中国人还关心学英语吗?| 街头采访
2025-03-10 jessca 4572
中国人还关心学英语吗?| 街头采访


I really like the guy who doesn't speak english. He speaks with his face universally.


You speak English because it's the only language you know.
I speak English because it's the only language you know.


Those questions in English are hard. I was prepared for, "What is your favorite Chinese dish."


The problem is that English education in China is too focused on reading and writing, but speaking is more useful in daily interactions.


Interest in learning English in China has seen a noticeable decline in recent years. While English was once a major focus, especially during events like the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where efforts were made to teach English to public-facing workers, the enthusiasm has waned. Today, English is no longer a top priority for many students or professionals in China.
However, motivation to learn English still exists among certain groups, such as high school and college students, often driven by academic or career aspirations. Factors like globalization and the importance of English in international business and education continue to play a role, but the overall emphasis has shifted.


In the past, China placed a greater emphasis on English than it does now. Back then, passing English exams was required for both the college entrance examination and promotions for professional titles. However, this system has now been abolished, and most students are no longer as motivated to learn English, studying it mainly out of personal interest. In fact, modern tools have made reading and traveling abroad no longer a challenge. This passage was translated using AI, but I’m not sure how accurate it is.


"I'm sorry. I don't speak English." At least his English is still better than most Americans' Mandarin. Lol
I love how the Boston girl speaks with a valley girl accent. And she's not even from the West Coast. Lol
The only Chinese who will need to speak English fluently are the ones who deal with international clients or travel overseas as part of their job. Other than that, they'll only need to know Mandarin or their regional dialect to get by. And if China's "100-year marathon" is successful, Westerners will be the ones incentivized to learn Mandarin.
I wouldn't say interest in learning English worldwide is waning. Statistically, Mandarin has the most speakers, but English still has the most global influence.
The thing with relying on translation software and AI is that it acts as a crutch. Having to use a device to speak to someone removes the organic nature and nuance of a conversation. It's like the difference between having to use a calculator and knowing how to do napkin math.


Okay, the girl with sunglasses who said she was a 10 is definitely a 10. If she is a mainland Chinese citizen, she sure as hell speaks with a good American English accent (but it makes sense if she works in Boston most of the time).


Chinese, Korean, Japanese are said to be the poorest English speakers in Asia but their economy has been developed more than good English speakers like Filipinos, Thai. Indonesian. So English skill has nothing to do with economic development.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

because they have same toxic working culture, depreciate their currencies for working opportunities, that's why


You dont know the people in other poor countries work longer and harder than these three countries. and Exchange rate of each currency is decided by markets not by countries. thus these countries have been suffering from increasing prices from overseas.


The difference between being colonized and remaining underdeveloped under artificial debt (SEA countries) for a century and being autonomous and in charge of one's country, being capable of dirigisme economy (China, Japan) is the key factor there. SEA countries were pried upon by western private companies, which divided among themselves the cake. China and Japan managed to create a state-business chain that allocated resources to generate new industries for the locals and in the country's interests. This step is the difference between underdevelopment and success. Even Singapore's economy was planned at the start. Same with TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in Korea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Learning a foreign language is related to your work, life, and hobbies, so it depends on your personal needs! If your work or life requires you to communicate with people from a certain country frequently, then learning the language of that country is definitely necessary! There are 8 billion people in the world, about 1.4 billion people can speak English, and more than 6 billion people cannot speak English or are not proficient in English!


If you leaning English just to pass the test, it will be extremely hard but if it is for watching movies or reading books or comics, it will be fun and you can stick with it for a long time.


As someone who speaks English and Chinese, both as a non-native speaker, I find it quite sad to see someone invalidate the learning of either of these languages because they no longer deem it relevant, or as someone in the video mentioned, because they're already strong and international (that statement itself just proves the opposite). Certainly politics play a huge part these days, but remember that the world is not just China and US


after spending years on learning english and french, i feel french is a more elegant language but much more difficult. knowing english allows us to communicate with more and varied people in the world, you can also access to the most advanced knowledge.


Speaking as a Chinese Canadian: Thinking your country is strong and not learning other languages because of that fact is a dangerous path, its how many Americans and people in the west think. To remain strong as a people and a country, you must always respect the people around you and their cultures. If you remain complaisant and think of yourself as all powerful, you will eventually fall behind. That is how China experienced the Century of Humiliation, their ego became too inflated. Learn English and about the world, knowledge is power!


The girl who rated 8.5 for herself is definitely better overall in terms of her articulation in responding the question cause she spoke with substance in which definitely draws more attention from people who’s interested in the things she speaks; whereas the one who rated herself 10 could comprehend in American accent however imo she communicates just like a high schooler responding a question who doesn’t give any effort to converse with someone asking a question. She just took things causally, like an average American you can find on the street.


I stopped watching when the interviewer asked "how do you feel about the Chinese economy" like that sounds super tough to answer even if you answer it in Chinese unless you're an economist expert, you probably could give a generic answer like "oh I think it's good/bad"

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand, laos, Cambodia etc etc majority of business owners are Chinese. Here in Malaysia 80% of business owners are Chinese Malaysian & 99% of private BIG BUSINESS are Chinese owned. Actually you are being PAID MOREEEE if you know how to speak Chinese. But knowing English is very general & can be accepted in various jobs.


I definitely agree with the idea at 09:59 that more Chinese should focus on learning other Chinese languages/dialects. Also, love that Esperanto was mentioned~ It'd be so neat if some kind of created international language would finally catch on.


It is important for the world as a whole that people outside China understand this wast country and its many cultures. English can be this bridge (a tool for the Chinese) for outsiders to grow a greater interest and curiosity for this great place and even grow a deep love for it. I live in Europe, Denmark with less than 6 million people.


When I visited Chinain 2007, it was the run up to the Beijing Olympics. Everyone was learning some English & people wanted to practise a little. Hotels all had people who spoke some English. But there were not many Chinese people in the main hotels, but lots of overseas tourists. When I visited again in 2018 (before COVID), there were mainly Chinese holiday makers, because many more people could afford holidays—a good thing. But hotels could barely be bothered with English any more. Few staff spoke still it much; they used phone translation apps if strictly necessary, but they preferred if you didn’t bother them.
What the hotels had mastered was English & American prices. If you wanted a beer for less than USD 5.00, you had to go to a less touristy part of town where you could find more usual local prices. But you needed some Chinese. I had some restaurant Cantonese which got me by (though some people did want to ‘correct’ my pronunciation).


These Asian boss people are so weird. Why are they asking Chinese people to talk about economy all the time? Seems fishy as f. Specially people who already said their English aren't that great. Lately, after this one guy became the owner of the channel. This channel went downhill and it seems very politic based.

这些Asian boss的主持人真奇怪,为什么他们总是让中国人谈论经济?这看起来非常可疑。特别是对那些已经说过自己英语不太好的人来说。最近,自从这个人成为频道所有者后,这个频道就每况愈下,它似乎变得非常政治化。

Chinese people in China like to learn languages other than English such as Japanese, Korean and Latin Spanish and the reason is for working and some Chinese girls learn Japanese and go to Japan to work... in other regions non Chinese they like to learn English and kids can speak English because they think no point of learning other languages and even Hong Kong people think like that and the majority of Hong Kong people already speak English


I just returned from 2 months travel in China. My experience was generally the English level is quite low, even in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. At 4:11, when the guy says China is a very international country, I am not sure exactly what he means. Foreigners are stared at quite a lot, and most infrastructure is set up for Chinese citizens and speakers. I agree with the points about opening up for tourism. Currently China still has a long way to go to make travel for international tourists more accessible. Great video as always!


I like the idea of an invented logical universal language instead of adopting another country's language, like English. It puts everyone at an equal footing instead of rewarding conquerers, and be at the mercy of the past, or be molded by what hapenned hundreds of years ago. We'd be taking a proactive step to manage our future as global citizens.
In the meantime i don't think mandarin is going to replace English as the language of business though. English is way easier and faster to learn. Chinese languages take years to just have basic conversations. Just by way of least resistance, English will probably stay relevant for a long time still...


English is not only about being able to communicate with English speaking ppl but being able to talk to ppl from other cultures as well. English is a world language now, and very easy to grasp within a few weeks.


I moved to my wife´s country so of course I had to learn Chinese, I mean I can´t run around using an translation app is so unpersonal. Like for me I speak 3.5 languages but I still think that English is maybe the most important one of the ones I know. Since there is so many people around the world speak it which makes it a very good language to know, like when I first started learning Chinese in my class we had people from: Japan, Germany, Holland, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and Pakistan so even tho everyone has their own native language we still spoke in English with each other, since everyone in the class knows English so makes it really easy to know them and get new friends, that is why I think English is still very important to learn, then you can start to learn other languages as well or on the side.


I'm American and only know a total of two languages but I'd like to learn Mandarin. You don't need to know Mandarin to share ideas with most of the world but we're forced to be geopolitical enemies just because we were born in these countries. The more cultural exchange that can happen, the better.


When asked to test his English the guy clutched at the word test. That is an indicator of how emotionally important it is for a Chinese person to excel at everything as a personal self expectation. Any American would respond " why should I learn that?" It is a function of different cultures and values.


Indeed, English doesn't seem to be at the forefront of learning but when it comes Financial sector it's highly beneficial to have especially when dealing with trade and new acquisitions on raising capital. So it is the easiest way to communicate.


Of course we do, because English is the international language. But we are Chinese, not English or American, so Chinese is the most important to us, and I believe the Chinese language should always be the main language in our country.


This is a good trend. Why are we wasting our money and time to learn the language of the colonizer and later be colonized again. Chinese who learned how to speak english well are more likely to move overseas to primarily western countries. Language is the first barrier for cultural and mental colonization. For the business people, translation apps and ai can do the job for them. Chinese are already busy with their lives, I rather see them invest more time in leisure or develop more of their culture and tech moving forward rather than wasting their time and money on something that AI can do for them for free.


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