I feel like most Southeast asians do, especially the younger generation.
Everyone on this side of quora is rather… old… but i’m still young so I know how it’s like.
I’m Vietnamese, and i’ve seen bunches of SEA’s say they come from Seoul and speak half assed korean, obsessed with K-pop and K-dramas, and eat korean things and post it online with like korean music or something like that. Also “ulzzang” influenced selfies and filters with heavy photoshop and skin brightening. (Skin lightning is common in SEA either way)
I feel like most Southeast asians do, especially the younger generation.
Everyone on this side of quora is rather… old… but i’m still young so I know how it’s like.
I’m Vietnamese, and i’ve seen bunches of SEA’s say they come from Seoul and speak half assed korean, obsessed with K-pop and K-dramas, and eat korean things and post it online with like korean music or something like that. Also “ulzzang” influenced selfies and filters with heavy photoshop and skin brightening. (Skin lightning is common in SEA either way)
The thing with SEA is the fact that SK is developed compared to countries like the Phillippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, ETC. They romanticize this because they are young, and they ignore or is unaware of the colorism.
I’ve seen bunches of viet koreaboos, and trust me they are SO annoying. But it’s more common among “FOBS” than asian americans. Some say they’re half korean, born in Seoul, live in Seoul, etc.
I know this doesn’t necessarily answer your question, but I think it’s because the korean wave is very strong ATM, and they are just obsessing over anything korean.
I’ve seen bunches of viet koreaboos, and trust me they are SO annoying. But it’s more common among “FOBS” than asian americans. Some say they’re half korean, born in Seoul, live in Seoul, etc.
I know this doesn’t necessarily answer your question, but I think it’s because the korean wave is very strong ATM, and they are just obsessing over anything korean.
Toffee Fornesus
I think it shows the success in South Korea’s international campaign of soft power through K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty in ways similar to Japan’s prominence in anime, technology (in the 90’s anyway), and in spreading their culture.
I think it shows the success in South Korea’s international campaign of soft power through K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty in ways similar to Japan’s prominence in anime, technology (in the 90’s anyway), and in spreading their culture.
At the same time, Filipinos face discrimination in South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and basically every nation where we are a visible minority group, even in Malaysia despite the clear cultural relationships and essentially having similar phenotypes.
Filipinos still appreciate American culture, Japanese culture, Korean culture, etc. despite the ways that we are discriminated against in these nations due to the open-mindedness that we ultimately inherited from our ancestors.
Maritime Southeast Asia, as a whole, used to be considered lands of diversity due to the region’s strategic location at the cross roads of the Pacific, the Indian, and East Asian cultural spheres and the trade amongst these, and cultures beyond, that shaped the once powerful economic trade relationships and intellectual exchange of ideas common throughout the islands of Maritime Southeast Asia.
So, even during times of subjugation, our ancestors simultaneously kept their cultures alive while enhancing them with the new ideas that come from foreigners, whether they be invaders or traders. Despite colonial encroachment from Spain, the UK and the US, and the short term imperialism from Japanese soldiers, Filipinos only became more open-minded, more diverse, and never allowed themselves to stereotype and show hatred towards other groups, at least until the Spanish and Americans taught us to hate Black people and our Philippine Negrito populace.
So, no, the influx of Korean cultural influence won’t do much other than give Filipinos yet another cultural obsession, which honestly makes sense (and may even be overdue) due to the many Koreans who go to the Philippines to learn English or even thrive in the business spheres.
Julius Rockefeller Rosenberg Ackermann
Koreans are one of the most popular tourists in PH. Personally, I do not like Koreans. I do not like their bullying attitude towards everyone (but this attitude is common from those coming from developed countries), and I do not look up to them, when it comes to disliking Filipinos, I must say, I understand their reason and I'm with them on that one.
Koreans are one of the most popular tourists in PH. Personally, I do not like Koreans. I do not like their bullying attitude towards everyone (but this attitude is common from those coming from developed countries), and I do not look up to them, when it comes to disliking Filipinos, I must say, I understand their reason and I'm with them on that one.
It is not right to say all Filipinos, maybe some youngsters, teenagers who are carefree, who likes dancing and tinted hairstyle likes them
Mostly are not . Like me, I don’t liked them the way they look down on us but , I understand those koreans who are acting like that , because you cannot pleased everybody. Everyone in every nationalities in every country
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It is not right to say all Filipinos, maybe some youngsters, teenagers who are carefree, who likes dancing and tinted hairstyle likes them
Mostly are not . Like me, I don’t liked them the way they look down on us but , I understand those koreans who are acting like that , because you cannot pleased everybody. Everyone in every nationalities in every country
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There are people who always think that they are better than others. They feel like they are flawless in all aspects of their selves, yes maybe in their outward appearance they’re flawless due to surgery and many creams
But in their inward appearance are not and behavior which are the most important are not seen in them
But in their inward appearance are not and behavior which are the most important are not seen in them
Leoben DsFrendz
Who told you Filipinos look up to Koreans so highly despite the discrimination? Your question is rude, misleading, insulting, demeaning and very condescending and has no basis. You probably are talking about Filipinos admiring your Kpop groupband but I dont know of the discrimination. If youre talking about Korean owners of businesses, then employees would suckup to any a.h.owner to holdon to the job to make ends meet bec of severe economic hardships….
Who told you Filipinos look up to Koreans so highly despite the discrimination? Your question is rude, misleading, insulting, demeaning and very condescending and has no basis. You probably are talking about Filipinos admiring your Kpop groupband but I dont know of the discrimination. If youre talking about Korean owners of businesses, then employees would suckup to any a.h.owner to holdon to the job to make ends meet bec of severe economic hardships….
Kristina Catalan
I like to think that *some* Filipinos may do so because Filipinos collectively are still working out the best way to monetise their/our cultural assets without sacrificing/driving families apart or mental well-being into the ground. Koreans are entertaining and good at monetising their labour and culture as Asians, but at a huge personal price with their suicide rate and low birthrates.
I like to think that *some* Filipinos may do so because Filipinos collectively are still working out the best way to monetise their/our cultural assets without sacrificing/driving families apart or mental well-being into the ground. Koreans are entertaining and good at monetising their labour and culture as Asians, but at a huge personal price with their suicide rate and low birthrates.
Filipinos are tough - being discriminated against isn't new to Filipinos having endured it from Spaniards for 300years and Americans etc as cheap labour and women.
As a Filipina-Australian I actually am more impressed with India - in a few decades the Indians are projected to be 1/5th of the entire planets working age population, their economy is growing and modernising while everyone is ageing. International populations are being subtly indianized peacefully (again). Even their former coloniser the British Empire, now the UK, has a prime minister of Indian heritage.
Its more fascinating to track the larger ripples in the scheme of history, than these blips of petty racism between countries.
Its more fascinating to track the larger ripples in the scheme of history, than these blips of petty racism between countries.
Because they are really cute. Like Japanese/Chinese. Also, their stuff is really popular in the Philippines. (I really like the Cute Yellow Women)
Unlike Foreigners who aren't East and Southeast Asian who only come to the Philippines to be perverts, criminals, and terrorists.
Because they are really cute. Like Japanese/Chinese. Also, their stuff is really popular in the Philippines. (I really like the Cute Yellow Women)
Unlike Foreigners who aren't East and Southeast Asian who only come to the Philippines to be perverts, criminals, and terrorists.
Don Wynn
It has to do with the height. Koreans average height is 172 cm while Pinoys height is way below at about 167 cm. Pinoys look up while Koreans look down.
It has to do with the height. Koreans average height is 172 cm while Pinoys height is way below at about 167 cm. Pinoys look up while Koreans look down.
Charissa G.
Because of their talent and how much hard work and dedication they put into their craft.
Because of their talent and how much hard work and dedication they put into their craft.
Arv Os
Most of these are younger generations into the Kpop crap. They will only realize the reality upon landing a job working in South Korea as a factory worker. My cousin used to be into so much Kdrama, all that changed after she went to Canada and got Korean roommates. They were nasty according to her.
Most of these are younger generations into the Kpop crap. They will only realize the reality upon landing a job working in South Korea as a factory worker. My cousin used to be into so much Kdrama, all that changed after she went to Canada and got Korean roommates. They were nasty according to her.
Do Filipinos think highly of Koreans?
I’ve worked with a few here in S Korea and all of them told me they admire our growth along with our resilience to Japan most of all. They feel their government didn’t ever fight or demand anything from Japan when they tried to rule the world. I know Filipinos from the states to be super friendly and easy going. One of my best friends is Filipino. It’s not so much that they think highly of us, but more of that they want their country to develop more too. There’s a few Koreans married to Filipinos in every city and they always seem happy.
Do Filipinos think highly of Koreans?
I’ve worked with a few here in S Korea and all of them told me they admire our growth along with our resilience to Japan most of all. They feel their government didn’t ever fight or demand anything from Japan when they tried to rule the world. I know Filipinos from the states to be super friendly and easy going. One of my best friends is Filipino. It’s not so much that they think highly of us, but more of that they want their country to develop more too. There’s a few Koreans married to Filipinos in every city and they always seem happy.
Layla May
Yes. Don’t be deluded by possible answers you might receive in the future, saying if racism in Korea is that bad, there wouldn’t be many foreigners working in Korea.
Yes. Don’t be deluded by possible answers you might receive in the future, saying if racism in Korea is that bad, there wouldn’t be many foreigners working in Korea.
If that’s the case, then any country can justify any mistreatment towards other races by claiming there are foreign workers in their country. Basically, “why would they come here if it’s so bad?”. On a smaller scale, companies can also justify mistreatment towards employees, “If the overtime etc is so bad, why would they work here?”. Maybe that’s the justification used by employers in Korea and Japan so they end up overworking too much.
But you know that people are willing to tolerate hardship for many reasons, such as better salary etc.
Korea is one of the most racist countries, and you have probably heard of that before. Or maybe you have heard of tourists describing Koreans as “cold and distant”. Well, the “cold and distant” is basically euphemism for “arrogant and racist” to many people.
Korea is one of the most racist countries, and you have probably heard of that before. Or maybe you have heard of tourists describing Koreans as “cold and distant”. Well, the “cold and distant” is basically euphemism for “arrogant and racist” to many people.
I’m Asian (my race and country are confidential on Quora for various reasons) and I have been to many SEA countries and Japan as a tourist, and the people didn’t look down on me as they were warm and friendly. Korea was a different story. I received bitchy stares and rude treatment. They stared at me like I was a lower class being. Of course not every Korean is like this, but the number of Koreans doing this is shocking and far exceeds other countries like SEA and Japan. The backwardness is akin to 1950’s or older.
Just think about it. Korean society is known to be highly competitive and harshly judgemental of others’ appearance that even good looks becomes a criteria when it comes to hiring. If people are trained to be harshly judgemental of others’ appearance in such a highly competitive environment, then more likely they would discriminate against other races who look different and don’t meet their beauty standard. It’s a natural consequence.
The tourist hierarchy in Korea:
White people
East Asians
Austronesians such as South East Asians
Black people and other dark-skinned people
If you are very beautiful, then maybe you can beat the hierarchy.
White people
East Asians
Austronesians such as South East Asians
Black people and other dark-skinned people
If you are very beautiful, then maybe you can beat the hierarchy.
Rod Michael Perez
Filipinos, like any other country, will be fascinated by whatever is currently “trending”. A decade earlier, we were fascinated by localized anime and Mexican telenovelas. Marimar/Thalia was a local heroine for a few years, maybe even more popular than the PH president during her time.
At the moment, the rise of global Korean popularity is more marked in the Philippines, because when Filipinos become fans, they fanboy/girl so hard that if anyone besmirched their current idols, keyboard wars ensue.
菲律宾人和其他国家的人一样,会对当前 "流行 "的东西着迷。十年前,我们对本土化动漫和墨西哥电视连续剧着迷。玛丽玛/塔莉娅曾在几年时间里成为当地的女英雄,在她的时代,她甚至可能比菲律宾总统更受欢迎。
Filipinos, like any other country, will be fascinated by whatever is currently “trending”. A decade earlier, we were fascinated by localized anime and Mexican telenovelas. Marimar/Thalia was a local heroine for a few years, maybe even more popular than the PH president during her time.
At the moment, the rise of global Korean popularity is more marked in the Philippines, because when Filipinos become fans, they fanboy/girl so hard that if anyone besmirched their current idols, keyboard wars ensue.
菲律宾人和其他国家的人一样,会对当前 "流行 "的东西着迷。十年前,我们对本土化动漫和墨西哥电视连续剧着迷。玛丽玛/塔莉娅曾在几年时间里成为当地的女英雄,在她的时代,她甚至可能比菲律宾总统更受欢迎。
One thing I did notice about Korean culture is that it is quite close to Filipino culture, which is why most pinoys are drawn to it like bees to honey.
Koreanovelas are usually funny/tragic/dramatic love stories which pinoys enjoy so much. Koreans are depicted as close to family with a deep respect for their elders which is very much like our own culture.
Koreanovelas are usually funny/tragic/dramatic love stories which pinoys enjoy so much. Koreans are depicted as close to family with a deep respect for their elders which is very much like our own culture.
Koreans also have this dewy-white complexion which is very attractive to Filipinos who, although are mostly brown, seem to lean towards the western standards of beauty white = pretty. Glutathione soaps, pills, and other whitening products sell like hotcakes over here for both men and women.
Korean food is also interesting because it’s full of intense flavors like spicy, sweet, salty, and sour all at the same time which is also common in most Filipino food.
Let’s wait this decade out. I’m pretty sure we’ll move on to something new soon enough :)
韩国人的肤色也是白里透红,这对菲律宾人来说非常有吸引力,因为菲律宾人虽然大多是棕色人种,但似乎更倾向于西方的 “白=美 ”标准。谷胱甘肽肥皂、药片和其他美白产品在这里销售火爆,男女都适用。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Korean food is also interesting because it’s full of intense flavors like spicy, sweet, salty, and sour all at the same time which is also common in most Filipino food.
Let’s wait this decade out. I’m pretty sure we’ll move on to something new soon enough :)
韩国人的肤色也是白里透红,这对菲律宾人来说非常有吸引力,因为菲律宾人虽然大多是棕色人种,但似乎更倾向于西方的 “白=美 ”标准。谷胱甘肽肥皂、药片和其他美白产品在这里销售火爆,男女都适用。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Rod Michael Perez
Why are Filipinos so fascinated with Koreans?
Filipinos, like any other country, will be fascinated by whatever is currently “trending”. A decade earlier, we were fascinated by localized anime and Mexican telenovelas. Marimar/Thalia was a local heroine for a few years, maybe even more popular than the PH president during her time.
菲律宾人和其他国家的人一样,会对当前 “流行 ”的东西着迷。十年前,我们对本土化的动漫和墨西哥电视连续剧着迷。玛丽玛/塔莉娅曾在几年内成为当地的女英雄,在她的时代,她甚至可能比菲律宾总统更受欢迎。
Why are Filipinos so fascinated with Koreans?
Filipinos, like any other country, will be fascinated by whatever is currently “trending”. A decade earlier, we were fascinated by localized anime and Mexican telenovelas. Marimar/Thalia was a local heroine for a few years, maybe even more popular than the PH president during her time.
菲律宾人和其他国家的人一样,会对当前 “流行 ”的东西着迷。十年前,我们对本土化的动漫和墨西哥电视连续剧着迷。玛丽玛/塔莉娅曾在几年内成为当地的女英雄,在她的时代,她甚至可能比菲律宾总统更受欢迎。
At the moment, the rise of global Korean popularity is more marked in the Philippines, because when Filipinos become fans, they fanboy/girl so hard that if anyone besmirched their current idols, keyboard wars ensue.
One thing I did notice about Korean culture is that it is quite close to Filipino culture, which is why most pinoys are drawn to it like bees to honey.
One thing I did notice about Korean culture is that it is quite close to Filipino culture, which is why most pinoys are drawn to it like bees to honey.
Koreanovelas are usually funny/tragic/dramatic love stories which pinoys enjoy so much. Koreans are depicted as close to family with a deep respect for their elders which is very much like our own culture.
Koreans also have this dewy-white complexion which is very attractive to Filipinos who, although are mostly brown, seem to lean towards the western standards of beauty white = pretty. Glutathione soaps, pills, and other whitening products sell like hotcakes over here for both men and women.
韩国人的肤色也是白里透红,这对菲律宾人来说非常有吸引力,因为菲律宾人虽然大多是棕色人种,但似乎更倾向于西方的 “白=美 ”标准。谷胱甘肽肥皂、药片和其他美白产品在这里销售火爆,男女都适用。
Koreans also have this dewy-white complexion which is very attractive to Filipinos who, although are mostly brown, seem to lean towards the western standards of beauty white = pretty. Glutathione soaps, pills, and other whitening products sell like hotcakes over here for both men and women.
韩国人的肤色也是白里透红,这对菲律宾人来说非常有吸引力,因为菲律宾人虽然大多是棕色人种,但似乎更倾向于西方的 “白=美 ”标准。谷胱甘肽肥皂、药片和其他美白产品在这里销售火爆,男女都适用。
Korean food is also interesting because it’s full of intense flavors like spicy, sweet, salty, and sour all at the same time which is also common in most Filipino food.
Let’s wait this decade out. I’m pretty sure we’ll move on to something new soon enough :)
Let’s wait this decade out. I’m pretty sure we’ll move on to something new soon enough :)
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