obtaining advanced micro-chips.
上个月,中国通过发布一款名为 DeepSeek 的 AI 助手震惊了行业,该应用自此成为苹果美国 App Store 上最受欢迎的应用,超越了美国的 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT。尽管美国使用出口管制试图阻止中国公司获得先进的微芯片,但这一成功依然到来。
上个月,中国通过发布一款名为 DeepSeek 的 AI 助手震惊了行业,该应用自此成为苹果美国 App Store 上最受欢迎的应用,超越了美国的 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT。尽管美国使用出口管制试图阻止中国公司获得先进的微芯片,但这一成功依然到来。
A number of countries, including Australia, South Korea, and Italy have prohibited the use of the app within their governmental operations, citing data-security concerns. In the US, the Navy and NASA have also blocked it due to privacy and security issues, while Congress proposed legislation last week to ban DeepSeek from all government-owned devices.
包括澳大利亚、韩国和意大利在内的多个国家已禁止在其政府运营中使用该应用,理由是数据安全问题。在美国,海军和 NASA 也因隐私和安全问题封锁了该应用,而国会上周提出立法,禁止在所有政府拥有的设备上使用 DeepSeek。
包括澳大利亚、韩国和意大利在内的多个国家已禁止在其政府运营中使用该应用,理由是数据安全问题。在美国,海军和 NASA 也因隐私和安全问题封锁了该应用,而国会上周提出立法,禁止在所有政府拥有的设备上使用 DeepSeek。
Jack Inabox
Politico as a source is like quoting zuckerberg or bezos as a credible source
引用 Politico 作为来源就像引用扎克伯格或贝索斯作为可信来源一样
Politico as a source is like quoting zuckerberg or bezos as a credible source
引用 Politico 作为来源就像引用扎克伯格或贝索斯作为可信来源一样
Is there any agenda where UK would not follow his masters in Washington?
Is there any agenda where UK would not follow his masters in Washington?
Cui Bono
Removing royalty the way the French did?
Removing royalty the way the French did?
I Vote
US + UK = 2 isolated ex-empires trying to bully the great majority of the world.
美国 + 英国 = 2 个孤立的前帝国试图欺负世界上绝大多数国家。
US + UK = 2 isolated ex-empires trying to bully the great majority of the world.
美国 + 英国 = 2 个孤立的前帝国试图欺负世界上绝大多数国家。
Paul Maritz
DeepSeek is taking the rest to the cleaners. Hopefully other role players will follow suit and offer free or low cost AI solutions that truly serve humanity. The West thought they had a monopoly.
DeepSeek 正在超越其他人。希望其他角色扮演者也能效仿,提供真正服务于人类的免费或低成本 AI 解决方案。西方以为他们取得了垄断。
DeepSeek is taking the rest to the cleaners. Hopefully other role players will follow suit and offer free or low cost AI solutions that truly serve humanity. The West thought they had a monopoly.
DeepSeek 正在超越其他人。希望其他角色扮演者也能效仿,提供真正服务于人类的免费或低成本 AI 解决方案。西方以为他们取得了垄断。
Cui Bono
I have ‘concerns’ about the cognitive abilities and mental competence of Western™ «elites»; can we please ban them?
我对西方«精英» 的认知能力和心理素质有“担忧”;我们能不能禁言他们?
I have ‘concerns’ about the cognitive abilities and mental competence of Western™ «elites»; can we please ban them?
我对西方«精英» 的认知能力和心理素质有“担忧”;我们能不能禁言他们?
El Calambre
Replace them with AI, perhaps? And would anyone even notice?
Replace them with AI, perhaps? And would anyone even notice?
Lorraine Paul
The UK once again licking the US back passage!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The UK once again licking the US back passage!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
No need to say this, the UK always obey orders from the US
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
No need to say this, the UK always obey orders from the US
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Well, UK is always following US, vassals do so, no surprise at all.
Well, UK is always following US, vassals do so, no surprise at all.
Jen King
Looks like Vance imitating John Hurt in V
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Looks like Vance imitating John Hurt in V
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Steffen Jung
I love how China and DeepSeek, and also Hugging Face open initiatives, have exposed the US AI industry as the two bit punk grifters they are.
我喜欢中国和 DeepSeek,以及 Hugging Face 的开放倡议,揭露了美国在人工智能行业作为两个二流小混混的真相。
I love how China and DeepSeek, and also Hugging Face open initiatives, have exposed the US AI industry as the two bit punk grifters they are.
我喜欢中国和 DeepSeek,以及 Hugging Face 的开放倡议,揭露了美国在人工智能行业作为两个二流小混混的真相。
USA is in panic, which is why you have seen a slew of articles from the west doing desperate damage control.
DeepSeek and other Chinese Tech companies are not done shafting the USA and their scam, more on its way. OpenAI has made some of its reasoning model free(pay OpenAI $200 a month, or use DeepSeek for free), and it has started to implement DeepSeek logic and techniques of reasoning, (which by the way, DeepSeek published openly, with open weights). This means the tech will be commoditized, cheaper, and be available to everyone, not only the rich).
DeepSeek 和其他中国科技公司还没有阻止美国及其欺诈,他们的骗局还在继续。OpenAI 已经将其部分推理模型免费提供(每月支付 OpenAI 200 美元,或免费使用 DeepSeek),并且它已经开始实施 DeepSeek 的逻辑和推理技术(顺便说一下,DeepSeek 是公开发布的,权重也是公开的)。这意味着技术将被商品化,变得更便宜,并且将对每个人开放,而不仅仅是富人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
DeepSeek 和其他中国科技公司还没有阻止美国及其欺诈,他们的骗局还在继续。OpenAI 已经将其部分推理模型免费提供(每月支付 OpenAI 200 美元,或免费使用 DeepSeek),并且它已经开始实施 DeepSeek 的逻辑和推理技术(顺便说一下,DeepSeek 是公开发布的,权重也是公开的)。这意味着技术将被商品化,变得更便宜,并且将对每个人开放,而不仅仅是富人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
And you have not really witnessed the real selloff of US AI stocks yet. Too much at stake right now for the hedge funds and pension funds to press «sell», It will come when you least expect it. An epic race to zero valuations will hit the US AI grifters in the near future, when companies outside the west continue to expose the fraudsters at a more alarming rate.
Mi Samsung
It is kind of sad that a country that had an empire that spanned the globe, who once said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Is now just a neutered lap dog of the USA.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It is kind of sad that a country that had an empire that spanned the globe, who once said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Is now just a neutered lap dog of the USA.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Patterns Count
US products are a serious threat to personal and national security. Get rid of them to eliminate that threat
US products are a serious threat to personal and national security. Get rid of them to eliminate that threat
jabirujoe (jabirujoe)
We are less and less able to criticize our present overlords. Our new AI overlords and their enablers will tolerate no criticism whatsoever. Welcome to your new future.
我们越来越无法批评我们现在的统治者。我们的新 AI 统治者及其支持者将完全不容忍任何批评。欢迎来到你们的新未来。
We are less and less able to criticize our present overlords. Our new AI overlords and their enablers will tolerate no criticism whatsoever. Welcome to your new future.
我们越来越无法批评我们现在的统治者。我们的新 AI 统治者及其支持者将完全不容忍任何批评。欢迎来到你们的新未来。
Edie Jones
The United Snakes of America.
The United Snakes of America.
Alex Vidakovic
AI algorithms are making serious mistakes, mistakes that humans would never do. It’s the lack of comprehension of the patterns it is matching and repeating. It makes very basic mistakes despite years of repetitive programming through «training» and output refinement. It’s a threat, it cannot be applied on critical activities where reasoning, rationality and real intelligence are needed, because it lacks all of those. Faulty simulation of intelligence is not really intelligence.
AI 算法正在犯严重错误,这些错误是人类绝对不会犯的。这是因为它对所匹配和重复的模式缺乏理解。尽管经过多年的重复编程通过“训练”和输出优化,它仍然会犯非常基本的错误。这是一个威胁,它不能应用于需要推理、理性和真正智能的关键活动,因为它缺乏这些。错误的智能模拟并不是真正的智能。
AI algorithms are making serious mistakes, mistakes that humans would never do. It’s the lack of comprehension of the patterns it is matching and repeating. It makes very basic mistakes despite years of repetitive programming through «training» and output refinement. It’s a threat, it cannot be applied on critical activities where reasoning, rationality and real intelligence are needed, because it lacks all of those. Faulty simulation of intelligence is not really intelligence.
AI 算法正在犯严重错误,这些错误是人类绝对不会犯的。这是因为它对所匹配和重复的模式缺乏理解。尽管经过多年的重复编程通过“训练”和输出优化,它仍然会犯非常基本的错误。这是一个威胁,它不能应用于需要推理、理性和真正智能的关键活动,因为它缺乏这些。错误的智能模拟并不是真正的智能。
Arun Surya
Some famous AI algorithms cannot even perform simple addition and multiplication.
Some famous AI algorithms cannot even perform simple addition and multiplication.
Will Trump et al continue to serve Satan and bring about the final destruction of the U.S.?
Will Trump et al continue to serve Satan and bring about the final destruction of the U.S.?
They want to let the genie out of the bottle. They want to let it run amok…
They want to let the genie out of the bottle. They want to let it run amok…
El Calambre
The genie is autonomous targeting of individuals to kill them, track them, spy upon them – and feed them vast amounts of false information, in the form of propaganda, mis / dis / and mal information.
The genie is autonomous targeting of individuals to kill them, track them, spy upon them – and feed them vast amounts of false information, in the form of propaganda, mis / dis / and mal information.
The perfect tool for warfare and authoritarianism – that’s why they don’t want any restrictions on its use!
ash roski
Probably best that it does the extinction of the human race would probably good for the universe. Maybe then people can have peace.
Probably best that it does the extinction of the human race would probably good for the universe. Maybe then people can have peace.
Mind Today
whar are u afraid of? out of job?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
whar are u afraid of? out of job?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Gregg J
In my opinion, Politico is irrelevant.
在我看来,Politico 无关紧要。
In my opinion, Politico is irrelevant.
在我看来,Politico 无关紧要。
They got their funding from USAID.
Which is an NGO leftist biased lies, misinformation, misinformation and deception.
Fake Njews
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Velo Cast
Artificial Intelligence is intended to replace the human brain in the workplace. It depends how far the technology can go. Without control, it can be used for destructive purposes!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Artificial Intelligence is intended to replace the human brain in the workplace. It depends how far the technology can go. Without control, it can be used for destructive purposes!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
crime scene
UK kissing American ass all the way to the grave
UK kissing American ass all the way to the grave
Seems like Politico still exists…
看起来 Politico 还存在……
Seems like Politico still exists…
看起来 Politico 还存在……
O. Pinkerton
A really good AI will eat it´s master, if he follows bad intentions…
A really good AI will eat it´s master, if he follows bad intentions…
Many security experts are reportedly leaving OpenAI and other AI companies, because there are now no more limits to use AI for fraud, hacking, and other illegal activities.
据报道许多安全专家离开 OpenAI 和其他 AI 公司,因为现在没有更多限制使用 AI 进行欺诈、黑客攻击和其他非法活动。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Many security experts are reportedly leaving OpenAI and other AI companies, because there are now no more limits to use AI for fraud, hacking, and other illegal activities.
据报道许多安全专家离开 OpenAI 和其他 AI 公司,因为现在没有更多限制使用 AI 进行欺诈、黑客攻击和其他非法活动。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
As matters stand, ‘AI’ has great potential for being a portal to extant knowledge, and helping to guide people in search of particular information, i.e. a role similar to that of a subject specialist librarian. In so far as it appears to offer explanation or deep insight, that is illusory because it ‘knows’ nothing. However, when suitably ‘trained’, AI, by pattern-matching, can draw together disparate sources and by word-matching correlates snippets whilst weighting their apparent relevance.
As matters stand, ‘AI’ has great potential for being a portal to extant knowledge, and helping to guide people in search of particular information, i.e. a role similar to that of a subject specialist librarian. In so far as it appears to offer explanation or deep insight, that is illusory because it ‘knows’ nothing. However, when suitably ‘trained’, AI, by pattern-matching, can draw together disparate sources and by word-matching correlates snippets whilst weighting their apparent relevance.
‘Large language models’ enable easy communication but, as in all else AI, an illusion of sagacity is specious: concatenating information, drawing on summaries, and expressing it in a grammatically acceptable manner, is impressive, and beyond the abilities of many humans, yet it does not imply qualitative convergence with human intellect which was honed differently (problem-solving for survival in the context of ‘natural sextion’).
There are mutterings arising from some people actively developing AI that chucking ever-increasing sums of money at it cannot enable AI technology to transcend its present qualitative limitations. If ‘sentience’, whatever that may mean, is to be achieved, a different route is required.
In this context, the ambitions of politicians, they who regard GDP as the measure of national achievement and its continual increase is their goal, shall be disappointed by AI’s impact.
在这种情况下,政治家的野心,他们将 GDP 视为国家成就的衡量标准,并且其持续增长是他们的目标,将会对人工智能的影响感到失望。
在这种情况下,政治家的野心,他们将 GDP 视为国家成就的衡量标准,并且其持续增长是他们的目标,将会对人工智能的影响感到失望。
Umeshu Tan
It is a trap set for the Brits and Americans… once they disagreed… China is going to do a Free For All with AI and with no restrictions… hahaha
这是一个为英国人和美国人设下的陷阱……一旦他们意见不合……中国将会在没有任何限制的情况下进行 AI 的自由竞争……哈哈哈
It is a trap set for the Brits and Americans… once they disagreed… China is going to do a Free For All with AI and with no restrictions… hahaha
这是一个为英国人和美国人设下的陷阱……一旦他们意见不合……中国将会在没有任何限制的情况下进行 AI 的自由竞争……哈哈哈
They may think AI is the holy grail but fact is that AI becomes useless when we stop charging our mobile phones and unplug our computers. Besides i am testing AI and so far it is nothing more then a fancy search engine who digs up existing information. AI is not capable to make its own analyses or conclusions.
They may think AI is the holy grail but fact is that AI becomes useless when we stop charging our mobile phones and unplug our computers. Besides i am testing AI and so far it is nothing more then a fancy search engine who digs up existing information. AI is not capable to make its own analyses or conclusions.
Mind Today
of course it can
of course it can
Mike B
Why are you associating AI with robots? It’s data analysis in all industries where data is normally private for security reasons.
Why are you associating AI with robots? It’s data analysis in all industries where data is normally private for security reasons.
Eileen Dover
AI is not the right name for it. Why not call it AADSE (advanced algorithmic Data Search Engine). Because this is what it actually is, not AI. AI would be autonomous and self-learning and have the ability for form opinions based on what info and external stimuli it experiences. But I guess AI is sexier from a marketing and PR point of view.
AI 并不是一个合适的名称。为什么不叫它 AADSE(高级算法数据搜索引擎)呢?因为这才是它的真实本质,而不是 AI。AI 应该是自主的、自我学习的,并且能够根据它所经历的信息和外部刺激形成观点。但我想从市场营销和公关的角度来看,AI 更吸引人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
AI is not the right name for it. Why not call it AADSE (advanced algorithmic Data Search Engine). Because this is what it actually is, not AI. AI would be autonomous and self-learning and have the ability for form opinions based on what info and external stimuli it experiences. But I guess AI is sexier from a marketing and PR point of view.
AI 并不是一个合适的名称。为什么不叫它 AADSE(高级算法数据搜索引擎)呢?因为这才是它的真实本质,而不是 AI。AI 应该是自主的、自我学习的,并且能够根据它所经历的信息和外部刺激形成观点。但我想从市场营销和公关的角度来看,AI 更吸引人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Eileen Dover
Today’ AI is not artificial intelligence. It is AA-advanced algorithms, a fancy search engine. This is a much more fitting name for this technology. REAL AI would be a system which starts out with basic instructions and self-learns through stimuli and experiences. It would not need to continuously access databases for everything because it would be its own database, although it could access external information, if it needed to, and store it all autonomously. All this would contribute to forming a unique personality of each individual AI lifeform. We are definitely not there yet.
今天的人工智能并不是人工智能。它是 AA-高级算法,一个华丽的搜索引擎。这是对这项技术更合适的名称。真正的人工智能将是一个从基本指令开始,通过刺激和经验自我学习的系统。它不需要不断访问数据库来获取所有信息,因为它将是自己的数据库,尽管在需要时可以访问外部信息,并自主存储所有信息。所有这些将有助于形成每个个体人工智能生命体的独特个性。我们绝对还没有达到这个水平。
Today’ AI is not artificial intelligence. It is AA-advanced algorithms, a fancy search engine. This is a much more fitting name for this technology. REAL AI would be a system which starts out with basic instructions and self-learns through stimuli and experiences. It would not need to continuously access databases for everything because it would be its own database, although it could access external information, if it needed to, and store it all autonomously. All this would contribute to forming a unique personality of each individual AI lifeform. We are definitely not there yet.
今天的人工智能并不是人工智能。它是 AA-高级算法,一个华丽的搜索引擎。这是对这项技术更合适的名称。真正的人工智能将是一个从基本指令开始,通过刺激和经验自我学习的系统。它不需要不断访问数据库来获取所有信息,因为它将是自己的数据库,尽管在需要时可以访问外部信息,并自主存储所有信息。所有这些将有助于形成每个个体人工智能生命体的独特个性。我们绝对还没有达到这个水平。
CACM had a writeup on the EU stance in «The EU AI Act and the Wager on Trustworthy AI».
CACM 在《欧盟人工智能法案与可信人工智能的赌注》中对欧盟立场进行了详细阐述。
CACM had a writeup on the EU stance in «The EU AI Act and the Wager on Trustworthy AI».
CACM 在《欧盟人工智能法案与可信人工智能的赌注》中对欧盟立场进行了详细阐述。
The Bible talks of future soldiers climbing walls and running amok without anything being able to stop it in its track. It sounds much like AI genetics.
The Bible talks of future soldiers climbing walls and running amok without anything being able to stop it in its track. It sounds much like AI genetics.
yeah,… out of all the treaties the usa broke since its inception…… (all of the treaties,.. the usa broke since its inception) you really think they can afford to fall behind in this area too? the mindless require a.i. .. this is only meant to hamstring everyone else, like CHINA :)
是的……自美国成立以来,所有被破坏的条约……(所有被破坏的条约……自美国成立以来)你真的认为他们能在这个领域也落后吗?无脑的人需要人工智能……这只是为了束缚其他人,比如中国 :)
yeah,… out of all the treaties the usa broke since its inception…… (all of the treaties,.. the usa broke since its inception) you really think they can afford to fall behind in this area too? the mindless require a.i. .. this is only meant to hamstring everyone else, like CHINA :)
是的……自美国成立以来,所有被破坏的条约……(所有被破坏的条约……自美国成立以来)你真的认为他们能在这个领域也落后吗?无脑的人需要人工智能……这只是为了束缚其他人,比如中国 :)
Shahid Khan
the «holhangers» are at it again. no shame.
the «holhangers» are at it again. no shame.
They clearly want to be unregulated in order to do unpleasant things with the dangerous technology as they always do. Britits are merely lap dogs and under jew control
They clearly want to be unregulated in order to do unpleasant things with the dangerous technology as they always do. Britits are merely lap dogs and under jew control
Mike B
The US/UK wants all data on everyone to conduct unwarranted analysis and surveillance, breaking every data security law in all industries… Why is the danger always reported as robots out of control?
The US/UK wants all data on everyone to conduct unwarranted analysis and surveillance, breaking every data security law in all industries… Why is the danger always reported as robots out of control?
Eileen Dover
But they will sanction and block DeepSeek. US only seeks to stifle and regulate others. US is jealous and cannot compete.
但他们会制裁和封锁 DeepSeek。美国只想压制和监管他人。美国嫉妒,无法竞争。
But they will sanction and block DeepSeek. US only seeks to stifle and regulate others. US is jealous and cannot compete.
但他们会制裁和封锁 DeepSeek。美国只想压制和监管他人。美国嫉妒,无法竞争。
Suppiah Velandi
It’s consistent, deny the best for US & UK.
It’s consistent, deny the best for US & UK.
Let the rest of the World enjoy the benefit.
很赞 2