网友讨论:谁更聪明?工程师 vs 中国五年级学生
2025-03-10 不要可乐 10284
We are switching things up a bit! This week we are putting Sheldon, a Mechanical Engineer, up against a Chinese 5th grader to see who is smarter? Chinese kids have been known to be very smart but just how smart are they? well today Sheldon will be competing against a Chinese 5th grade student in a head to head battle of the brains to see who comes out ontop!


I can confirm you that the discrete math course I took at UCLA (math 61) is just the repetition of the math I learned in 4th grade back in China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

discrete math also isnt generally hard


That child articulated, and illustrated like a professor. Fluid, clear, assured and confident. Dear goodness... I'm intimidated


people give Sheldon a break
he actually did well, i've seen much worse after graduation


20:12 actually after xianxian get into middle school and high school, he'll probably use the same methods like Sheldon. xianxian used elementary school competition math here, being the top student of his class, there's no way he dont participate in math competitions (things like Mathematical Olympiad), where u solve problems with very limited tools, therefore u have to rely on logic, mechanisms and tricks.

20:12 其实等到xianxian上了初中和高中,他可能就会用和谢尔顿一样的方法。xianxian用的是小学竞赛数学,还是班级里最顶尖的学生,没理由不参加数学竞赛(像数学奥林匹克那样),那种竞赛要求你用非常有限的工具解题,所以你必须依赖逻辑、机制和技巧。

In the end when we finish college education, we all solve problems like Sheldon, math becomes boring then unless u do research with the newest tools. Math is always more interesting when u feel your tools are limited for the problem


if this is the level of a top 5th grader, it’s hard to imagine how smart those top students in tsinghua or peking uni


My mom was Peking top in 1991(I meant for her major)

我妈妈是 1991 年北京大学的尖子生(我指的是她的专业)

Not necessarily only those from tsinghua but those from most top schools in China are also very competitive. It's insane. They are taught not just to memorise but to understand which is why it is amazing.


my history teacher got a bachelors and masters at peking, then a masters at harvard, then taught at harvard, then co-wrote the Chinese textbook we use for our schools Chinese curriculum


you are completely wrong. Gaokao prep is almost entirely memorization and trick methods, particularly in the language sections. Not sure what the curriculum at the actual universities is though


The young children are very far ahead of Western children but by the end of high school the standards in China aren't much higher. The Gaokao maths is probably around the difficulty of a high level year 12 math final in Europe or slightly higher, but definitely not the leagues ahead of Europeans this 5th grader is.

中国的小孩子比西方孩子领先很多,但到了高中毕业,他们的水平也高不了多少。高考数学的难度可能与欧洲高水平的 12 年级数学期末考试相当或略高,但绝对比不上这个五年级学生所在的欧洲人。

Formulas are fine. They're generic ways to solve problems.
Sure you can apply other techniques like that chicken and rabbit problem. But, that's just another technique (or formula) that's less generic than expressing it as a simultaneous equation.


With the minimum perimeter/area question, I knew it'd be a circle because that's why many things naturally form spheres in life (e.g. water droplets minimizing surface area), but I would have double checked my intuition by writing out all the areas as well.


With the circle question, which was terribly worded, using formulas would have done the same thing once you recognize that the length of the rectangle is half the circumference. The kid was familiar with the concept of slicing a circle into a rectangle (often seen in deriving the area of a circle assuming you know the diameter) so he was able to use that to intuitively answer it.


Intuitive shortcuts are cool but they're specialized at solving a particular type of question. What's impressive from the kid is that he's familiar with all these shortcuts and was able to apply it all within seconds in his head.


Sheldon you are so good with kids and such a great sport!
That kid is so bright and gracious too! Smart and impeccable manners! He is very smart but was so humble when he won- he was so gracious and he looked like he was about to cry when they handed him the 100 red pocket.


The last question could also be clarified more by saying that it’s the circumference that you’re asking instead of how long the rectangle is vs how long the circle is. How long could also be diameter.


Chinese education is tough man, I went to a school in china for a year and literally almost failed, another thing that makes it extremely hard, is the language, speaking it is easy, but writing and reading are hard af


The boy has a very deep & good knowledge of logic


in Chinese we call it a "mental thinking" which is how different a person approaches an answer or just its unique way of thinking.


I'm not Chinese but I did use this approach with the rabbit and chicken problem. When I saw the way the older guy solved it, I immediately chuckled because that was the way I was also taught in American schools (more systematic/formulaic approach). However, solving these problems by thinking it in your head makes it a more fun mental challenge.


18:20 That is actually taught in middle school. You don't realize how much basic knowledge you have forgotten until you see it again in elementary or middle school textbooks.

18:20 这个实际上是在中学就教过的。你直到看到小学或中学的课本才意识到你已经忘记了多少基础知识。

idk why the engineer guy took so long,but you can literally see the thing,the part I think schools are failing is that they don't make children logical,they don't get the essence of reasoning

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

exactly no one teaches where the heck the formula of area of a circle came from. its just remember the formula ask no more

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not sure where you are from but I'm from New Zealand and in my school they emphasize on teaching where how the formulas are derived rather than giving you the formula.


For that question I still don't get it. When each piece is cut won't the ends be curved like a pizza slice? So how do they form a rectangle when put together? I think im missing something?!


Should I send my future kids to China for their foundational school years?? this kids thinking is so good

我应该把未来的孩子送到中国读基础教育吗? 这个孩子的思维真好。

Your kids will learn a lot in China. BUT he/she will also feel tired and every day under pressure.


Chinese people here. This knowledge is actually taught in extracurricular competition classes in primary school, but as an ordinary kid who has never attended those classes, there’s no way I can solve these problems.


I got a score of 26 which while isn’t horrendous, it’s CRAZY how much smarter both Sheldon and the boy are!
For context I’m a 3rd year CS major with a 3.3GPA (was a 3.5 last semester but I ate a bad grade Fall 2024)


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

sheldon did very well. that kid is top of his class, which means he does a lot of math olympiad questions, which are questions like the ones we saw. the boy is well trained.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not really trained, the kid is just smart and uses simple (untrained raw intelligence) original thinking to solve problems. When you grow older, absorb so much knowledge and get trained, you will lose this capability. Of course, both are very smart. It's easier to use formulas, which implies lots of training, but lack of original thinking.


When you view things at the right angle, things are damn easy. You look it the wrong way, you are dealing with rocket science


Well to be fair, the further up you go the more specialized you become in Math. You start focusing on very specific areas and equations while getting weaker in another.


Fun Fact: The Final question is the question that led to the invention of calculus. Greeks trying to understand circles and their properties led to the discovery of concepts like imaginary numbers, and that started a chain of discoveries that would end up with calculus.


Those math questions bring back trauma from when I was a kid in China. You need math Olympiad training to get into good middle schools. And almost all of these questions are standard questions for 3 graders. I was considered a shit student back then so that was some fun time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

you need to learn to think which is a skill (trainable/learnable) starting in preschool - preschool and primary schools are the most important for mental development


yes, math Olympiad trains you to think. However, in that system, if you aren’t good at certain things (such as intense math Olympiad and poem reciting) that the school system wants you to be, you (an 8 years old) are a pile of horseshit. The system could, in Chinese saying, “kill a lot of buds in its infancy.” I am grateful that my parents saw how unhealthy that was, packed up, and took me to the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I went to an elite Chinese school in Beijing. It even had some crazy entrance exam for 5 and 6 year olds. And back then that was the best education one could receive there.


But all that being said, math Olympiad is probably optional. I’m pretty confident now I’m good at learning. I got a PhD last year for one. And I started teaching at a university in NY for another.
Sorry if this is too long. I saw math Olympiad questions and trauma kicked into my door and said hello to me.


I think we are talking about two different things, but yes I agree with your opinion. What I was talking about is the extreme side of forcing kids to go through the ruthless system of you have to do math Olympiad or you fail that was prent in China 10-20 years ago, not sure about now. Like I said—it’s traumatic. Like your teachers would tell you in your face that “you are trash” kind of traumatic. Or “you think you’re good at school work now? girls are dumber than boys, and boys will catch up and be smarter than you” kind of traumatic. And yes that was what I was told back then in elementary school, which is what you mentioned as the most important phase of education.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like how the 5th grader uses logic for the last question, but in America they require us to “show your work” which is super annoying.


showing working is literally to show the logic/method you used to arrive at your answer, except showing working is specifically the mathematical method.


I was still learning fractions in 5th grade lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

First time I actually download a sponsored app, I’ve been learning Japanese for close to 3 years and kanji has been the most difficult thing for me to learn.


Sheldon wasn't going to save the money until heard the kid say it


I had friend in middle school who was from China and he said he was the worst student in his class so his parents sent him to the United States to live with his aunt and at our school he was a top student.


15:43 This is just nitpicking btw, but I can’t be the only one who misinterpreted “length” in the last question to be the difference in their horizontal lengths (length of the rectangle minus the diameter of the circle, which would have given a value closest to 6), instead of the difference in their perimeters.
I was so confused when the answer was 10.

15:43 顺便说一下,这只是挑剔,但我不能是唯一一个把最后一个问题中的“长度”误解为它们水平长度的差(矩形的长度减去圆的直径,这会得到接近6的值),而不是它们周长的差。我当时看到答案是10时非常困惑。

Haha that's what I thought! Difference in length is not the same as difference in the perimeter which is what the question said. I can understand the Chinese child getting that because of language but yeh that answer I got 5pie-10 fairly quickly. But I learnt that in year 9. No way would I have gotten that in year 5 or even year 8!


For that question I still don't get it. When each piece is cut won't the ends be curved like a pizza slice? So how do they form a rectangle when put together? I think im missing something?!


The "rectangle" is an approximation. To be precise, the resulting shape is some shape with curvy edges, and you want to compare its perimeter against that of the original circle.


Yes. You are correct, will be curvy and hard to calculate. However, the thinner the slice you cut the circle, the straighter the curved edges will be. Imagine if you cut it into infinitely thin slices, the curved edge will appear to flattened out and more and more appropriate a rectangle when you combine the slices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think sheldon is more surprised that all these adults havent seen these questions before and are still solving them pretty fast.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Engineer student in third year, the only question I got wrong was the eclipse one

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Was that last question actually hard? Because I just used logic like the kid and got it just as fast. I might have failed on the earlier geography questions as I definitely don’t know the order of the continents or oceans in size but that final question was easy to me.


I know right? The last one is like the easiest. Sheldon must have misunderstood the question cos the shape on his board looked like a rectangle with 4 straight sides.


Once my mother finds this video I’m done for. I swear I never learnt these in 5th grade. (Probably because my teacher never taught us shit. I’m in Canada and honestly, the grade I’m in now after many years, this year’s math teacher is actually teaching us.)


this child is smarter than 99.9% of the american voting population


I would get the last question right if he said “perimeter” instead of just “longer”


I think maybe something got lost in translation, or the kid misunderstood the question, but the host didn't want to make things awkward. Should have just been very clear from the start. I solved it as the actual length of the rectangle versus the diameter of the circle, in which case it is 5pi-10, which is close to 5.7

我想可能是翻译出了问题,或者孩子误解了问题,但主持人不想让事情变得尴尬。从一开始就应该说得很清楚。我把它解成了矩形的实际长度与圆的直径,这样的话答案是 5π-10,差不多是5.7。

Can someone clarify the moon question? Depending on the location, if your within the partial eclipse event, you should still see the moon. That's what makes it partial.


Those weren't the only inaccuracies, ironically.
The answer to which phenomenon the moon wouldn't appear in is obviously option A- the Solar eclipse.

月亮不会出现的现象的答案显然是 A——日全食。

Bruh the last question is also misleading - it should have specified that long refers to the perimeter of the shapes not the shape itself. I thought the question was asking if how much longer in length is the longer side of the rectangle longer than the perimeter of the circle. I got a similar logic as the kid and would have gotten that right if the question was clarified


The quality of education in China and most of Asia can not be compared to education in the West (I'm from Australia)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

any explanation on eclipse question? didn't get it though, if based on visibility, isn't solar eclipse closest answer to total solar eclipse, where you can't literally see the moon, whereas you still able to see the moon (darkened or reddish hue) under total lunar eclipse.


Omg he’s so smart if I was there I would look so dumb if I was there he’s so so so smart!


Thank you, CantoMando, for the fascinating experiment. Among many other things, it underscores the cultural differences between Chinese and Western thinking. With due respect to Sheldon, the Chinese system is superior, despite each having its pros and cons.


The Western approach resembles the English language, where letters represent sounds, while the Chinese method uses characters that convey meaning directly. In English, you write one letter/aphabet at a time and then mentally process the word's meaning after completing writing it. In contrast, Chinese characters (pictograms or idograms) act as pictures that immediately represent their meanings directly. In short, Chinese is more efficient, smarter and speedier.


This contrast is evident in how each approach problem-solving. Sheldon follows an apparently systematic workflow to solve problems, while xianxian seems to grasp the answer instantly through a quicker, more fluid yet comprehensive mental process. This analogy extends to Western chess and Chinese weiqi: in Western chess, players advance step by step toward checkmate, whereas in weiqi, players simultaneously consider the overall strategy and individual moves, viewing victory as a holistic outcome. Today, in 2025, the Chinese have a significant advantage due to a more complete and holistic system that incorporates/integrates both methodologies, such as through embedding hanyu pinyin within Chinese characters.

这种对比在两人解决问题的方法上表现得很明显。谢尔顿遵循一种看似系统的工作流程来解决问题,而xianxian似乎通过一种更快、更流畅但更全面的心理过程立即掌握了答案。这种类比延伸到西方象棋和中国围棋:在西方象棋中,棋手一步步前进以将死对手,而在围棋中,棋手同时考虑整体战略和个人动作,将胜利视为一个整体结果。今天,在 2025 年,中国人拥有显著的优势,因为他们拥有一个更完整、更全面的系统,该系统融合/整合了这两种方法,例如通过在汉字中嵌入汉语拼音。

Need the kid on the Chinese math app vs college math students


i love how theres a picture of chairman Mao in the background lmfao


So much pressure sitting next to a smart 5th grader, I mean he tried his best. The kid is so cute and polite. I’m glad I wasn’t in the school system in china for too long, those questions are so hard, I personally get compliments for being the smart one mostly in Math. But here I feel like I’m fine, bye bye


A rectangle can have different dimensions than a square and still have the same perimeter.
i.e. a 1.5 unit square has the same perimeter than a 2x1 rectangle yet in this case the square would still have a larger area.


Solving a problem in a simpler way is definitely smarter.


Tbh, non of these problem are hard, I as a 8th grade solved all those problems pretty quickly. I could’ve definitely done all of them pretty quick as well when I was in 5~6 grade. Granted I’m a Chinese student in America, non of the problem were that difficult.


took me way too long to realise that the last question was talking about the length of the perimeters of both shapes, and not just the length of both shapes


Asian kids use their brains in everything, particularly logical thinking. Unlike in the US, parents tend to let their kids do what interests them, very little interference, and kids at that age mostly prefer physical activity, so their body develops better compared to Asian kids. But the reality is, it doesn't matter whether you are Asian or American, it's the environment that changes your way of living, both mentally and physically!



This kid is smart, and you might try to highlight the “smart asian kid” image. But I actually don’t think it’s 100% fair to use these type questions because the kid obviously has learned them before, he knows the formula and logic behind already. (like 鸡兔同笼,圆的面积推导)I think next time better use other type questions and solvable with what he’s learned.
这个孩子很聪明,你可以试着突出“聪明的亚洲孩子”的形象。但实际上我认为使用这些类型的问题并不 100% 公平,因为这个孩子显然以前学过,他已经知道背后的公式和逻辑。(例如鸡兔同笼,圆的面积推导)我认为下次最好使用其他类型的问题,并用他学到的知识来解决。

I teach in high school in China. This kid is not representative of most of my students. I have 20 grade 10 students who could not do much of this. Heck some of my year 12 would struggle. The student demographics here and US are very similar.


There is no freaking way an american 5th grade kid would be able to answer any of these.


Getting an engineering degree doesn’t make you an engineer. Sheldon just ‘studied’ engineering


That's rude! I think he did great by solving the problems the way University's math taught us. It shows that he is influenced by what he learnt from Uni.


Does the sponsor basically allow me to watch any anime in English sub even if I had no intention of learning a selling point you missed


The kid must have been going to new orientatal or think academy on weekends. He s so used to testing.


technically they're both wrong on the eclipse, the moon is fully in shadow during TOTAL lunar eclipse, and not partial eclipse


With the size of the population of China and this is just a simple and small example of our educational system how is America going to compete?


Idk if it's relevant to sth or the boy is just a serious guy but it strange to see a 5th grader to not bother to smile a real one in almost vidWhen i was a 5th grader then i would just laugh in this whole challenge bc i bet i cant even answer more than 3

我不知道这是否与某事有关,或者这个男孩只是一个严肃的人,但看到一个五年级的学生在几乎所有的视频中都懒得笑,这很奇怪当我还是五年级学生的时候,我会在整个挑战中大笑,因为我打赌我甚至答不出超过 3 个

Actually, the engineer was the one who memorised formulas while the child had the logic.


Indian students in 5th grade can do this but the ratio of who can in 5th grade is much less than china likely


Just search by something like highest iq by country and you will always see a bunch of each Asian countries at the top.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is the same reasoning behind why Elon says that you won't find the best Engineers in the U.S. Yes he does want lower wages, but students in Asia do produce better thinkers because they focus heavily on word and logic focused questions in tests while we use mainly do equations that requires formulas. It's basically the difference between practical use and impractical use, you can recite the definitions and formulas but you aren't going to be able to innovate and think of new problems and solve things nearly as well.

这也是为什么 Elon 说你在美国找不到最好的工程师的原因。是的,他确实想要更低的工资,但亚洲的学生确实能培养出更好的思考者,因为他们在考试中非常注重文字和逻辑问题,而我们主要做需要公式的方程式。这基本上就是实际使用和不实际使用之间的区别,你可以背诵定义和公式,但你将无法创新、思考新问题并解决问题。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I went through New York City public education and we learned the reasoning behind math, not memorizing formulas


He is a smart boy, you guys speaking English and he is understanding everything you say, 5th grade level smart than you


Amazing episode! I knew the 5th grader would win because students in China are brilliant! But Sheldon's still way smarter than most North Americans. Where in China is xian xian from? Where did you find him? Does schooling in China vary from place to place? Is it different from Northern to Central to Southern China, or is it more like from rural to urban areas?


i dont think it is a good test , because their brain are processing with different language , the last question is too obvious , you probably will misunderstand the question if you are using english , but Chinese won't at the same question , or reverse


They are both Asian so there is no point in comparing. Why don't you compare an African, American or European engineer with the kid?


Would not say that Chinese kids in China are a different breed lol, just based on my personal experience... This feeds itno harmful stereotypes too.


The math wasn't that hard for 5th grader. I am not impressed. The kids obviously did a lot of math practice, nothing less and nothing more. There is nothing smart about doing a lot of practice and do well in the test. When I see the kids and I see myself 30 years ago. I hope I spent more time playing sports back then.

对于五年级学生来说,数学并不难。我并不觉得难。孩子们显然做了很多数学练习,不多不少。做大量练习并在考试中取得好成绩并不是什么聪明的做法。当我看到这些孩子时,我看到了 30 年前的自己。我希望那时我能花更多时间参加体育运动。

很赞 11