2025-02-13 Rayla 4021
Scott Wood
Yes, it is possible. The USA has the top two technical institutes in the world (Cal Tech, MIT) and many of the spectacular skyscrapers in China were designed by American architects.


Thus, The USA has the talented professionals to construct high speed rail. Much of The USA does not have the population density to support high speed rail. It could work in the north east, the south east and California. The rest of The USA is too sparsely populated to make high speed rail affordable. If high speed rail between Philadelphia and New York City had 10,000 passengers per day, high speed rail between Memphis and Oklahoma City would have 300 passengers per day. To make the second route operate, it would cost 30 times more, per passenger, and most people would not want to pay that much. The sophisticated trains that China is famous for travel between huge cities, some of which are more populated than New York City.


The total cost of the trip is divided by the number of passengers, thus it is cheaper, per passenger. In summary, it is possible to have high speed rail in The USA, but only realistic in three parts of The USA.


David Johnson
The future of rail in the USA will be very much like today.
The countries that OP named as examples are smaller than many US states.
Japan's population is concentrated heavily in a single urban strip on its west coast, essentially a single megacity that is hundreds of miles long and only a few miles wide, in a country roughly the size of California.


France is only three times the square mileage of the typical state, but at 335 per square mile has about 10 times the population density of the USA. Paris, population 2.5 million, covers 42 square miles. A US city of 50,000 covers almost as much land at 35 square miles. A metropolitan area of 500,000 covers over 3000 square miles, and has no concentrators to make rail effective. A city that Americans consider too crowded has a population density of 125 people per square mile. Travel to and from rail heads would eat up any savings that occurred in the actual travel.


The USA is sparsely populated - average less than 35 people per square mile, with areas larger than some countries population density being measured in square miles per person.


The largest driver for HSR is business travel (no one goes to us cities for recreation, we leave them). But the need for business travel has been reduced enormously. Since COVID-19, I have not had a single customer ask for on-site work - it's all remote. The customers get better service and better prices. Meetings are handled through zoom, WebEx, or one of their many competitors.
HSR is increasingly looking like a 20th century solution to a 19th century problem that is simply sidestepped by the 21st century solution of Internet.


Blair Blakely
No, not on the scale of other nations.
The topography and population density and the sheer size of the U.S. as well as the needs and wants of it’s people made passenger rail service, much less high speed rail, a thing of the past in the U.S.


In the first half of the 20th century passenger rail service was common but developments of the automobile and expansion of a highway network across the nation caused passenger rail service to fade in the 1950s except in highly populated areas, mostly on the eastern seaboard. Then, the airplane became the mode of choice for travel within the U.S. over longer distances when speed was important.


Today, the combination of demand and cost makes high speed rail unlikely. Areas of the country where there is a demand for passenger rail service that would support itself financially already has it in place.
The U.S.’s only attempt at transcontinental passenger rail service, Amtrak, has been a financial failure and only exists because of heavy funding by the government for decades.


Alan Peterson
Why would we waste money on some stupid train? Jet passenger planes are faster. A “high speed” train goes between big cities. So does a jet. And a jet does it faster. Our cities are much, much farther apart than Japanese cities. A train may make sense for a small country like Japan, or densely populated Europe, but not for a huge country like the US (except for the densely populated east coast, maybe). As for all the spaces between big American cities, public roads for private vehicles make more sense than a train, subway, or bus. We are not Europe. We are not Asia. We solve our problems the way we feel is best for us. High speed trains are not practical, useful, or needed. You want high speed trains in your country? Great. Good for you. If they make sense in your country, go for it. We choose not to, because in this country, they would be a stupid, colossal waste of money.


Hara Shidho
Unless the U.S. improves its tendency to dislike socialism as much as Communism, I don't think high-speed rail will work.
The areas where high-speed rail is currently doing well are in countries that have adopted modified Communism or socialism.
This is because there is an affinity between the method of boarding large numbers of people from a limited number of stations to improve overall efficiency and the way efficiency is increased in socialism.


The United States, however, is allergic to these methods of improvement, to the extent that it abhors universal health care.
Such countries are not motivated to promote the construction and use of high-speed rail, even if they have the potential to do so.


KC Armstrong
North America does not even have a low speed rail network. In 1945 there were 2,000 scheduled passenger trains per week but by 30 or so years ago it was down to less than 50. Few rail lines today carry passengers. Intercity bus service is also a shadow of the past.A recent revival aka Amtrack has reversed the trend but passenger rail is still small. I can stretch my neck out and say that there might be one in the future when carbon or battery use become too expensive for small scale road traffic, sort of a return to the pre-jet era of aviation.


The forces of conservatism and the costs will probably prevent any single high speed line in the US anytime soon. The one possible place on the continent is the Montreal to Hamilton corridor along which about half of the Canadian people live. The government is more open to new ideas and the existing highways are overloaded. Toronto, Montreal, and other cities there have well developed public transit so travel at each end is possible. Car rentals are practiced too. Also, there is an existing passenger rail service that is quite popular and speeding it up is under discussion.


Ronald Weinger
No. There is no market that could justify the costs involved. It is that simple.
Many tracks go back to the 19th century. They would all have to be replaced. Except that they are currently in use, which means current rail traffic would have to be curtailed (and later regained) or new track would have to be laid. For new track to be laid, permission must be granted by every municipality along the way. That could take years, and one holdout could delay the project even longer. Then, there must be enough traffic, ie full trains, to pay the cost, and if there are not, the tracks would have to be shared with other train traffic, which could result in the high speed train being stuck behind a slow freight, which is what happens now.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then consider the number of stops the train must make. To attempt to assure it travels full, major cities must be on the route. Each stop slows the train. Then there is the cost of the ticket. Unless you have a lot of time, the price difference between a long distance train trip and the same trip by plane is small. And that is for a non-high speed train. When you get to the high speed trip cost the difference is very small. Airplane trip availability would have to be cut significantly to make rail competitive for rail trips over 4 hours.


Unci Narynin
I personally believe that high-speed rail is a great solution to mass passenger transportation over a certain range, as long as there is a steady demand on that route that justifies the investment. (Too short and it’s not worth to go that fast, too long and air travel will be faster even considering the way to the airport and the hours before the flight you have to be there.) It’s safe, reliable, comfortable, environmentally friendly and has very convenient total travel times.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The USA like all industrialized countries have a great number of cities that fall into this range and have enough demand. Considering that fossile fuel prices have a tendency of going up and the climate crisis will only get worse (so we have to move to using regenerative primary energy sources … electric railways are the mode of transportation that’s best at this) high-speed rail becomes more and more the obvious solution. It needs a different government to make this kind of investment, so … just wait a few years. You’ll get there, I’m quite sure of that.


Joseph Perez
It could someday, but likely it would only be regional isolated systems designed to serve metro areas.
Transcontinental high speed rail in the USA simply cannot be made profitable by private investment, and the government wisely has no interest in spending many billions of tax dollars on a transportation system that would only be used by a tiny percentage of the population.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Uzun
American political system allowed rapid country development in 19th and 20th century to become No. 1 in the world. It’s system became outdated now and stands in a way of country’s progress. We got a gridlock in Congress and Senate, and very difficult coordination between State, local and Federal government. Public opinion of badly educated population is ignorant.
Any meaningful project of big size is doomed.


Louis Cohen
Nope, because of geography.
Fast passenger trains make sense connecting high population density areas not more than about 200 - 300 miles apart. At any greater distance, trains are not competitive with flying because of the travel time.
There are some areas in the USA like that, like the Northeast Corridor and a few other places. But most population centers in the USA are farther apart than in Europe, China, or Japan.


Harald Tambs-Lyche
It is obviously possible - though the US hardly has the necessary technological know-how at present, so advice and expertise might come from France, Japan or China. The main problem is who would make the investment. No private investor is likely to do it: high-speed rail may be a paying proposition, but the investment is huge and there are more profitable opportunities for capital. Amtrak is hardly in a position to undertake such a gigantic project, so the only solution would be massive state funding. Politically, that does not seem likely any soon.
The obvious choice for a line would be the New York- Philadelphia corridor, possibly extended to Boston.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Fernandes
US is a vast Country, from West to East the time difference being 4 hours. It is not compact like Japan or China. US has one of the best Air Connectivity, which is cheaper and dose not require much infrastructure as bullet train will need. So Americans are happy with their Air Connectivity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gary Jorbahn
Probably not. The USA with over 300 million people doesn't have vast open spaces to lay the high speed rail tracks. The north has open spaces in States like Oregon, Montana, Wyoming and Minnesota. In Japan there is populous cities plus the open spaces for the bullet trains to travel between major cities. Canada is larger than the USA, but has 1/10th of the population. We don't even have these type of trains and probably never will.


Our military-industrial system limits the ability of our productive capacity for advancement of domestic infrastructure. Our military is scattered throughout the earth. We spend trillions on other countries wars. Our elected officials are beholden to the arms manufacturers for reelection. If billions were diverted away from supporting millions of illegals and building bombs and missiles we’d could build a rail system to easily rival Japan.


xiao Wen
I don't think it's possible.
The reason is simple. Most Americans don't need this mode of transportation.
It may be convenient and cool to take a ride once or twice, but unlike China, America does not have tens of millions or hundreds of millions of workers who need to cross thousands of kilometers to work in another city.
In America, financiers' time is as precious as gold. They fly. Ordinary people are engaged in local service industry, and they travel by car and subway.
Without enough passengers, the huge high-speed railway network cannot survive.


Doug Freyburger
“Do you think the USA will ever have a high speed passenger rail network on the scale of what is found in Europe, China, and Japan?”
Passenger trains are obsolete in any place that has cars, airplanes and parking spaces.
The reason those regions use trains at all is their lack of cars. The US does not lack cars so here trains are obsolete.


Watch what happens when self driving cars become able to find their own parking spaces. Subway and commuter train use will plummet.
Watch what happens when drones reach the size of buses. Both commuter trains and parking lots near airports will fade away.
No. High speed trains have specific requirements that don’t apply in the US.


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