2025-02-16 JOJOyu 3850
黄金政治 经济学家迈克尔-赫德森(Michael Hudson)解释黄金价格大幅上涨的原因


USA cannot print GOLD.
That should be enough reason why GOLD is gaining price.


As somebody already said, it is a huge win that you let the professor speaks without unnecessary interruptions. Thanks for the transcxt, too!


Only reason why US can live such a lavish life, while barely producing anything, is because rest of the world is paying for it. US financial system accounts for ~40% of US economy and that is solely because it gets to skimp trillions every year off world wealth and trade.
This is why Trump is losing his shit over dedollarization. Without rest of the world paying US bills, it economy will crash. On one side you have legion of parasites costing taxpayers trillions, creating huge and growing deficit, as number of people that generate value is falling. And on the other world is slowly moving away from dollar, only widening this deficit gap.
And what he does, instead of trying to play nice with rest of the world and cutting all the bloat stateside? He is further antagonizing other countries and does absolutely nothing to realistically curb waste. Whole DOGE thing is just for show, as it wont make substantial impact. While reducing waste by few hundred billions is still good, actual hole is measured in trillions. And that is just to zero out.


Everybody's operating in the dark right now. 58;00 That says it all about the economy today. Love Michael's take and I never get tired of him no matter how much I listen to him. Always enlightening. Thank you for doing this podcast.

现在每个人都在黑暗中操作。58:00 这说明了当今经济的一切。我喜欢Michael的观点,无论我听他多少次,我都不会感到厌倦。总是很有启发性。感谢你做这个播客。

Michael is simply my favourate speaker. Straight to the point. Extremely knowledgeable about these financial geopolitical subjects. Once again proving that politicans are beyond evil.


Michael Hudson is one of the very few economists worth to listen to. Why? Because he understands deeply the consequences of political and economical decisions made and helps us to see through.

Michael Hudson是少数值得一听的经济学家之一。为什么?因为他深刻理解政治和经济决策的后果并帮助我们看透。

Just about the only political analyst that's not talking out of both sides of his behind. Right here. No thinly veiled endorsements of America First along side confusing leftist proclamations.
Good for you Ben, thank you!


Many go into Gold because of rising insecurity.
With the current state of the US government, trusting into the dollar is NO OPTION ANY MORE.


I'm 31 and I've been listening to Mr Hudson since I was in high school; I think I first saw him on The David Pakman Show (it was a loooong time ago lol), I'm so glad he's still giving important commentary in 2025!

我31岁,从高中起就一直在听Hudson先生的演讲;我想我第一次看到他是在The David Pakman Show上(那是很久以前的事了,哈哈),我很高兴他在2025年仍然提供重要的评论!

In addition to the YouTube ads for gold you mentioned, I am seeing more and more ads for dehydrated milk and eggs with shelf lives of 10+ years. Fight for socialism during the day, but prep for collapse at night? Too bad there's so much mercury in canned tuna. Thank you Ben (and several other new media interviewers) for realizing Michael Hudson's importance and providing him a platform to reach a wider audience!

除了你提到的YouTube黄金广告外,我还看到越来越多关于保质期10年以上的脱水牛奶和鸡蛋的广告。白天为社会主义而战,晚上为崩溃做准备?可惜罐装金枪鱼中有太多汞。感谢Ben(和其他几位新媒体采访者)认识到Michael Hudson的重要性并为他提供了一个接触更广泛受众的平台!

Goldfinger wasn't trying to remove gold from Fort Knox. He wanted to detonate a small nuclear device, irradiate the facility and make that gold unusable, thereby increasing the value of his own stock. (Might be a good plan for the Fed as a cover up if there really is little or no gold there!)


My respect for Michael Hudson borders on hero worship. This is why I'm so surprised and disappointed with his relative ignorance concerning gold. He treats gold purely as a COMMODITY, and attempts to explain the market simply (simplistically) in supply/demand terms. Yet, he has the audacity to label so-called "gold bugs" as "crazies", merely because they embrace and understand the MONETARY side of the gold market.

我对Michael Hudson的尊敬近乎英雄崇拜,这就是为什么我对他对黄金的相对无知感到如此惊讶和失望。他将黄金纯粹视为一种商品并试图用供需关系简单地(过于简单地)解释市场。然而,他竟敢将所谓的“黄金虫”称为“疯子”,仅仅因为他们接受并理解黄金市场的货币面。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Professor Hudson always guarantees the highest calibre of programing as this episode demonstrates. I hope that in the next discussion, we will touch on Silver; that other, less mentioned but absolutely crucial form of Hard Money. Silver has always been the common man's Gold and its role may become pivotal in our relationship with money. I would very much like to hear Hudson's take on this. Thanks for your excellent work Mr Norton.


One of the main reasons people don't see economics as politics is they don't really have a clear understanding of what either are. Politics is just everything to do with decision making in groups. Economics is group decision making on the production and distribution of goods and services. When you understand these two truths it is apparent that economics is just the branch of politics dealing with what to make and do and where (and who) to send the output to.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the great things about Michael Hudson apart from his knowledge and perspective on the economies of the planet, is his ability to get some humour into the discussion of the most dystopian future planned for us by corporations and their political puppets.

Michael Hudson除了对地球经济的知识和观点外,还有一个伟大的地方是他能够在讨论由公司及其政治傀儡为我们计划的最反乌托邦未来时加入一些幽默。

US in the past 2 decades nearly no development, there is no free lunch now US lost jobs and manufacturing with high inflation����������eventually dollar will be toilet papers same fate to all fiat money


It doesn’t matter how they contort stats, inflation is rising and will continue to do so with the more dollars printed. Just ask those struggling to get by each month with the cost of living.


Wow interesting! After struggling financially in retirement, I've found success in the digital market, earning weekly. It's been a huge success, and I'm now more resilient to economic downturns.


LMao gold can’t fluctuate. Dollar value can…
If gold is skyrocketing, that can REALLY only mean that you need more (less valuable, and progressively duing) dollars to buy it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1:04:00 I think China did that, only reason it worked is because they make everything, and their currency is based on the value of their products, not financial bubbles, also pretty sure taxes deflate the value of the money so it doesn't inflate too much.

1:04:00 我认为中国做到了,唯一的原因是他们在制造一切,他们的货币基于他们产品的价值而不是金融泡沫,我也相当确定税收会降低货币的价值,所以它不会膨胀太多。

I’ve learned more about how the world ACTUALLY works in the past two weeks since finding your channel than I have in the 42 years I’ve been alive on this planet. Thank you for all that you do!


In coming 10 years young population growth will be the main issue for China.
China should not underestimate this issue like Japan south Korea


The black swan for this fixed gold market is....China (Brics), if you want to sell you gold cheap...ok, we'll buy it all because playing with USD and treasuries have become too dangerous (witness Russia's stolen reserves).


Al though gold is leased at a few pew percent a year, silver is costing 10% per month! The suppression of silver is to ensure industrial use of silver is kept really depressed. However, the purchase of silver has been less than has been produced for 6 years


Remember that gold is a precious metal, critical in electronics (future tech etc), there's a limited supply until they mine and asteroid.


I understand leasing a car, I get to use it, why would I want to lease gold? No wonder we have financial disasters every now and again, with hair brained schemes like Teaser rate mortgages like the 2000,s that led to 2008 and now central banks leasing gold that may or not exist, more fun and excitement to come? I am starting to understand that old Chinees curse, " may you live in interesting times "


Age can bring amazing benefits to the world. Unfortunately, prejudices, like ageism, have made them OK because of political catastrophes. Sadly, our youth has not escaped this. Boomers have become a pejorative, used freely. God forgive them, for they do not know what they do.


Canada has no gold reserves. How does this fact relate to the push to become the 51st state, and the threat of tariffs?
Our economies are completely integrated, but our weak currency makes everything so much more expensive.


And what about the price of silver, which has so many applications in renewable energy technologies? For every one ounce of gold mined, 16 ounces of silver are mined. Yet the gold to silver ratio in price is 90.55 ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. This is because silver is the only asset whose value is tied to it's derivative price (controlled by JP Morgan) , which makes no sense at all.


We should not print money at all! I do not care who makes me poor: wasteful government or greedy banks. Money supply is not a condition for a growth. Free market is!


The surplus reduced debts might even be meaningless if the dollar loses value to gold and other currency. Isn't this just to increase bargaining power and US authority. Gold has gone not just as an inflation hedge but a defence against recession and quantitative easing.


I’m confused… who actually holds gold? If you invest in it then it’s debt backed in a sense. Obligation backed would be a better term, you’re buying a promise from someone to deliver the gold on demand (or subject to whatever t&cs wrap the investment).


I had $600m worth of gold but in a fit of pique my ex chucked it in the bin and now it's buried somewhere deep in a Welsh landfill site.
The local council for some reason won't dig it all up for me despite taking them to court.....


How would the average worker / consumer know that his gold is actually gold? And how would any such person easily convert his gold into some form of currency that could be used in any retail transaction? Please explain the details since many gold advocates always try to peddle gold to the average guy.


Market manipulation through institutions short selling?? Colour me suprised!!! JK thank you guys so much, didn't know the gold market was like this and am seeing so many adds for it, thankfully never been lured in


Hudson said gold holders would lose but he just made the exact case as to why they will win because gold is even more scarce than previously thought and with growing demand and declining supply, gold is going to the moon priced in fiat.


Al though gold is leased at a few pew percent a year, silver is costing 10% per month! The suppression of silver is to ensure industrial use of silver is kept really depressed. However, the purchase of silver has been less than has been produced for 6 years


Thoae who get out of gold during this all time high and use the liquidity to pursue people centric policies, plans, works will escape the midas touch. Which is a curse, in the sense that you cant do anything with gold except hoard it.
There are other precious, or rare, or strategic metals apart from gold. That's an efficient multipolar way to end dollar dominance. But hoarding gold alone is not an efficient strategy and will backfire sooner rather than later.


Gold supplies outstrip demand, true. The price of gold supplies go up around 1% per year. However, population increase is much higher than 1%. Gold at present is increasing higher than inflation because central banks, especially the Bricks central banks.
As the price of gold has been suppressed for so many years and BRICKS nations and now western banks are decreasing their dollars and increasing their gold reserves. Additionally, the billionaire class, corporations and western banks are reducing their dollars and increasing their gold reserves. Gold is becoming a competitor of the dollar.


So we repeat the one thing Marx was right about: Money is a commodity. Correction: money was decoupled in 1971, not rued, that took place in 1974 when the "official price"
( a.k.a. "lawful money" ) was raised from
35/ozTroy(1934)to42.22, and minted coins now bore the "legal tender" designation. 1971 marks the end of the Bretton Woods "good as gold"
scam...and the massive fraudulent deception of the Federal Judiciary, which began in 1939, was now complete.
Once again, we avoid the effects of the "F" word as the ultimate cause of the present, the destruction of "industrial capitalism", the slow but inexorable rise of the F.I.RE sector, in
collusion with "government", the expansion of the Federal Government, which began in 1913 and accelerated after 1929, and the introduction of "socialism" with programs to attempt
social engineering, which the Federal Government has no legitimate authority to initiate and still doesn't.
One must also note the change of meaning involved with the words employed...such as imperialism, which is the acquisition of territory by force and colonization to that of
"economic dominance," ...which is interesting in Hudson's case, where he makes the distinction between "industrial capitalism" and the "rentier" economy that preceded it...
yet has no problem with ignoring the distinction for imperialism and expanding it to "super imperialism," even though "conquest" has essentially been eliminated.


The dollar is to the world economy what alchohol is to an alchoholic. It will take awhile but it is actually comming faster than most people thought.. Gold will reach unbelievable heights that I thought not long ago as impossible, I am talking 10,000$ an ounce or more.


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