2025-03-03 碧波荡漾恒河水 9374

Chinese robotics company Unitree has shared a video featuring its humanoid robot doing kung fu moves. The bot’s balance capabilities and range of movement have been upgraded, the firm said.

中国机器人公司 Unitree 分享了一段视频,展示其人形机器人做出功夫的动作。该公司表示,机器人的平衡能力和运动范围已得到升级。

Humanoid robots are made to resemble and act like humans, imitating facial expressions, movements, and speech.


The video teaser published by the Hangzhou-based company earlier this week shows the human-like robot walking down the street while performing various martial arts strikes and kicking techniques. Unitree stated that the latest algorithm upgrade allows its G1 humanoid robot to “learn and perform virtually any movement.”

本周早些时候,这家位于杭州的公司发布的视频预告显示,这款类人机器人在街上行走,同时进行各种武术攻击和踢击技巧。Unitree 表示,最新的算法升级使其 G1 类人机器人能够“学习和执行几乎任何动作。”

As per the company’s website, the $16,000 G1 humanoid robot, which debuted in August 2023, features powered joints on its arms, legs, and torso that allow 23 degrees of freedom.

根据公司网站,售价 16,000 美元的 G1 人形机器人于 2023 年 8 月首次亮相,具有动力关节,能够在其手臂、腿部和躯干上实现 23 个自由度。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Earlier this month, Unitree unveiled video footage of its humanoid G1 and H1 androids showing off new moves. G1, a more affordable version of the robot, was shown running, navigating uneven terrain, and walking in a more natural way. The taller H1 model performed a preset routine alongside human dancers at the Spring Festival Gala event marking the Chinese New Year.

本月早些时候,Unitree 发布了其人形机器人 G1 和 H1 的新动作视频。G1 是该机器人的更实惠版本,展示了其奔跑、在不平坦地形上行走以及以更自然的方式行走的能力。更高的 H1 型号在春节联欢晚会上与人类舞者一起表演了预设的节目,庆祝中国新年。

A number of companies – including Japan’s Honda, Hyundai Motor’s Boston Dynamics, and Agility Robotics – have been betting on humanoid robots to meet potential labor shortages in certain industries by performing repetitive tasks that may be seen as dangerous or tedious. Tesla, Meta, and OpenAI have recently joined the trend.

一些公司——包括日本的本田、现代汽车的波士顿动力和 Agility Robotics——正在押注人形机器人,以应对某些行业可能出现的劳动力短缺,通过执行可能被视为危险或乏味的重复任务。特斯拉、Meta 和 OpenAI 最近也加入了这一趋势。

Earlier this month, Bloomberg cited sources as stating that Meta Platforms is planning to invest into futuristic robots that can act like humans and assist with physical tasks. The company is reportedly forming a new team within its Reality Labs hardware division to conduct the work.

本月早些时候,彭博社援引消息来源称,Meta Platforms 计划投资于能够像人类一样行动并协助完成体力任务的未来机器人。据报道该公司正在其 Reality Labs 硬件部门组建一个新团队来进行这项工作。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Last December, media reports emerged that OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is seeking to develop its own android. Last year, electric-vehicle producer Tesla announced plans to introduce humanoid robots for internal purposes starting in 2025, with plans for broader production by the following year.

去年十二月,媒体报道出现,OpenAI,即 ChatGPT 的创造者,正在寻求开发自己的人形机器人。去年,电动车制造商特斯拉宣布计划从 2025 年开始推出用于内部目的的人形机器人,并计划在接下来的年份进行更广泛的生产。

Valued at $1.8 billion in 2023, the global humanoid robot market is projected to soar to more than $13 billion over the next five years, according to research firm MarketsandMarkets.

根据市场研究公司 MarketsandMarkets 的数据,2023 年全球类人机器人市场估值为 18 亿美元,预计在未来五年内将飙升至超过 130 亿美元。

Twinky Toze
That video looks like CGI to me. I would have to see the thing with my own eyes.


Mike Porro
Most of the vids like this are CGI or AI generated BS.

大多数这样的影片都是 CGI 或 AI 生成的扯淡玩意。

Honestly I don’t know why they shoot it this way, the other unitree robot, the dog, no one says that’s CGI because of how it was shot, these ones look very CGI, although logically I think they are not, notice the slight lost of balance at the end of the kick, also the hanging name tag.

老实说,我不知道他们为什么这样拍摄,另一款 unitree 机器人,狗,没有人说那是 CGI,因为拍摄方式的原因,这些看起来非常像 CGI,尽管从逻辑上讲我认为它们不是,注意踢腿结束时的轻微失去平衡,还有悬挂的名牌。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Rushlau
Right and right.


Christopher Rushlau
The shadows look very convincing. In general, I’m convinced it’s an actual recording of the robot’s agility.


I agree, I was going to post the same thing, something about it looked fake.


Pravda 2000
Sometimes it’s hard to accept the truth. Maybe you should take a trip and go see for yourself, nobody is stopping you. There is a reason why China builds Universities and not drug Dispensaries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This article confirms everything stated in another separate article entitled: China’s Tech Supremacy: How Beijing Outpaced Washington In Innovation. The article details 8 tech areas that China excels in. The 5th area in the article is robotics, check the article quote below:

本文确认了另一篇名为《中国的科技霸权:北京如何在创新上超越华盛顿》的独立文章中所述的一切。该文章详细介绍了中国在 8 个技术领域的卓越表现。文章中的第 5 个领域是机器人,以下内容引用自该文章:

“ 5. Robotics: China’s Mass Production Strategy Pays Off

5. 机器人技术:中国的批量生产战略取得成效

US firms like Boston Dynamics produce impressive robots, but they come at an extreme cost and are mostly military-oriented. China, however, focuses on affordable, mass-produced robots, such as Unitree Go2 quadrupeds and G1 humanoid robots. These designs have practical real-world applications in logistics, healthcare, and industry, giving China a massive commercial edge.”

美国公司如波士顿动力生产令人印象深刻的机器人,但它们的成本极高,且大多面向军事。然而,中国则专注于经济实惠的大规模生产机器人,如 Unitree Go2 四足机器人和 G1 人形机器人。这些设计在物流、医疗和工业等领域具有实际的应用,赋予中国巨大的商业优势。

Of course China races ahead of the 200 year old warmonger USA their awesome cities, high speed trains mighty bridges clean cities, way ahead in space all tech and hundreds of millions supersmart. Such facts cause most Yanks to attack demean China, they know they are being overtaken in everyway, its wars bases vast inequality for MIC Bank Corporat ran USA, mass homeless mass crime crumbling infrastructure drug infested gang infested and they «CALL» it $Democracy

当然,中国在 200 年历史的好战者美国面前遥遥领先,他们拥有令人惊叹的城市、高速列车、雄伟的桥梁、干净的城市,在太空技术和数亿超智能方面远远领先。这些事实使大多数美国人攻击和贬低中国,他们知道自己在各个方面都被超越,战争、基地、巨大的不平等为军事工业复合体银行公司经营的美国,普遍无家可归、犯罪猖獗、基础设施崩溃、毒品泛滥、帮派横行,而他们却称之为$民主。

Julia Bash
Suspicious that no robot video is posted of an actual human attacker trying to overtake the robot? I still believe human will prevail, this is not a chess match.


Bob Droidsky
A good human chess player will prevail in a chess match as AI can only recognize the patterns and predict future moves— it can’t account for human unpredictability, such as the sacrifices they are willing to make, or diversion tactics.


Chef Sate
It even wears an employee Id lanyard.


Looks like trump and musk trying to dance… show of horror.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China, is slick. China doesn’t look for validation from the west, it simply makes a plan in an industry, in this case robotics. Then enacts the plan swiftly without the malaise of a multi party political system. They know that most of the wests consumers are intellectually lazy, unless it’s a life threatening issue and then they’ll do serious research. Most people can’t tell you the name of a Chinese motor vehicle or manufacturer, yet they have more electric cars on their roads than the US and EU combined along with leading the global market. It’s not even close. Same with robotics, China understands that you can capture a particular global industrial market without western validation.


The thick greedy humans slave away creating their replacements.!!!!!!!°

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

-“Yes, we know you’re a robot; but you still have to wear your name tag!”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Carla Muss-Jacobs
Good. Now no one has to watch Andrew Tate.


Will it compete in LGBT sports?

它会参加 LGBT 比赛吗?

Bob Droidsky
Kick it in the shin, and it’s game over. But yeah, things will get really interesting 10 years from now.

踢它的胫骨,游戏就结束了。不过,是的,10 年后情况会变得非常有趣。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Will it cut jobs and steal money like the muskrat robot?


Tommy Prince
Wow! Just wait until an AI gets control of the plant that produces them.


Packard Day
American roofers, service providers, fast food employees, and farm workers, take note.


heru el
» Decided our fate in a micro-second….TERMINATION!» the late, great Kyle Reese

» 在微秒内决定了我们的命运….终结!» 已故伟大的凯尔·里斯

IThought IToldYou
That thing is not even close to a terminator .


You can see real terminators in action in Gaza. Getting a visa may be a challenge.


IThought IToldYou
Hilarious ! as long as it does not come in contact with anything it can stay upright and it did on one occasion stay standing which is what you are watching here. That thing could not ever stay upright if it was in an actual fight with a human it would easily be defeated by any common person . I guarantee Putin could whip that things butt .


Let’s see it go up against a speed hitting black belt. Or Jackie Chan.


Andre Gilyard
Yeah, yeah – when are the Gundams coming?

是的,是的 – 高达什么时候来?

The stuff of nightmares


Cleo Pisano
nothing’s beats nuclear ask residences of Nagasaki Hiroshima!


R Wiltfong
America is not concerned as long as we have Chuck Norris on our side.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex A
One push of paint spray and it turns to pile of junk.


It is also true for humans…


T. Agee Kaye
Full speed or sped up? No human or animal to provide a time stamp.


Can they be trained to mow the lawns, do the laundry and clean the mansions of Hollywood celebs once their illegal labor pool dries up?


Mountain Stream
Looks like CGI to me.

看起来像是 CGI。

Silvio Pires
If this is true, and if it’s not it will be only a matter of time, make ZILLIONS of them so they can meet US soldiers in Taiwan and say Ni Hao!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I Vote
Yes. The kung-fu robot is the most useful robot to develop. We don’t have any other needs for robots.


Is no surprise that AI is going to take over with idiotic projects like this.


If you can do Kung Fu, you can probably handle other, less tedious, use cases. Replace the king fu training set with another one. Over time, the pieces will integrate under a general AI capable of sensing society and managing it in real time. Throw a brain interface in the mix and you are part of the Borg.


The big war between US and China serve as a catalyst to rush the development of autonomous drone swarms.


Welcome to the future.


and genetic modification to create supersoldiers, because as one Seppo said ‘Well, Chiynah MUST be doing it, so WE have to or WE will fall behind’ from the same players who brought you the depopulation bioweapon and claimed «Chiynah did it».


Ben Graham
Musks brain interface, being developed with the CIA, welcome to 1984

马斯克正在与中央情报局合作开发大脑接口,欢迎来到 1984

Bill McCannel
If it wasn’t for the money Elon Musk gets from the CIA he would be a popper


I think the future is looking increasingly sparse of humans myself. Our existence given it is essentially a slave state is going to become a less and less critical factor. I think the idea is to whittle us down to a tech class to fix and maintain the machines and an elite class to enjoy the fruits of humanity’s labours…long after humanity is needed to labour anymore.


This one can wash the dishes and beat you down for making them dirty, then tip you upside down and insert the dishes in your bottom.


That’s so damn fake!


gary larson
How is it fake?


gary larson
New sci-Fi movie idea...there used to be a comic book called«Magnus Robot Fighter». It was about robots who rule in «North Am» (North America). Magnus is the hero who is fighting against the robot tyranny. It was a quite good and I’m surprised no Hollywood movie has been made from it yet.

新的科幻电影创意……曾经有一本名为《Magnus Robot Fighter》的漫画。它讲述了在《North Am》(北美)统治的机器人。Magnus 是与机器人暴政作斗争的英雄。这是一个相当不错的故事,我很惊讶到现在还没有从它改编的好莱坞电影。

Mr Taured
People softly reveal their true anttentions. The robot can fight. That should open your eyes. Wake up.


Allan Quatermain
Schematics could help show us where to target one should it get out of hand.


Tom B
It’s not an armored chassis. You could unload some rounds into its torso and head. The damage would end it. Also, it’s somewhat smaller than the average Westerner, so a baseball bat would probably stop it.


Simon Filimon
The way the badge moves around its neck and the shadows underneath its feet, shows its real.


Cui Bono
We are almost ready to be your masters.


And slave humans create their master replacements.


They have long way to go to even come close to us. Living organisms use many different fuels for energy, most efficient is fat 9kcal/g=10.5kWh/kg and we can highly function on 2000kcal/day=2.3kWh/day. If these robots weight <75kg, can self-heal, self-cool, self-heat, can do parkour and function whole day on 0.2kg of fuel, then we should start getting worried. Not in another 200 years, the threat to humanity will come from bio-machines, not from electrical machines.

它们还有很长的路要走才能接近我们。生物体使用多种不同的燃料来获取能量,最有效的是脂肪 9kcal/g=10.5kWh/kg,我们可以在每天 2000kcal=2.3kWh/day 的基础上高效运作。如果这些机器人重量<75kg,能够自我修复、自我冷却、自我加热,能够进行跑酷,并且可以在 0.2kg 燃料的基础上全天运作,那么我们就应该开始担心了。不是在另外 200 年内,对人类的威胁将来自生物机器,而不是电气机器。



If Biden was still president, he would introduce LGBT robots as a priority

如果拜登仍然是总统,他会将 LGBT 机器人作为优先事项

China invests in improving life while America inverts in LGBT.

中国投资于改善生活,而美国则投资于 LGBT。

Australia invested in Alan Joyce and AIDS


Ben Graham
Aus just do what the tiny hats in the US tell them to. The Aus Gov are traitors that put the US and Israeli interests over their own people .


Le bon Sense
China is making huge steps in leading innovation.


Due to their high level of education, smart people and a quite wise government.


What is the point of this? Why must the wellbeing of humanity be compromised for the intellectual curiosity of a couple of scientists? These new inventions do nothing to benefit the human race.


Guk Dixk
They do benefit the human race. When China moves towards advanced socialism then these robots will be crucial in establishing a new society.


Ben Graham
Surgical robots I’d say have / will


Religious prophecies of judgement day show that humans were concerned about the inevitability of putting progress to work already some 4000 years ago. Even if a technology almost surely ends the world as we knew it, and may plausibly want to rid itself of us in the process, our species is not equipped to selflessly pursue common interests. Robots are to come and during a transitional period of 20 years they may still need us. After that, our best hope is they’ll love to keep some of us as pets, or create human reservations for us.

宗教预言的审判日显示,人类早在 4000 年前就已经关注到将进步付诸实践的不可避免性。即使一种技术几乎肯定会结束我们所熟知的世界,并且可能在这个过程中想要摆脱我们,但我们这个物种并没有能力无私地追求共同利益。机器人将会到来,在为期 20 年的过渡期内,它们可能仍然需要我们。之后,我们最好的希望是它们会喜欢把我们中的一些人当作宠物,或者为我们创造人类保护区。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

jung young
Armies of robots controlled by AI. That have no fear no pity no remorse. God help us all.


This is why the US is losing in robotics too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And exactly what job could this toaster do? Sure would not hire it as personal security guard. It would have it’s ass kicked.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robert Hayes
This is CGI nonsense. THis isn’t the first time RT has posted make believe and presented as real. One time they posted first player video game and said was soldiers in Ukraine ha ha ha ha ha

这是 CGI 的扯淡。这不是 RT 第一次发布虚构内容并将其呈现为真实。一次他们发布了第一人称视频游戏,并说是乌克兰的士兵,哈哈哈哈哈。

Jebo vam pas mater
It is RT in English, intended for western audience, it is normal to use CGI. Western MSM are using it for decades, and people believe. BTW robot is a real thing, it is easy to google it a see for yourself.

它是英文版 RT,面向西方观众,使用 CGI 是正常的。西方主流媒体已经使用它几十年了,人们对此深信不疑。顺便说一下,机器人是真实存在的,您可以轻松地在谷歌上搜索一下,亲自看看。

Clearly well ahead of the competition


Waryaa Moxamad
In 100 years, you will have 100+ million strong, embedded with quantum AI chips & powered by miniature nuclear reactors.. Each sending out a reconaissance drone that returns tp its shoulder for recharge Restless army hunting you 24⁄7, and they will be built by other robots…..sterilizing the planet of humans for their creators.

在 100 年内,你将拥有超过 1 亿台强大的机器人,嵌入量子人工智能芯片,并由微型核反应堆供电……每个机器人都会发射一架侦察无人机,返回到它的肩膀上充电。不眠不休的军队无时无刻不在追捕你,它们将由其他机器人制造……为它们的创造者消灭地球上的人类。

很赞 8